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| ==Basics== | | <div class="stub"><p>'''The prototype docs have moved to a new website with an improved format.''' This documentation page can now be found here: [https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/prototypes/EntityWithHealthPrototype.html https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/prototypes/EntityWithHealthPrototype.html] |
| The common properties of all entities with health in the game. | |
| Extends the [[Prototype/Entity]]
| |
| |
| == Extensions ==
| | </p><p>This wiki page is no longer updated and '''will be removed at some point in the future''', so please update your browser bookmarks or other links that sent you here. If you'd like to contribute to the new docs, you can leave your feedback [https://forums.factorio.com/viewforum.php?f=233 on the forums].</p></div> |
| <div class="factorio-list"> | |
| * [[Prototype/Accumulator]] '''accumulator'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/ArtilleryTurret]] '''artillery-turret'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Beacon]] '''beacon'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Boiler]] '''boiler'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Character]] '''player'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Combinator]] <abstract>
| |
| ** [[Prototype/ArithmeticCombinator]] '''arithmetic-combinator'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/DeciderCombinator]] '''decider-combinator'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/ConstantCombinator]] '''constant-combinator'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Container]] '''container'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/LegacySmartContainer]] '''smart-container''' (unused in the base-game, but exists for migration)
| |
| ** [[Prototype/LogisticContainer]] '''logistic-container'''
| |
| *** [[Prototype/InfinityContainer]] '''infinity-container'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/CraftingMachine]] <abstract>
| |
| ** [[Prototype/AssemblingMachine]] '''assembling-machine'''
| |
| *** [[Prototype/RocketSilo]] '''rocket-silo'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/Furnace]] '''furnace'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/ElectricEnergyInterface]] '''electric-energy-interface'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/ElectricPole]] '''electric-pole'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/EnemySpawner]] '''unit-spawner'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Fish]] '''fish'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/FlyingRobot]] <abstract>
| |
| ** [[Prototype/CombatRobot]] '''combat-robot'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/RobotWithLogisticInterface]] <abstract>
| |
| *** [[Prototype/ConstructionRobot]] '''construction-robot'''
| |
| *** [[Prototype/LogisticRobot]] '''logistic-robot'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Gate]] '''gate'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Generator]] '''generator'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/HeatPipe]] '''heat-pipe'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Inserter]] '''inserter'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Lab]] '''lab'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Lamp]] '''lamp'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/LandMine]] '''land-mine'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/LegacyRocketDefense]] '''rocket-defense''' (unused in the base-game, but exists for migration)
| |
| * [[Prototype/Market]] '''market'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/MiningDrill]] '''mining-drill'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/OffshorePump]] '''offshore-pump'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Pipe]] '''pipe'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/PipeToGround]] '''pipe-to-ground'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/PlayerPort]] '''player-port'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/PowerSwitch]] '''power-switch'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/ProgrammableSpeaker]] '''programmable-speaker'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Pump]] '''pump'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Radar]] '''radar'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Rail]] <abstract>
| |
| ** [[Prototype/CurvedRail]] '''curved-rail'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/StraightRail]] '''straight-rail'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/RailSignalBase]] <abstract>
| |
| ** [[Prototype/RailChainSignal]] '''rail-chain-signal'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/RailSignal]] '''rail-signal'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Reactor]] '''reactor'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Roboport]] '''roboport'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/SimpleEntity]] '''simple-entity'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/SimpleEntityWithOwner]] '''simple-entity-with-owner'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/SimpleEntityWtihForce]] '''simple-entity-with-force'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/SolarPanel]] '''solar-panel'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/StorageTank]] '''storage-tank'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/TrainStop]] '''train-stop'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/TransportBeltConnectable]] <abstract>
| |
| ** [[Prototype/Loader]] '''loader'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/Splitter]] '''splitter'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/TransportBelt]] '''transport-belt'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/UndergroundBelt]] '''underground-belt'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Tree]] '''tree'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Turret]] '''turret'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/AmmoTurret]] '''ammo-turret'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/ElectricTurret]] '''electric-turret'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/FluidTurret]] '''fluid-turret'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Unit]] '''unit'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Vehicle]] <abstract>
| |
| ** [[Prototype/Car]] '''car'''
| |
| ** [[Prototype/RollingStock]] <abstract>
| |
| *** [[Prototype/ArtilleryWagon]] '''artillery-wagon'''
| |
| *** [[Prototype/CargoWagon]] '''cargo-wagon'''
| |
| *** [[Prototype/FluidWagon]] '''fluid-wagon'''
| |
| *** [[Prototype/Locomotive]] '''locomotive'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Wall]] '''wall'''
| |
| </div>
| |
| | |
| == Properties ==
| |
| === max_health ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/float]]
| |
| | |
| '''Default''': 10
| |
| | |
| The unit health can never go over the maxmum. Default health of units on creation is set to max.
| |
| max_health = 50
| |
| | |
| === healing_per_tick ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/float]]
| |
| | |
| '''Default''': 0
| |
| | |
| The amount of health cured by tick naturally.
| |
| Works only on active entities. (Todo explain)
| |
| healing_per_tick = 0.01
| |
| | |
| === repair_speed_modifier ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/float]]
| |
| | |
| '''Default''': 1
| |
| | |
| === flammability ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/float]]
| |
| | |
| '''Default''': 0
| |
| | |
| === dying_explosion ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/string]]
| |
| | |
| The entity that is spawned in place of this one when it dies.
| |
| | |
| === loot ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/Loot]]
| |
| The loot is generated when the entity is killed.
| |
| <syntaxhighlight lang="lua">loot =
| |
| {
| |
| {
| |
| count_max = 10,
| |
| count_min = 2,
| |
| item = "stone",
| |
| probability = 1
| |
| }
| |
| }</syntaxhighlight>
| |
| === resistances ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/Resistances]]
| |
| | |
| '''See''': [[Damage]]
| |
| <syntaxhighlight lang="lua">resistances =
| |
| {
| |
| {
| |
| type = "fire",
| |
| percent = 80
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| type = "explosion",
| |
| percent = 30
| |
| }
| |
| }</syntaxhighlight>
| |
| | |
| === attack_reaction ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/AttackReaction]]
| |
| | |
| '''Default''': Empty
| |
| | |
| === repair_sound ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/Sound]]
| |
| | |
| '''Default''': Utility sound (defaultManualRepair)
| |
| | |
| === alert_when_damaged ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/bool]]
| |
| | |
| '''Default''': true
| |
| | |
| === hide_resistances ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/bool]]
| |
| | |
| '''Default''': true
| |
| | |
| === corpse ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/string]] or [[Types/table]] of [[Types/string]]s
| |
| | |
| '''Default''': Empty
| |
| | |
| Specifies the name(s) of the [[Prototype/Corpse]] entity to be used when this entity dies.
| |
| | |
| === integration_patch ===
| |
| '''Type''': [[Types/Sprite4Way]]
| |
| | |
| Sprite drawn on ground under the entity to make it feel more integrated into the ground.
| |
| | |
| == Example ==
| |
| <syntaxhighlight lang="lua">{ | |
| type = "container",
| |
| name = "wooden-chest",
| |
| icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wooden-chest.png",
| |
| flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
| |
| minable = {mining_time = 1, result = "wooden-chest"},
| |
| max_health = 100,
| |
| corpse = "small-remnants",
| |
| collision_box = {{-0.35, -0.35}, {0.35, 0.35}},
| |
| fast_replaceable_group = "container",
| |
| selection_box = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
| |
| inventory_size = 16,
| |
| open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/wooden-chest-open.ogg" },
| |
| close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/wooden-chest-close.ogg" },
| |
| vehicle_impact_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact.ogg", volume = 1.0 },
| |
| picture =
| |
| {
| |
| filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wooden-chest/wooden-chest.png",
| |
| priority = "extra-high",
| |
| width = 46,
| |
| height = 33,
| |
| shift = {0.25, 0.015625}
| |
| },
| |
| circuit_wire_connection_point =
| |
| {
| |
| shadow =
| |
| {
| |
| red = {0.734375, 0.453125},
| |
| green = {0.609375, 0.515625},
| |
| },
| |
| wire =
| |
| {
| |
| red = {0.40625, 0.21875},
| |
| green = {0.40625, 0.375},
| |
| }
| |
| },
| |
| circuit_connector_sprites = get_circuit_connector_sprites({0.1875, 0.15625}, nil, 18),
| |
| circuit_wire_max_distance = 9
| |
| }</syntaxhighlight>
| |