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== Objetos ==
Pueden ser encontrados en el planeta o obtenidos después de un proceso industrial.
{| class="wikitable"
! Objeto !! Lugar de Obtención
| {{imagelink|raw-wood|Madera}} || Árbol
| {{imagelink|coal|Carbón}} || Fuente de Carbón
| {{imagelink|iron-ore|Mena de Hierro}} || Fuente de Hierro
| {{imagelink|copper-ore|Mena de Cobre}} || Fuente de Cobre
| {{imagelink|stone|Piedra}} || Fuente de Piedra
| {{imagelink|fish|Pescado crudo}} || Pez
| {{imagelink|alien-artifact|Artefacto alienígena}} || Restos de [[Enemigos|Nido alienígena]].
== Productos Intermedios ==
Son producidos por el Jugador o Máquinas y no tienen un uso directo o pueden ser colocados, pero son cruciales para su uso en otras recetas.
{| class="wikitable"
! Objeto !! Descripción
| {{imagelink|iron-plate|Placa de Hierro}} || Fundición de [[Iron ore]] en un [[Furnace]].
| {{imagelink|copper-plate|Placa de Cobre}} || Fundición de [[Copper ore]] en un [[Furnace]].
| {{imagelink|steel-bar|Barra de Acero}} || Fundición de [[Iron plate]] en un [[Furnace]].
| {{imagelink|wood|Madera industrial}} || Creada a partir de [[Raw wood]]
| {{imagelink|stone-brick|Bloque de Piedra}} || Horneado de [[Stone]] en un [[Furnace]].
| {{imagelink|iron-stick|Vara de Hierro}} || Producto intermedio común.
| {{imagelink|iron-gear-wheel|Engranaje de Hierro}} || Producto intermedio común.
| {{imagelink|copper-cable|Cable de Cobre}} || Usado para crear circuitos y cables.
| {{imagelink|electronic-circuit|Circuito electrónico}} ||Usado para crear dispositivos eléctricos.
| {{imagelink|advanced-circuit|Circuito avanzado}} || Usado para crear dispositivos eléctricos avanzados.
| {{imagelink|science-pack-1|Pack de ciencias 1}} || Usado para [[research]]
| {{imagelink|science-pack-2|Pack de ciencias 2}} || Usado para [[research]]
| {{imagelink|science-pack-3|Pack de ciencias 3}} || Usado para [[research]]
| {{imagelink|alien-science-pack|Pack de ciencias alienígena}} || Usado para [[research]]
== Objetos ==
Bienes que pueden ser usados por el jugador o colocados en el planeta.
=== Equipamiento del Jugador ===
==== Herramientas ====
Las herramientas son usadas para incrementar la velocidad con la que mina el jugador. Cuando se minen [[Objetos#Recursos|recursos]] o objetos la velocidad depende tu herramienta actual. [[Iron_axe|Pico de Hierro]] es tu herramienta básica, después de investigar [[Steel_processing|Procesamiento del Acero]] el incluso mejor[[Steel_axe|Pico de Acero]] se vuelve disponible.
{| class="wikitable"
! Objeto || Velocidad || Daño || Durabilidad || Tamaño de empaquetado || Descripción
| Ninguno || || || infinit0 || 0 || Valores usados si no se usa ninguna herramienta. Muy lento.
| {{imagelink|Iron-axe|Iron_axe|Pico de Hierro}} || 2.5 || 5 [[Daño|físico]] || 4000 || 32 || Herramienta para minar básica. Barata y provee una buena velocidad y durabilidad.
| {{imagelink|Steel-axe|Steel_axe|Pico de Acero}} || 4 || 8 [[Daño|físico]] || 5000 || 32 || Herramienta para minar avanzada. Rápida pero cara.
==== Armas ====
Weapons are used to inflict damage to [[Enemies|alien]] lifeforms and buildings. As tools only provide [[Damage]] at close range, weapons should be used in any case. All weapons will consume ammo when fired. For some weapons multiple ammo types are usable, they differ in cost and inflicted damage.
{| class="wikitable"
! Item !! Ammo !! Description
| {{imagelink|pistol|pistol|Pistol}} || {{imagelink|basic-bullet-magazine|Regular magazine}} {{imagelink|piercing-bullet-magazine|Piercing rounds magazine}} || Most basic weapon available from start.
| {{imagelink|submachine-gun|submachine_gun|Submachine gun}} || {{imagelink|basic-bullet-magazine|Regular magazine}} {{imagelink|piercing-bullet-magazine|Piercing rounds magazine}} || Faster variant of [[Pistol]].
| {{imagelink|rocket-launcher|rocket_launcher|Rocket launcher}} || {{imagelink|rocket|rocket|Rocket}} {{imagelink|explosive-rocket|Explosive rocket}} || Long range weapon, good for conquering bases.
| {{imagelink|flame-thrower|Flamethrower}} || {{imagelink|flame-thrower-ammo|Flamethrower ammo}} || Splash damage dealer, best against crowds.
| {{imagelink|land-mine|land_mine|Land mine}} || - || Defense structure. Explodes on activation.
| {{imagelink|shotgun|Shotgun}} || {{imagelink|shotgun-shells|Shotgun shells}} {{imagelink|piercing-shotgun-shells|Piercing shotgun shells}} || A basic short range weapon.
| {{imagelink|combat-shotgun|Combat shotgun}} || {{imagelink|shotgun-shells|Shotgun shells}} {{imagelink|piercing-shotgun-shells|Piercing shotgun shells}} || An advanced short range weapon.
| {{imagelink|basic-grenade|Basic grenade}} || - || Basic short range explosive weapon with some area of effect.
| {{imagelink|defender-capsule|Defender capsule}} || - || Basic bullet capsule. Spawns one Defender robot.
| {{imagelink|poison-capsule|Poison capsule}} || - || Causes [[Damage|poison damage]] in a large area.
| {{imagelink|slowdown-capsule|Slowdown capsule}} || - || Capsule that slows enemy movement.
| {{imagelink|distractor-capsule|Distractor capsule}} || - || Capsule that spawns three stationary Distractor robots.
| {{imagelink|destroyer-capsule|Destroyer capsule}} || - ||  Capsule that spawns five powerful Destroyer robots.
| {{imagelink|basic-electric-discharge-defense-remote|Basic electric discharge defense remote}} || - || Device for firing the [[Discharge defense]] device.
==== Ammo ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Item !! Description
| {{imagelink|basic-bullet-magazine|Regular magazine}} || Most basic bullet type, available from start.
| {{imagelink|piercing-bullet-magazine|Piercing rounds magazine}} || Intermediate bullet type, much more expensive but more powerful.
| {{imagelink|shotgun-shells|Shotgun shells}} || Ammo for shotguns.
| {{imagelink|piercing-shotgun-shells|Piercing shotgun shells}} || Advanced ammo for shotguns.
| {{imagelink|rocket|rocket|Rocket}} || Ammo for [[Rocket launcher]]
| {{imagelink|explosive-rocket|Explosive rocket}} || Ammo for [[Rocket launcher]] with splash damage
| {{imagelink|flame-thrower-ammo|Flamethrower ammo}} || Ammo for [[Flame thrower]]
==== [[Armor]] ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
| {{imagelink|basic-armor|Iron armor}}|-
| {{imagelink|heavy-armor|Heavy armor}}|-
| {{imagelink|basic-modular-armor|Basic modular armor}} |-
| {{imagelink|power-armor|Power armor}} |-
| {{imagelink|power-armor-mk2|Power armor MK2}} |-
==== [[Modular armor]] ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Item !! Description
| {{imagelink|night-vision|Night vision}} || Providing better sight at night.
| {{imagelink|battery|Battery}} || Basic energy storage for [[Modular armor]].
| {{imagelink|battery-mk2|Battery MK2}} || Advanced energy storage for [[Modular armor]].
| {{imagelink|energy-shield|Energy shield}} || Basic personal protective shield.
| {{imagelink|energy-shield-mk2|Energy shield MK2}} || Advanced personal protective shield.
| {{imagelink|portable-solar-panel|Portable solar panel}} || Small power generating device for [[Modular armor]].
| {{imagelink|portable-fusion-reactor|Portable fusion reactor}} || Advanced power generator for [[Modular armor]].
| {{imagelink|laser-defense|Personal laser defense}} || Powerful personal laser based defense.
| {{imagelink|discharge-defense|Discharge defense}} || A powerful defense system. Activated by [[Basic electric discharge defense remote|Remote]].
| {{imagelink|basic-exoskeleton-equipment|Basic exoskeleton equipment}} || Enhances movement speed.
==== [[Module|Modules]] ====
Modules are items used to enhance existing buildings' capabilities. They are expensive, require appropriate research and are produced slowly, but can eventually greatly improve the efficiency of a factory.
{| class="wikitable"
| {{imagelink|effectivity-module|Module|Effectivity module}} || {{imagelink|effectivity-module-2|Module|Effectivity module 2}} || {{imagelink|effectivity-module-3|Module|Effectivity module 3}}|-
| {{imagelink|productivity-module|Module|Productivity module}} || {{imagelink|productivity-module-2|Module|Productivity module 2}} || {{imagelink|productivity-module-3|Module|Productivity module 3}} |-
| {{imagelink|speed-module|Module|Speed module}} || {{imagelink|speed-module-2|Module|Speed module 2}} || {{imagelink|speed-module-3|Module|Speed module 3}} |-
==== Special ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
| {{imagelink|car|car|Car}} |-
| {{imagelink|red-wire|red_wire|Red wire}}|-
| {{imagelink|green-wire|green_wire|Green wire}}|-
| {{imagelink|logistic-robot|logistic_robot|Logistic robot}}|-
=== Placeable items ===
==== [[Transport network#Transport belts|Transport belts]] ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
| {{imagelink|basic-transport-belt|Basic transport belt}} |-
| {{imagelink|basic-transport-belt-to-ground|Basic underground belt}} |-
| {{imagelink|Basic-splitter|Basic splitter}} |-
| {{imagelink|fast-transport-belt|Fast transport belt}} |-
| {{imagelink|fast-transport-belt-to-ground|Fast underground belt}} |-
| {{imagelink|Fast-splitter|Fast splitter}} |-
| {{imagelink|express-transport-belt|Express transport belt}} |-
| {{imagelink|express-transport-belt-to-ground|Express underground belt}} |-
| {{imagelink|express-splitter|Express splitter}} |-
==== [[Inserters]] ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
| {{imagelink|burner-inserter|Burner inserter}} |-
| {{imagelink|inserter|Inserter|Inserter}} |-
| {{imagelink|long-handed-inserter|Long handed inserter}} |-
| {{imagelink|fast-inserter|Fast inserter}} |-
| {{imagelink|filter-inserter|Filter inserter}} |-
| {{imagelink|smart-inserter|Smart inserter}} |-
==== [[Transport network#Storage|Storage]] ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Item !! Storage size (Stacks) !! Features
| {{imagelink|wooden-chest|Wooden chest}} || 16 || None
| {{imagelink|iron-chest|Iron chest}} || 32 || None
| {{imagelink|steel-chest|Steel chest}} || 48 || None
| {{imagelink|smart-chest|Smart chest}} || 48 || Sends signal to [[Circuit network|circuit network]].
| {{imagelink|provider-chest|Provider chest}} || 48 || Provides its contents to the [[Logistic network]].
| {{imagelink|storage-chest|Storage chest}} || 48 || Serves as buffer stock in the [[Logistic network]].
| {{imagelink|requester-chest|Requester chest}} || 48 || Requests specified items from the [[Logistic network]].
==== [[Defense|Defensive Structures]] ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
| {{imagelink|wall|Wall}} |-
| {{imagelink|turrets|Gun turret}} |-
| {{imagelink|laser-turrets|Laser turret}} |-
| {{imagelink|rocket-defense|Rocket defense}} |-
==== [[Crafting network|Machines & Furnaces]] ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
| {{imagelink|burner-mining-drill|Burner mining drill}} |-
| {{imagelink|electric-mining-drill|Electric mining drill}} |-
| {{imagelink|stone-furnace|Stone furnace}} |-
| {{imagelink|steel-furnace|Steel furnace}} |-
| {{imagelink|electric-furnace|Electric furnace}} |-
| {{imagelink|assembling-machine-1|assembling_machine|Assembling machines}} |-
| {{imagelink|lab|Lab}} |-
| {{imagelink|basic-beacon|Basic beacon}} |-
| {{imagelink|radar|Radar}} |-
==== [[Electric network]] ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
| {{imagelink|small-electric-pole|Small electric pole}} |-
| {{imagelink|medium-electric-pole|Medium electric pole}} |-
| {{imagelink|big-electric-pole|Big electric pole}} |-
| {{imagelink|substation|Substation}} |-
| {{imagelink|pump|Pump}} |-
| {{imagelink|boiler|Boiler}} |-
| {{imagelink|pipe|Pipe}} |-
| {{imagelink|pipe-to-ground|Pipe-to-ground}} |-
| {{imagelink|steam-engine|Steam engine}} |-
| {{imagelink|solar-panel|Solar panel}} |-
| {{imagelink|Electric-energy-acumulators|Basic accumulator}} |-
| {{imagelink|lamp|Lamp}} |-
==== [[Railway network]] ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
| {{imagelink|straight-rail|Straight rail}} |-
| {{imagelink|curved-rail|Curved rail}} |-
| {{imagelink|Automated-rail-transportation|Train stop}} |-
| {{imagelink|rail-signals|Rail signal}} |-
| {{imagelink|diesel-locomotive|Diesel locomotive}} |-
| {{imagelink|cargo-wagon|Cargo wagon}} |-

Latest revision as of 10:33, 17 August 2020

Item-group logistics.png
Item-group production.png
Item-group intermediate products.png
Item-group space.png
Item-group military.png
Cofre de madera
Cofre de hierro
Cofre de acero
Tanque de almacenaje
Cinta transportadora
Cinta transportadora rápida
Cinta transportadora exprés
Turbo transport belt
Cinta transportadora subterránea
Cinta transportadora subterránea rápida
Cinta transportadora subterránea muy rápida
Turbo underground belt
Divisor rápido
Divisor muy rápido
Turbo splitter
Insertador a vapor
Long-handed inserter
Insertador rápido
Bulk inserter
Insertador de stacks
Poste eléctrico pequeño
Poste eléctrico mediano
Poste eléctrico grande
Subestación eléctrica
Tubería subterránea
Raíl recto
Rail ramp
Rail support
Parada de tren
Semáforo ferroviario
Semáforo ferroviario de cadena
Vagón de carga
Vagón de fluidos
Vagón de artillería
Spidertron remote
Robot logístico
Robot de construcción
Cofre proveedor activo
Cofre proveedor pasivo
Cofre de almacenamiento logístico
Buffer chest
Cofre solicitador logístico
Cable rojo
Cable verde
Combinador aritmético
Combinador comparador
Selector combinator
Combinador constante
Parlante programable
Display panel
Ladrillo de piedra
Hormigón de señal de peligro
Refined concrete
Refined hazard concrete
Artificial yumako soil
Overgrowth yumako soil
Artificial jellynut soil
Overgrowth jellynut soil
Ice platform
Cliff explosives