Version history/0.8.0: Difference between revisions

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== 0.8.8 ==
== 0.8.8 ==

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[[Category:Version history]]

Latest revision as of 14:48, 24 September 2023



  • Script fixes in the first demo level.
  • Fixed wrong item counts in circuit network when rebuilding non-empty chest connected to the network.



  • Fixed another instance of crash when player closed the container while moving away from it.
  • Fixed bug in electric network splitting in special case when circuit network cables are present.


  • Updated some of the item icons.



  • Land mines can be rebuilt by the construction robots.


  • Fixed crash when player closed the container while moving away from it.
  • Fixed incorrect registration/unregistration of train stop/rail signal/lab in ghost mode.
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to put 4.3G items into the empty reserved (filtered) slot in the quickbar.
  • Fixed train waiting time (changed time multiplier from 1 back to 5).



  • Fixed unstable game state (savegame/exit crashes) after player re-enters logistically covered area after removing roboport covering him.
  • Fixed bug that logistic robots ignored the player covered by freshly built roboport, until the player moved.
  • Fixed confused logistic/construction robots accessing logistic chest with limited part containing items. Robots can take items even from the limited part of the chest now. But still can't insert to the limited part.
  • Don't allow anything other than repair packs in the roboport material slots.
  • Fixed wrong calculation of items used by crafting when the needed item was in the cursor.
  • When logistic chest / player looses logistic cover (roboport mined or destroyed) orders for logistic robots delivering into this object are properly removed.
  • Better reassignment of logistic robots to logistic networks when the network was split.


  • Red and green wires go to the quickbar by default.
  • Disabled the Escape key in the finished game dialog.



  • Fixed fast rebuilding from non empty container to logistic container.
  • Fixed several bugs in the logistic robots job assignment logic.
  • Fixed few "Input handler inconsistency" errors.
  • Fixed occasional black lines when moving in the map editor.
  • Fixed error in selecting tile variation logic. This was causing occasional game crashes.


  • Maximum of 10 magazines can be put into the gun turrets by inserters.
  • Limit updater timeout to 10 seconds (prevents hanging when for instance antivirus interrupts communication).



  • Fixed loading of logistic chests connected to circuit network.
  • Circuit network contents info has colored (red/green) slots to specify the network it represents.
  • Fixed occasional non passable tiles on new generated terrain.
  • Enabled the Advanced chemistry technology in the 4th campaign level that is needed to finish the level.
  • Fixed bug that automatically limited the larger chest contents when rebuilt from smaller one.
  • Fixed that the windows install application was kept open until the Factorio or the changelog was closed.



  • Fixed bug when armor GUI couldn't be opened.
  • Fixed infinite loop when looking for enemy expansion (causing 100% CPU load and eating all RAM).
  • Added migration to enable combat robot recipes when technologies are researched.
  • Fixed positioning of tooltip when it can't fit both under and above the cursor.
  • Disabled drawing of energy icons on the entity ghosts.
  • Fixed the occasional crash when viewing some of the mining drills created before 0.8.1 version.
  • Fixed some cases of crashes on shutdown on MacOSX 10.9 (still takes cca 15 seconds to shutdown)
  • Fixed error in the regenerateTiles (that would result in crash on the edge of the world).
  • Fixed the "Can't insert to entity" when item on ground was in the way of rebuilding entity that doesn't have inventory (wall etc).


  • Roboport supply area increased from 40x40 to 50x50.



  • Alert indication when the player has not enough repair robots, repair packs or material for reconstruction.
  • Show mod(s) that added/changed item/entity/technology in the tooltip (For other than vanilla content).
  • Keep the inventory limit of chests when fast rebuilding.
  • Repairing in god mode.


  • Fixed long thin "stripes" of land in the water (doesn't fix the already generated ones though).
  • Fixed of unloadable saves (and wrong behavior) with destroyed roboports turned into the blueprint state.
  • Fixed the map colors of the new terrain.
  • Changed the map color of coal to pure black, so it is easily recognizable.
  • Fixed bug when beacon wasn't deactivated/activated when destroyed and turned into blueprint state.
  • Fix of inserters trying to reach distant train in some cases.
  • Fix of inserters putting items into the player inventory.
  • Fixed the loading of save in the 4th mission of new hope.
  • Fixed crash in the map editor when right clicking in the item layer.
  • Fixed updating style when switching tabs in the map editor.
  • Fixed the wrong calculation of damage caused by the car crash (resistances weren't considered).
  • Fixed the display of the percentile bonus in technology modifier.
  • Fixed the shift building of electric poles.
  • Fixed autosorting in the sandbox mode (godmode).
  • Fixed the precision problems in the bonus production.
  • Fixed minor state bug with the chest in the demo level 1.
  • Enemies don't go blindly forward when there is no way (resulted in the infinite spawn).
  • Fixed building in map editor with overlapping selection boxes.
  • Fixed building multiple entities with the same click in map editor.
  • Fixed bug with fast replaceable entities placed on top of each other in the map editor.
  • Fixed the crazy flickering of boiler when the power consumption is very low.
  • Fixed stuck robots trying to ascend from roboport to get charged.
  • Fixed some small bugs of stationing robots to roboport.
  • Train recalculates its path after leaving signal where it had to wait.
  • Fixed bug when shotgun pellets could get through the wall sometimes.
  • Fixed loading of saves containing flamethrower flames.
  • Fixed the wrong attack directions of enemy worms.
  • Entities rebuilt by robots after destroy lose their inventory contents.
  • Fixed unkillable turrets. These appeared when turrets were killed by the pick/land/smoke. Existing unkillable turrets are terminated on the transition from older versions.
  • Player (and other biological entities) are not repairable.
  • Ghosts for removed (i.e. from mods) / migrated entities are removed as well.
  • Removed content GUI can be closed by ESC.
  • Biter expansions can no longer skip over water.
  • Fixed of loading of game containing entity with different energy source type than it previously had.
  • Mining drill ignores resources that can't be mined because of the higher hardness.
  • Ghost buildings are removed when some building is built over these.
  • Ghost buildings are not rebuilt as long as player, or something other (biter), is in the way.
  • Construction robots actually use up the repair packs.
  • Items on the ground in the way of the rebuilt ghost building are collected the same way as when player is building manually. These items are put into the reconstructed building if possible, otherwise they are lost.
  • Fix of wrong map rendering boundaries when the game window was resized while in the map view.
  • Fixed few small memory leaks.


  • Much easier level 3 of the New hope campaign in the easier difficulties.
  • Lowered transmission energy consumption of roboport from 200W to 100W


  • Used the new terrains in the campaign levels.
  • No enemy expansions in the peaceful mode (this could have caused a biter factory attack in the peaceful mode).


  • Mining drills don't implicitly run the animation forward and then backward. Existing mods need to add run-mode="forward-then-backward" to their mining drill animation definitions (see the mining drills in the base).
  • Scale specification works for RotatedAnimation type.



  • Construction robots that can be used to automatically repair and reconstruct damaged structures.
  • Roboport - the home, charging point and transmission provider for the logistic and construction robots.
  • Recreated the new hope campaign (now 4 levels instead of 2).
  • Redesigned the map editor (separate editing layers, brush / spray / cursor tool, better character edit GUI)
  • Structures keep their damage when mined and built again.
  • Structures can be manually by the player repaired with repair-pack.
  • Chests inventory size can be limited.
  • Inserters always work for loading/unloading in the train station, even when facing the gap between wagons.
  • Guis for item selection (i.e. inserter filters) uses Item Group tabs.
  • Zooming to cursor (like in online maps) in god / ghost controller, map and map editor.
  • Logistic robots take items on the way to chests into consideration when trying to keep separate chests for separate items.
  • Wiring cables in the map editor.


  • New terrain graphics. Terrain is composed of tiles of different sizes (1x1 up to 4x4)
  • Laboratory has a light source.
  • Option to turn off showing pollution in minimap even when the detailed info is on.
  • Flickering light of furnace and boiler.
  • Highlighted chunk edges in paused game grid.
  • Cloud shadows over the terrain.


  • Unified all machines to show energy consumption (maximal) in entity info description.
  • Player starts with one burner mining drill and one furnace in the freeplay.
  • Unified the crafting time, crafting time 1 is now equal to 1 second of manual crafting. Crafting speed of assembling machine is relative to the speed of manual crafting.
  • Disabled loading of saves before 0.4.0 version (You can use 0.6.4 to load any old saves and re-save them).
  • Disabled technologies are not visible as continuation in the technology preview window.


  • Fixed bug with the game being slow when the player was moving after the display was resized.
  • Fixed lack of correction of tiles when the tile with invalid neighbour is created. (grass in deep water for example)
  • Fixed of crash when trying to play a game with autosave interval set to never.
  • Fixed bug of wrong connection of pipe to ground when rotated.
  • Fixed incorrect calculation of mining speed of mining drills showed in tooltips/entity info
  • Fixed crash when viewing electric network info and the pole was removed or disconnected from the network.
  • Fixed bug with armor being insertable into the mining tool slot.
  • Fixed bug of the assembling machine with modules inside rebuilding.
  • Fixed bug with inserter not taking items from more stacks of the container when needed.
  • Fixed crash when connecting smart/logistic chest that was fast-rebuilt to circuit network.
  • Fixed directions of movement of disconnected/connected trains while the train is moving.
  • When manually controlling the train movement, the back/forward direction is determined by the direction of the currently occupied locomotive.
  • New inserted station to the train schedule are inserted under (instead of above) the currently selected station.
  • Stricter rules for enemy expansions.
  • Fixed shift building of smart inserters with green wires.
  • Fixed unlimited length of wire when shift building smart inserters.
  • Fail silently when player data cannot be loaded.
  • Configs are saved before unloading graphics and sound.


  • Enemy spawners are deactivated when there is no enemy force nearby.


  • Increased mining speed of burner mining drill.
  • Increased the life time of defender robot from 30 to 45 seconds.
  • Changed the recipe of defender robot, instead of 2 steel, it requires piercing bullet magazine
  • Increased the range of the rocket from 20 to 22.
  • Decreased the range of medium worm from 25 to 20.


  • Added onplayercrafteditem event.
  • Added read/write property currentresearch to LuaLorce.
  • Added the option to create and manipulate the checkbox GUI element.
  • GameViewSettings to control what is shown in the game view.
  • LuaUnitGroup valid and members attributes.
  • Lua API call to check if path finder is busy (game.ispathfinderbusy).
  • Lua API call game.findnearestenemy.
  • Lua API call unitgroup.startmoving.
  • Lua API can read and control the wind.
  • Lua API to control the train (LuaTrain).
  • Added heldentity to the LuaEntity (only for inserters).
  • Zooming can be controlled in the Lua script.
  • Lua API to read / write the mouse cursor.
  • Building the entity from the cursor.
  • Lua API to control god's flashlight.
  • Lua API to read / write player cursor stack.
  • Lua API to read fuel value, group and place result of LuaItemPrototype.
  • Lua API to read / write player states (riding state, walking state, mining state).
  • Lua API to check and start driving
  • Lua API to write entity orientation (works only on biters so far).
  • LuaTile has a field valid.
  • Added methods read and write pollution (game.pollute/getpollution)
  • Fixed crash when manipulating not generated LuaTile.
  • Fixed the bad coordinates of area in onchunkgenerated event for negative coordinates.


  • Enabled migration between different entity types.
  • Moved PathFinder settings to map_settings.lua
  • Added energy per hit point to rolling stock prototype (energy_per_hit_point).
  • Changed the energy specification in energy source from number to the energy amount format (J/W).
  • Changed mining drill specification to use mining_power instead of mining_speed and mining_speed instead of effectivity.
  • Moved light cone specification into data (character, car, locomotive).
  • Mods can specify allowed combinations of neighboring terrain tiles.

Known Issues

  • there are occasional "thin lines" in the generated terrain
  • on Mac OSX 10.9 the game crashes during shutdown (configs are saved)