Factorio:Top pages: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
Line 1: Line 1:
Total number of views in the last week: 259,221 (222,743 unique)
Total number of views in the last week: 250,547 (214,850 unique)
Line 7: Line 7:
|9869 (7501)
|9663 (7065)
|6441 (5651)
|5657 (5050)
|2553 (2198)
|2414 (2131)
|2370 (2084)
|2163 (1873)
|2285 (2076)
|2111 (1915)
|2170 (1848)
|1946 (1656)
|2101 (1781)
|1903 (1726)
|2081 (1876)
|1863 (1539)
|2011 (1668)
|1861 (1543)
|1918 (1739)
|1805 (1656)
|1903 (1684)
|1741 (1556)
|1900 (1775)
|1676 (1516)
|1808 (1630)
|1665 (1474)
|1790 (1612)
|1646 (1523)
|1699 (1509)
|1481 (1330)
|1673 (1457)
|1457 (1277)
|1553 (1399)
|1416 (1262)
|1520 (1333)
|1413 (1266)
|1510 (1263)
|1318 (1129)
|1472 (1296)
|1318 (1123)

Revision as of 08:50, 13 January 2023

Total number of views in the last week: 250,547 (214,850 unique)

# Page Number of views (unique)
1 Main_Page 9663 (7065)
2 Console 5657 (5050)
3 Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook 2414 (2131)
4 Console/ru 2163 (1873)
5 Tutorial:Nuclear_power 2111 (1915)
6 Enemies 1946 (1656)
7 Balancer_mechanics 1903 (1726)
8 Science_pack 1863 (1539)
9 Tutorial:Main_bus 1861 (1543)
10 Fluid_system 1805 (1656)
11 Logistic_network 1741 (1556)
12 Circuit_network 1676 (1516)
13 Power_production 1665 (1474)
14 Blueprint 1646 (1523)
15 Tutorial:Train_signals 1481 (1330)
16 Oil_processing 1457 (1277)
17 Nuclear_reactor 1416 (1262)
18 Multiplayer 1413 (1266)
19 Electric_furnace 1318 (1129)
20 Railway 1318 (1123)