Version history/0.2.0: Difference between revisions

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TwoPizzas (talk | contribs)
Ubehr (talk | contribs)
Line 78: Line 78:
* Intermediate items in the crafting queue have different color.
* Intermediate items in the crafting queue have different color.
* Player doesn't collide with the transport belt to ground.
* Player doesn't collide with the transport belt to ground.
* Player will shoot to enemies close to him no matter where his cursor is.
* Player will shoot to enemies close to him no matter where their cursor is.
* Different colors for promised items in the crafting queue.
* Different colors for promised items in the crafting queue.

Revision as of 20:18, 12 December 2021



  • Repaired the not minable lab/turret bug.
  • Fixed the bug of using all recipes (regardless of category in the automatic crafting of intermediate products).
  • Fixed the bug of the incorrect steel processing technology (not reloaded by migration).
  • Fixed the bug of the disabled iron/copper smelting recipes in scenario maps loaded from older versions.
  • Fixed the bug of the frozen controls after loading a replay from a game.
  • Fixed the bug of the incorrect usage of science pack in some cases.
  • Fixed the bug of the tooltips not working when entity info window is active
  • Start game script even with missing control.lua
    • Lua-based migrations work for these saves.
    • It is possible to run console commands in these games.
  • Tool tip in technology preview shows total raw in the same system as in player crafting gui(Using just recipes that player can use for the calculations, so not smelting)


  • Added Finnish and Spanish translation.
  • Fixed the \n usage (It works in the campaign translation as end-line character again)


  • Added splitter, it can be used to split items coming on belt in 1:1 ratio.
  • Autosave interval is now configurable in Options->Other (values are 1 to 100 minutes or never)
  • Textual inputs now work with home + end keys.


  • Fixed the error of randomly connecting/disconnecting of the pole to be built.
  • Added 0 to the allowed characters (only 1 - 9 was allowed).
  • Fixed the missing distance check for connection of circuit network cables.
  • Fixed periodic slowdowns when creeper attacks were spawned.
  • When save/scenario saving (from the save as menu) fails, error message is shown and player can try to resolve it (the application will not close).
  • Update the size of the entity info window when the contents change.
  • Fixed the missing translation tag in the item filter window.
  • Fixed bug with attacking with a pick on a large distance


  • Moved enemy spawner parameters spawningRadius and spawningSpacing into the json files
  • Alphabetical sorting of all file/directory lists (save/load game/scenario etc).
  • Removed obsolete creeper-rocket.


  • Update of the tile graphics (mainly stone tiles are upgraded)


  • Fixed chest info not updating when inserted items using script.
  • Added indestructible/not operable/not rotatable/active property accessible to the scripting.
  • Added Lua force object
  • Added function getentitycount into the force object, used this to fix minor bug in level-02 where count of mining drills/furnaces was done manually
  • In Lua setmulticommand now returns number of units sent
  • Moved functions getrecipes and gettechnologies from the LuaEntity to LuaForce.


  • Recipe categories (Both crafting and furnace recipes merged into one list, recipes are categorized now)
  • Current recipe categories are "crafting" + "smelting", it is now possible to add new recipe categories in the prototype-definitions/recipe-category folder.
  • Player/Assembling machine/Furnace prototype contains list of recipe categories they can use, this should make it easier to make specialized machines.


  • Added polish translation (Missing demo campaign)
  • Completed French translation (fixes and tips and tricks)
  • Fixes in German translation



  • Underground belt can be rotated (using the standard rotate key) and it switches the input and output ends.
  • Intermediate items in the crafting queue have different color.
  • Player doesn't collide with the transport belt to ground.
  • Player will shoot to enemies close to him no matter where their cursor is.
  • Different colors for promised items in the crafting queue.


  • Little bit more powerful and less frequent attacks of creepers in 3rd level of the demo.


  • New graphics for electrics pole with rotation depending on connection + wires shadows.


  • Fixed crash when rail with train on it was destroyed (It can't be damaged now).
  • Fixed crash when invalid file name of save is entered (limited the input to a-z,A-Z,0-9 and _-.).
  • Fixed items stuck on the U-shaped transport belt.
  • Fixed items moving along the full transport belt.
  • Filter inserter not showing it's info when the first item was not set.
  • Fixed Issue with double clicking in the technology preview.
  • Proper ordering of the Steel plate vs. the Iron plate.
  • Cancelling the item from crafting queue doesn't return the intermediate resources
  • Cancelling item in the crafting queue now cancels the intermediates as well
  • Paths settings (configurable mode for data directories, system or local), paths are saved into config
  • Zip package's default behavior set to local (so it is self-sustainable package)
  • Installer has set default behavior to system (so it works when installed into program files etc)
  • Loading images (load preview) with unicode characters in the path, this usually happened to users that had unicode characters in their user name on windows and wanted to load save Users/<Name>/AppData/..
  • Control click transferred from the chest from further than reach distance (allowed teleports).
  • Fixed freezing with some certain combinations of directions of locomotives in train.
  • Fixed crash when middle-clicking (set filter) in the main inventory.
  • Cross connections of transport belt of the same type are disabled (they would break on save/load anyway)
  • Transport belt to ground gives items inside when mined.
  • Correction of bounding boxes of some curved rail built.
  • Added selection box + health bar to diesel locomotive. (The health bar is little bit weird now, maybe it should rotate.)
  • Health bar of car.


  • Changed typo "avarage" to "average".



  • Warning icon for an Ammo Turret without an Ammo (only visible by the owner).
  • Contents of the inventory of the Ammo Turret in the entity info (only visible by the owner).
  • Contents of the Furnace, the Assembling Machine and the Lab is visible in the entity info.
  • Let the player change the map generator parameters when starting a new game.


  • Changed standard stone resource frequency from Rare to Medium.
  • Distance for building/mining/opening machines increased from 5 to 6.
  • Added descriptions for some items (science pack, logistic robot/chests)
  • Changed default key to enter vehicle to the Enter key.


  • Lost bitmaps after resize on some systems (includes missing light).
  • Crash when setting recipe of an Assembling Machine in the Map Editor.
  • Crash when mining Logistic Robots in pending state.
  • Crash when saving map editor after deleting active entities.
  • Attacks in the Freeplay were stuck after the first attack.
  • Show ceiled value for health (so you should never see a unit with 0 health).
  • Window to choose filter in the filter inserter was closed when something was crafted.
  • Strange (teleport-like) behavior on the Transport Belt turn in some cases.
  • Eternal tooltip in the Burner Inserter.
  • Eternal tooltip in the Technology GUI.
  • Crash when clicking on bonuses in the Technology GUI.
  • Removed sources of several memory leaks.


  • English - complete
  • Czech - complete
  • German - complete
  • Russian - complete
  • French - core game + level 01 of the demo(without tips and tricks)
  • Italian - Core game and demo campaign
  • Translation additions (in English everywhere now) (Map generator + map editor)



  • Pick can be used as melee weapon
  • Smoke can be switched off


  • Stuck laboratory bugfix
  • Fixed a bug with replaced container not having alt info.



  • Clearing filter in filter inserter didn't work.


  • French translation (just the core game, not campaign)



  • Added train connection/disconnection keys into the control settings


  • Newly built assembling machine could crash the game sometimes.
  • Divided diesel locomotive spreadsheet into 4 files, so it is possible to load on computer with maximum sprite size of 2048X2048



  • Source smoke animation in matrix, to be loadable on computer with smaller maximum bitmap size limit.



  • Added assembling machine to the last demo level.


  • Scripting of level 01 of campaign, it got stuck when player built mining drill on place with no resources
  • When transport belts are rotated (or replaced with different than opposite direction), items on transport belt are collected to avoid situation when full transport belt was rotated and items got stuck (
  • Solved bug of stuck main inventory when filter was set there (disabled filters in main inventory for now, as the feature is not compatible with automatic sorting)


Indiegogo campaign start


  • Technologies for logistic robot cargo capacity upgrade and research speed
  • 3 different autosaves
  • Priorities of machines in electric network (energy is consumed from solar panel first, when it is not enough, generators are used)
  • Enemy bases gets bigger as player gets further from the starting point
  • 3 different autosaves (1 for every minute, 1 for every second minute, 1 for once per 4 minutes)


  • Warning message when player tries to build too far or on colliding position
  • Convenient building of electric poles, it is possible to build electric poles by holding mouse
  • Automatic 180 degree rotation of building when building pipe to ground/belt to ground, so when building the two connections one after another, no rotation is needed to be done in between.
  • Upgrade technologies only show one relevant technology.
  • Larger stacks of several items (all resources, steel, electronic circuit, science packs)


  • Crash when mining tool is crafted and automatically equipped while mining with bare hands.
  • Localization bugfixes
  • Transport belt movement optimizations.
  • Connection of transport belt to underground belt from the opposite side (on game load)
  • Rail building and selection boxes
  • Get the item in the hand of inserter when it is mined.
  • Active locomotive emits light.


  • Steel axe
  • Better graphics of assembling machine



  • Technology Research - not in demo
  • Transport robots - not in demo
  • Underground belt (simple way to cross transport belts) - not in demo
  • Day-night cycle
  • Ammo is refilled automatically into the ammo slot from inventory.


  • Mining particles
  • Light sources: Furnace(burning), player, lamp, rocket, explosions, car.
  • Character animations (standing, mining, shooting)
  • Rocket smoke
  • Red screen when player is hurt

GUI changes

  • Show count of resources available for mining drill, and contained in chest
  • Show values of red/green signal in the electric pole entity info
  • Show info for entity planned to be built
  • Show large numbers in item slots in 1.8k format for big numbers
  • Show count of elemental ingredients needed for recipe
  • Key (default Q), to switch weapons
  • Show (optional) (when selected or building) direction of inserter
  • Visualization of connection (when selected or building) of transport belt to ground and pipe to ground
  • Demo ending screen


  • Moving (stack transfer/inventory transfer) of non-full items (mining tool, armor, magazines)
  • Minor translation bugfixes
  • Replay synchronization bugfixes
  • Map editor/game doesn't generate always the same series of maps anymore
  • Localization of inventory restriction messages
  • Double turrets
  • Crash when message dialog was opened and game closed


  • Demo campaign changed, faster start, less mining
  • Technology included in the beta campaign
  • First basic version of freeplay with goal