Factorio:Top pages: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
Line 1: Line 1:
Total number of views in the last week: 345,331 (269,817 unique)
Total number of views in the last week: 426,328 (334,540 unique)
Line 7: Line 7:
|27172 (16423)
|31428 (19004)
|11968 (7161)
|12750 (10878)
|9502 (8246)
|5288 (3860)
|5115 (4259)
|5124 (4420)
|4610 (4114)
|4731 (3859)
|4033 (3444)
|4622 (2711)
|3433 (2921)
|4579 (3838)
|3351 (2702)
|4475 (3756)
|2839 (1951)
|3717 (2984)
|2818 (2538)
|3548 (3112)
|2592 (1868)
|3153 (2577)
|2539 (2025)
|3133 (2401)
|2411 (1976)
|3053 (2538)
|2275 (1788)
|2939 (2313)
|2227 (1835)
|2873 (2334)
|2186 (1839)
|2755 (2167)
|2168 (1708)
|2744 (2370)
|2148 (1837)
|2739 (1777)
|2131 (1784)
|2720 (2233)
|2075 (1737)
|2612 (2215)

Revision as of 14:38, 8 March 2019

Total number of views in the last week: 426,328 (334,540 unique)

# Page Number of views (unique)
1 Main_Page 31428 (19004)
2 Console 12750 (10878)
3 Upcoming_features 5288 (3860)
4 Power_production 5124 (4420)
5 Balancer_mechanics 4731 (3859)
6 Science_pack 4622 (2711)
7 Multiplayer 4579 (3838)
8 Version_history/0.17.0 4475 (3756)
9 Oil_processing 3717 (2984)
10 Tutorial:Nuclear_power 3548 (3112)
11 Railway 3153 (2577)
12 Version_history 3133 (2401)
13 Enemies 3053 (2538)
14 Logistic_network 2939 (2313)
15 Nuclear_reactor 2873 (2334)
16 Electric_furnace 2755 (2167)
17 Tutorial:Quick_start_guide 2744 (2370)
18 Advanced_circuit 2739 (1777)
19 Belt_transport_system 2720 (2233)
20 Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook 2612 (2215)