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Prototype definitions » PrototypeBase » Prototype/Achievement » Prototype/ProducePerHourAchievement

This prototype definition is used for receiving an achievement when the player crafts a specified item a certain amount, in an hour.

Prototype/ProducePerHourAchievement — produce-per-hour-achievement
fluid_product::string (optional)
item_product::string (optional)
Inherited from Prototype/Achievement
icons, icon, icon_size (IconSpecification)::IconSpecification
allowed_without_fight::bool (optional)
hidden::bool (optional)
steam_stats_name::string (optional)
Inherited from PrototypeBase
localised_description::LocalisedString (optional)
localised_name::LocalisedString (optional)
order::Order (optional)

Mandatory properties


Type: MaterialAmountType
This is how much the player has to craft in an hour, to receive the achievement.

 amount = 1000,

Optional properties

At least one and only one of fluid_product or item_product must exist.


Type: string
This will tell the achievement what item the player needs to craft, to get the achievement.

 item_product = "landfill",


Type: string
This will tell the achievement what fluid the player needs to craft, to get the achievement.

 fluid_product = "light-oil",