Template:Prototype parent Used for corpses, for example the remnants when destroying buildings.
- Prototype/RailRemnants rail-remnants
Optional properties
Template:Prototype property Multiplier for #time_before_shading_off and #time_before_removed. Must be positive.
Controls the speed of the animation:
1 ÷ dying_speed = duration of the animation
Controls the speed of the splash animation:
1 ÷ splash_speed = duration of the splash animation
Template:Prototype property Controls how long the corpse takes to fade, as in how long it takes to get from no transparency to full tranparency/removed. This time is not added to #time_before_removed, it is instead substracted from it. So by default, the corpse starts fading about 15 seconds before it gets removed.
Template:Prototype property Time in ticks this corpse lasts. May not be 0.
Template:Prototype property The dying animation.
Template:Prototype property
Variation count must be the same as animation
variation count. Direction count must be the same as animation
direction count. Frame count must be the same as animation
frame count.
Template:Prototype property An array of arrays of integers. Arrays are called "groups" and must all have the same size.