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Revision as of 21:23, 20 April 2019 by Muppet9010 (talk | contribs) (excluded and include both support a string or a table of strings)
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Prototype type: dont-use-entity-in-energy-production-achievement

This prototype definition is used for receiving an achievement when the player finishes the game without receiving energy from a specific energy source. This is an extension of Prototype/Achievement.



Type: Types/bool

Default: false


Type: Types/Energy

Default: 0W


Type: Types/string or Types/table of Types/string

This will not disable the achievement, if this entity is placed, and you have received any amount of power from it.

 excluded = {"steam-engine", "steam-turbine"},


Type: Types/string or Types/table of Types/string

This will disable the achievement, if this entity is placed, and you have received any amount of power from it. If you finish the game without receiving power from this entity, you receive the achievement.

 included = "solar-panels",