User:Amarula/Blueprint library

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The Blueprint library window, accessed from the minimap, is used to create and share blueprints. It allows the player to import a blueprint from a blueprint string, create a new blueprint book, create a new blueprint, and create a new deconstruction planner.

The left pane is titled "Shared blueprints." Dragging a blueprint or blueprint book to this pane shares the blueprint(s) with other players in a multiplayer game. The filter can be used to quickly find a particular shared blueprint.

The right pane is titled "My blueprints." Dragging a blueprint or blueprint book to this pane makes the blueprints available to the player in other games (single or multiplayer). Each time a change is made to a shared blueprint book, it must be re-shared to the "My blueprints" pane, otherwise the old version continues to be shared. The search button can be used to quickly find a particular shared blueprint.


  • 0.15.0
    • Blueprint library: Allows for keeping players blueprints between individual game saves and allows sharing blueprints in multiplayer games.
    • Added ability to export and import blueprints, blueprint books, and deconstruction planners as strings.
    • Blueprints, blueprint books and deconstruction planners are obtainable from the library GUI with no crafting cost.

See also