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Biters are one of two main antagonists in the game. They are the native inhabitants of the extraterrestrial world and commonly live peacefully with worms and spitters. Biters are arthropods living in organic nests. They come in four sizes: small, medium, big and behemoth. In the beginning of each freeplay game there will only be the small ones, with increasing pollution they will become bigger, related to the enemy's evolution. Biters are attracted by and enraged by pollution and will attempt to destroy its sources. They prefer to attack the player character, turrets and logistic robots and will stop searching for pollution if they can see and attack any of those. Biters deal physical damage.

Picture Name Info
File:SmallBiter-anim.gif Small Biter Weakest of biters, can be easily killed with a pistol.
  • Health: 15
  • Damage: 6
File:MediumBiter-anim.gif Medium Biter Stronger and slower than the small biter. Can pose a problem for and even kill weaker players.
  • Health: 75
  • Damage: 15


  • Explosion 0/10%
  • Physical 4/0%
File:BigBiter-anim.gif Big Biter Very resistant and dangerous, nearly immune to gunfire. Can attack through walls and hit objects directly behind them.
  • Health: 375
  • Damage: 30


  • Explosion 0/10%
  • Physical 8/0%
File:BehemothBiter-anim.gif Behemoth Biter Very resistant and dangerous, nearly immune to gunfire. Can attack through walls and hit objects directly behind them.
  • Health: 5000
  • Damage: 100


  • Explosion 10/20%
  • Physical 8/20%


The biter class enemy will likely be the most common threat to a player's factory. While any attack can catch an undefended factory off guard, most players will be able to handle attacks from small biters with relative ease. Medium biters often pose a much greater threat though due to their heavy armor, not present on small biters. Big biters are another step in this direction and can come as another nasty shock to any player not familiar with their world's evolution level. Behemoth biters are a huge threat to any factory and serve as the Player's prime incentive to avoid excess pollution. However, Biters of any size can be managed by static defense, though some of the larger waves can be overwhelming.

Biters come fairly early to attack a factory that produces large amounts of pollution, as pollution will attract an attack. Once the pollution cloud reaches a nest, the player can expect biters to be showing up shortly. The attack group will be focused on destroying the source of the pollution, but will change targets as soon as one appears of higher priority, typically by level of pollution, though they target the player or static defense first and foremost. Biters also have the ability to find their way around a defense, to a degree. This can be used to partially control the movement of the biters allowing turrets longer to damage them, but requires the "bait" of this trap be left open. Biters aren't always willing to fall for the bait. Some biters will choose the most direct route and will attack the walls of the trap regardless making them less predictable and more dangerous.