Oil refinery
Oil refinery splits crude oil into 3 different fluids: Heavy Oil, Light Oil and Petroleum Gas. These byproducts cannot be packed into steel barrels and must be stored in a Storage Tank or pumped to a Chemical plant.
- Later on you can research a second recipe that produces less of the relatively useless heavy oil and more of 2 other fluids, in exchange for having to supply water to the refinery.
- When placing the refinery, it can be rotated, but otherwise neither input nor output tiles can be swapped in any way.
When the refinery is working, a flame comes out of the chimney.
- You need to choose the recipe, otherwise it won't work.
- It will stop working if any of the products isn't properly drained from it (that is, 10.0 heavy oil at output will prevent production of the 2 other fluids).
See also