
From Official Factorio Wiki
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This is a list of tutorials about special themes in factorio. You are free to add a link yourself. Cause Factorio will change the gameplay every new version it is quite normal, that unuseful tutorials are removed.

Lists of Tutorials

Version Date Comment
Bentham's Factorio Videos v0.10 2014-08-14 Oil, Trains, Burner inserters
Negative Root's Factorio Tutorials on Youtube v0.10.6 2014-08-12
A series of tutorials to help new players v0.8 2014-05-24

Joseki (Starting moves)

For example the coal joseki: Two burner miners fill themselves on a coal field.

Version Date Comment
The early game v0.10.6 2014-08-1
Tips for a quick start v0.9 2014-06-18

Exploring the map

Basic Automation

Red Science Automation

Green Science Automation

The Oil Network

Logistics Robots

Smarter Factories

Automated Construction

Automating Red Circuits

Automating Blue Science

Alien Science Packs

Electric Power

Emergency Steam Generator




Earlyish Game Offensive Tactics

Middle Game Offensive Tactics

Late Game Offensive Tactics

Defensive Tactics




Spotting Problems and Optimizing your Factory

Belts and Managing Compression

Central Bus Design Concept