Factorio and this wiki are using the following units:
- [J] Joules (Power)
- the unit for work. Please don't mix work with energy! Work is in coal, oil, hot water and must be converted into energy before usage.
- This is most important, because this conversion takes time; it's a big difference if I convert one item of coal in 1 second or in one minute.
- Dependend on this conversion-rate is the resulting/needed power; in Factorio most entities describe their needed power per Tick.
- A real-life example: Work for 1 liter gasoline is about 44 megajoules (Motorbenzin), if you convert that with liquid oxygen into energy, you can drive a rocket with it (Very, very hot! :) ). If you convert that within 1-10 Minutes it is good for driving a car. If you convert that within 1-2 hours it's just enough to warm a house.
- More reasons:
- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061001142636AADb40G, http://www.differencebetween.net/science/difference-between-work-and-energy/ or just https://www.google.de/search?q=difference+between+energy+and+work
- [s] Second (Time)
- a Game-second.
- [tile] (Area)
- a tile is the smallest piece of map. See Tile.
- [W] Watt (Energy)
- the unit for power. If something uses power, it means, that it will do work (see Joules above), as long as it is used.
- Work is power multiplied by time. For difference between work and energy see also Joules above.