Blueprint string format

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Preview of a blueprint string.

This is a technical description of the blueprint string format, used to share blueprints with other users.

A blueprint string is a JSON representation of the blueprint, compressed with zlib deflate using compression level 9 and then encoded using base64 with a version byte in front of the encoded string. The version byte is currently 0 (for all Factorio versions through 1.1). So to get the JSON representation of a blueprint from a blueprint string, skip the first byte, base64 decode the string, and finally decompress using zlib inflate.

Json representation of a blueprint/blueprint book

The json representation of a blueprint or blueprint book is one large object inside another "wrapping" object, its key inside that object is either blueprint or blueprint-book.

Blueprint book object

Key Description Data type
item String, the name of the item that was saved ("blueprint-book" in vanilla). String
label String, the name of the blueprint set by the user. String
label_color The color of the label of this blueprint. Optional. #Color object. Object
blueprints The actual content of the blueprint book, array of objects containing an "index" key and 0-based value and a "blueprint" key with a #Blueprint object as the value. Array
active_index Index of the currently selected blueprint, 0-based. Integer
icons The icons of the blueprint book set by the user, array of #Icon objects. Array
description The description of the blueprint book. Optional. String
version The map version of the map the blueprint was created in, see Version string format. Integer (long)

Blueprint object

Key Description Data type
item String, the name of the item that was saved ("blueprint" in vanilla). String
label String, the name of the blueprint set by the user. String
label_color The color of the label of this blueprint. Optional. #Color object. Object
entities The actual content of the blueprint, array of #Entity objects. Array
tiles The tiles included in the blueprint, array of #Tile objects. Array
icons The icons of the blueprint set by the user, array of #Icon objects. Array
schedules The schedules for trains in this blueprint, array of #Schedule objects. Array
description The description of the blueprint. Optional. String
snap-to-grid The dimensions of the grid to use for snapping. Optional. #Position object. Object
absolute-snapping Whether the blueprint uses absolute or relative snapping. Optional. Boolean
position-relative-to-grid Offset relative to the global absolute snapping grid. Optional. #Position object. Object
version The map version of the map the blueprint was created in. Integer (long)

Icon object

Key Description Data type
index Index of the icon, 1-based. Integer
signal The icon that is displayed, #SignalID object. Object

SignalID object

Key Description Data type
name Name of the signal prototype this signal is set to. String
type Type of the signal. Either "item", "fluid" or "virtual". String

Entity object

Key Description Data type
entity_number Index of the entity, 1-based. Integer
name Prototype name of the entity (e.g. "offshore-pump"). String
position #Position object, position of the entity within the blueprint. Object
direction Direction of the entity, uint (optional). Integer
orientation Orientation of cargo wagon or locomotive, value 0 to 1 (optional). Floating Point
connections Circuit connection, object with keys starting from 1, values are #Connection objects (optional). Object
neighbours Copper wire connections, array of entity_numbers (optional). Array
control_behavior #Control behavior object of this entity (optional). Object
items Item requests by this entity, this is what defines the item-request-proxy when the blueprint is placed, optional. #Item request object Object
recipe Name of the recipe prototype this assembling machine is set to, optional, string. String
bar Used by Prototype/Container, optional. The index of the first inaccessible item slot due to limiting with the red "bar". 0-based Types/ItemStackIndex. Integer
inventory Cargo wagon inventory configuration, optional. #Inventory object Object
infinity_settings Used by Prototype/InfinityContainer, optional. #Infinity settings object Object
type Type of the underground belt or loader, optional. Either "input" or "output". String
input_priority Input priority of the splitter, optional. Either "right" or "left", "none" is omitted. String
output_priority Output priority of the splitter, optional. Either "right" or "left", "none" is omitted. String
filter Filter of the splitter, optional. Name of the item prototype the filter is set to, string. String
filters Filters of the filter inserter or loader, optional. Array of #Item filter objects. Array
filter_mode Filter mode of the filter inserter, optional. Either "whitelist" or "blacklist". String
override_stack_size The stack size the inserter is set to, optional. Types/uint8. Integer
drop_position The drop position the inserter is set to, optional. #Position object. Object
pickup_position The pickup position the inserter is set to, optional. #Position object. Object
request_filters Used by Prototype/LogisticContainer, optional. #Logistic filter object. Array
request_from_buffers Boolean. Whether this requester chest can request from buffer chests. Boolean
parameters Used by Programmable speaker, optional. #Speaker parameter object. Object
alert_parameters Used by Programmable speaker, optional. #Speaker alert parameter object Object
auto_launch Used by the rocket silo, optional. Boolean, whether auto launch is enabled. Boolean
variation Used by Prototype/SimpleEntityWithForce or Prototype/SimpleEntityWithOwner, optional. Types/GraphicsVariation
color Color of the Prototype/SimpleEntityWithForce, Prototype/SimpleEntityWithOwner, or train station, optional. #Color object. Object
station The name of the train station, optional. String
manual_trains_limit The manually set train limit of the train station, optional. Integer
switch_state The current state of the power switch, optional. Boolean
tags Dictionary of arbitrary data, optional. Tags. Object

Inventory object

Key Description Data type
filters Array of #Item filter objects. Array
bar The index of the first inaccessible item slot due to limiting with the red "bar". 0-based, optional. Types/ItemStackIndex. Integer

Schedule object

Key Description Data type
schedule Array of #Schedule Record objects. Array
locomotives Array of entity numbers of locomotives using this schedule. Array

Schedule Record object

Key Description Data type
station The name of the stop for this schedule record. String
wait_conditions Array of #Wait Condition objects. Array
temporary Whether this is a temporary schedule record. Optional. Boolean

Wait Condition object

Key Description Data type
type One of "time", "inactivity", "full", "empty", "item_count", "circuit", "robots_inactive", "fluid_count", "passenger_present", "passenger_not_present". String
compare_type Either "and", or "or". Tells how this condition is to be compared with the preceding conditions in the corresponding wait_conditions array. String
ticks Number of ticks to wait or of inactivity. Only present when type is "time" or "inactivity". Optional. uint
condition CircuitCondition object, only present when type is "item_count", "circuit" or "fluid_count". Object

Tile object

Key Description Data type
name Prototype name of the tile (e.g. "concrete") String
position #Position object, position of the entity within the blueprint. Object

Position object

Key Description Data type
x X position within the blueprint, 0 is the center. Floating point
y Y position within the blueprint, 0 is the center. Floating point

Connection object

Object containing information about the connections to other entities formed by red or green wires.

Key Description Data type
1 First connection point. The default for everything that doesn't have multiple connection points.#Connection point object Object
2 Second connection point. For example, the "output" part of an arithmetic combinator.#Connection point object Object

Connection point object

The actual point where a wire is connected to. Contains information about where it is connected to.

Key Description Data type
red An array of #Connection data object containing all the connections from this point created by red wire. Array
green An array of #Connection data object containing all the connections from this point created by green wire. Array

Connection data object

Information about a single connection between two connection points.

Key Description Data type
entity_id ID of the entity this connection is connected with. Integer
circuit_id The circuit connector id of the entity this connection is connected to, see defines.circuit_connector_id. Integer

Item request object

1 or more instances of key/value pairs. Key is the name of the item, string. Value is the amount of items to be requested, Types/ItemCountType.

Item filter object

Key Description Data type
name Name of the item prototype this filter is set to. String
index Index of the filter, 1-based. Integer

Infinity settings object

Key Description Data type
remove_unfiltered_items Boolean. Whether the "remove unfiltered items" checkbox is checked. Boolean
filters Filters of the infinity container, optional. Array of #Infinity filter objects. Array

Infinity filter object

Key Description Data type
name Name of the item prototype the filter is set to, string. String
count Number the filter is set to, Types/ItemCountType. Integer
mode Mode of the filter. Either "at-least", "at-most", or "exactly". String
index Index of the filter, 1-based. Integer

Logistic filter object

Key Description Data type
name Name of the item prototype this filter is set to. String
index Index of the filter, 1-based. Integer
count Number the filter is set to, Types/ItemCountType. Is 0 for storage chests. Integer

Speaker parameter object

Key Description Data type
playback_volume Types/double. Volume of the speaker. Floating point
playback_globally Boolean, whether global playback is enabled. Boolean
allow_polyphony Boolean, whether polyphony is allowed. Boolean

Speaker alert parameter object

Key Description Data type
show_alert Boolean, whether an alert is shown. Boolean
show_on_map Boolean, whether an alert icon is shown on the map. Boolean
icon_signal_id The icon that is displayed with the alert, #SignalID object. Object
alert_message String, message of the alert. String

Color object

Key Description Data type
r red, number from 0 to 1. Floating point
g green, number from 0 to 1. Floating point
b blue, number from 0 to 1. Floating point
a transparency, number from 0 to 1. Floating point

Control behavior object

ALL fields are optional and depend on the type of the entity.

Key Description Data type
logistic_condition CircuitCondition Object
connect_to_logistic_network Whether this entity is connected to the logistic network and enables/disables based on logistic_condition. Boolean
circuit_close_signal Whether this rail signal can be closed by circuit_condition. Boolean
circuit_read_signal Whether or not to read the state of this rail/chain signal. Boolean
red_output_signal #SignalID to use if the rail/chain signal is currently red. Object
orange_output_signal #SignalID to use if the rail/chain signal is currently orange. Object
green_output_signal #SignalID to use if the rail/chain signal is currently green. Object
blue_output_signal #SignalID to use if the chain signal is currently blue. Object
circuit_condition CircuitCondition Object
circuit_enable_disable Enable or disable based on circuit_condition. Boolean
send_to_train Send circuit values to the train to use in schedule conditions. Boolean
read_from_train Get the currently stopped trains cargo. Boolean
read_stopped_train Get the currently stopped trains ID. Boolean
train_stopped_signal #SignalID to output the train ID on. Object
set_trains_limit Whether this stations trains limit will be set through circuit values. Boolean
trains_limit_signal #SignalID to use to set the trains limit. Object
read_trains_count Whether to read this stations currently on route trains count. Boolean
trains_count_signal #SignalID to output the on route trains count on. Object
read_logistics Whether this roboport should output the contents of its network. Boolean
read_robot_stats Whether this roboport should output the robot stats of its network. Boolean
available_logistic_output_signal #SignalID to output available logistic robots on. Object
total_logistic_output_signal #SignalID to output the total count of logistic robots on. Object
available_construction_output_signal #SignalID to output available construction robots on. Object
total_construction_output_signal #SignalID to output the total count of construction robots on. Object
circuit_open_gate Whether to limit the gate opening with circuit_condition. Boolean
circuit_read_sensor Whether to send the wall-gate proximity sensor to the circuit network. Boolean
output_signal #SignalID to output the wall-gate sensor / accumulator charge on. Object
circuit_read_hand_contents Whether to read this belts content or inserters hand. Boolean
circuit_contents_read_mode defines.control_behavior.transport_belt.content_read_mode Integer
circuit_mode_of_operation Integer
circuit_hand_read_mode defines.control_behavior.inserter.hand_read_mode Integer
circuit_set_stack_size Whether to set the inserters stack size from a circuit signal. Boolean
stack_control_input_signal #SignalID to use to set the inserters stack size. Object
circuit_read_resources Whether this miner should output its remaining resource amounts to the circuit network. Boolean
circuit_resource_read_mode defines.control_behavior.mining_drill.resource_read_mode Integer
is_on Whether this constant combinator is currently on or off. Boolean
filters Array of ConstantCombinatorParameters. Array
arithmetic_conditions ArithmeticCombinatorParameters Object
decider_conditions DeciderCombinatorParameters Object
circuit_parameters ProgrammableSpeakerCircuitParameters Object
use_colors Whether this lamp should use colors or not. Boolean

Example code

On a typical Bash command line, the blueprint can be decoded like so:

echo "$blueprint_string" | cut -c2- | base64 -d | pigz -d

How to decode a string to lua table:

local str="$blueprint_string";

local bp_to_table=function(instr)
  --[[version and the body part]]
  local version=string.sub(instr,1,1);
  local body=string.sub(instr,2);
  --[[then decode it]]
  local json_str=game.decode_string(body);
  --[[then turn it into table]]
  local output=game.json_to_table(json_str);
  return output;

--[[and this could test if it print properly]]
game.print( serpent.block( bp_to_table(str) ) );