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Revision as of 15:23, 23 October 2020 by Bilka (talk | contribs) (mandatory values (collision boxes))
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Template:Prototype parent Used for rail corpses.

Template:Prototype TOC

Mandatory properties

This prototype inherits all the properties from Prototype/Corpse.

Template:Prototype property Either "straight" or "turn".

Template:Prototype property Table with the following mandatory members:

Mandatory values

All rail remnant collision_boxes are hardcoded and cannot be modified. The hardcoded values are:

  • straight_rail_primary_bounding_box = {-0.7, -0.99, 0.7, 0.99}
  • diagonal_straight_rail_primary_bounding_box = {-0.65, -0.7, 0.65, 0.7}
  • curved_rail_primary_bounding_box = {-0.75, -0.55, 0.75, 1.6}
  • secondary_bounding_box = {-0.68, -2.7, 0.68, 2.7}

Furthermore, the selection_boxes are automatically calculated from the bounding boxes, so effectively also hardcoded.