Template:Prototype parent The abstract base entity for both rail signals.
- Prototype/RailChainSignal rail-chain-signal
- Prototype/RailSignal rail-signal
Mandatory properties
This prototype inherits all the properties from Prototype/EntityWithHealth.
Optional properties
Template:Prototype property The maximum circuit wire distance for this entity.
Template:Prototype property Mandatory if circuit_wire_max_distance > 0.
Template:Prototype property Mandatory if circuit_wire_max_distance > 0.
Mandatory values
The collision_box of rail signals is hardcoded to {{-0.2, -0.2}, {0.2, 0.2}}.
Rail signals have additional requirements for the properties inherited from Prototype/Entity:
- The "placeable-off-grid" flag will be ignored.
- Rail signals must collide with each other, can be achieved by having the "rail-layer" collision mask layer on all rail signals.