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通常信号(Regular signal)とブロック
いつだって、線路に1編成より多くの列車が存在するなら衝突事故が発生しうる。これを防ぐため、道中と交差点に信号を設置しよう。通常の列車用信号 はその手前の線路ブロックを、次の信号か線路の終端かまで保護する。信号は、どのブロックにも1編成までしか存在できないことを保証してくれる。すでに列車が存在するブロックに2編成目の列車が侵入しようとすると、そのブロックへと続く(直前の)信号で止められて待たされる。
線路ブロックは、プレイヤーが信号を持っている間、色付きで表示される。画像はブロック可視化を示すもので、ここでは全部で11のブロックが見て取れる。列車用信号(そして連動式信号)はブロックを画すが、駅(train stops)はなにもしない。
- 左から右、
- 右から左、
- 双方通行、
- 双方通行、
- 左半分は双方通行で、分岐した上の線路は右から左、下の線路は左から右。
- 交差点で列車が待機していて
- 鉄道ネットワークが列車に対し十分なスペースを備えていない
Signal spacing
The image shows a deadlock between two T-junctions. It happened because while a train was waiting at the intersection, its tail end was still in the last intersection. The junctions when taken individually are signaled correctly, however they are too close to each other. One might argue that they form a single big intersection. There are two ways to fix this: the regular signals between the two junctions could be turned into chain signals or the junctions could be moved further away from each other.
After an exit signal of a junction, the next signal must be at least far enough away to fit the longest train in the rail system between the signals. In general, after every regular signal there should be at least that much space.
Splitting rail blocks
The following aims to explain where signals should be placed. Long uninterrupted rail tracks should have signals at regular intervals because this allows more trains to move on the track simultaneously leading to higher throughput. Crossings should be separated from uninterrupted rails with signals. Inside crossings, signals should be used so that multiple trains can pass through the crossing without slowing down - for example trains going in opposite directions should not have to slow down for each other, so they need to pass through different blocks inside an intersection. The examples below all follow these rules.
The most common way to build a rail system is using two parallel rails, one for each direction. The examples mostly follow this architecture. A single bidirectional rail line should not be used for 'main' rail lines in most situations.
The image shows a basic three way junction. Rail signals have been placed inside the junction to ensure that more than one train can enter the junction in some cases. For example for one train going left to right and one going right to left, the trains will pass through different blocks: the first will go through the left yellow, the blue and the lower right yellow block; the second will use the upper yellow and upper red blocks. Because they use different blocks, they can use the junction simultaneously. While this is not strictly necessary for a junction to work, it will allow better throughput at a low cost.
Copy blueprint string
Waiting area
If multiple trains use the same station, the trains will wait on the main rail line which leads to a traffic jam in the network and can cause deadlocks. One way to avoid this is to add waiting areas for trains at each station.
The image shows a shared waiting area for two stations. The signals leading into the waiting areas are regular signals because this is where trains are expected to wait for an extended time. The signals leading out of the waiting areas are chain signals because the track from the waiting areas to the stations should not be blocked. The stations are also in different blocks to make sure that all stations can be used simultaneously.
There are two ways to design waiting areas, parallel (as above) and sequential. The parallel version is easily extendable, takes less space and multiple stations can share a parallel waiting area. The sequential version as shown below is easier to set up but cannot be shared by multiple stations (and has very minor UPS benefits). Waiting areas are often referred to as stackers.