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From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 21:27, 18 November 2016 by Aldrasio (talk | contribs) (All chests can be used with the circuit network now, not just the "smart" variants)
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Multiple pages share the title or description of "Chests".
They are listed below.

Quick summary

Chests are used to store items. Note that, unlike the toolbelt and the vehicle inventories, you cannot set a filter on any of the chest's slots.

Chest may refer to:

Type Maximum no. of stacks Description Total raw
Wooden chest 16 Basic storage chest. Can be burned.
Iron chest 32 Larger basic chest.
Steel chest 48 Basic chest with maximum capacity of 48 stacks.
Active Provider chest 48 Used for Logistic network.
Passive Provider chest 48 Used for Logistic network.
Storage chest 48 Used for Logistic network.
Requester chest 48 Used for Logistic network.