Production statistics
The production screen is a window that shows details about the rate at which your factory produces and consumes items. It also includes graphs to show how this information has changed over time.

The timescale can be set to 5 seconds, 1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 10 hours, or 50 hours. If you are a new player, you might find the idea of playing a single factory for 50 hours ridiculous. You'll change your mind soon enough.
- Only the items with the highest production and consumption rates are shown in the window. The number actually shown depends on your screen size.
- At low timescales, the rate shown can be inaccurate because of the small number of items sampled to get the value.
- If you are producing one item at a significantly higher rate than your other items (this often happens with iron and copper plates), the graphs get compressed vertically so they can fit in the space. This makes it very hard to see how production has changed over time for other items.