
From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 00:48, 6 January 2014 by Ssilk (talk | contribs) (Power usage)
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The Roboport is the home for all Robots. It also spawns an area of 50x50 tiles, in which the robots can fly.

Two or more roboports can build a Robotic network, if the borders of the covered areas connect.

Inbuild stacks

A Roboport contains 8 Storages/Stacks, reserved for Robots, and another 8 for Repair packs.

Power usage

The Roboport needs ~200 watts of energy when idle, but can use up to ~2000 watts when charging bots.

Choosing Roboport

The further (regards to A) roboport B is chosen when it's queue is smaller than 2 x (tile distance A to B).

Unuseable knowledge

You can insert robots and repair-packs into the port with an inserter, but since there is currently no control about the inserted number, this is unuseable knowledge.

Recipe: + + +
Total raw:

See also