Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.
- Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
- Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
- Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.
/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
/* Testing infobox updating */
var OldContent = "";
var version = "0.15.9";
function getRecipes() {
var Input = prompt("Please enter the recipes");
if (Input != null) {
var Items = Input.split(/\s\s/g);
console.log(Items.length + " Items detected");
function RemoveDuplicateRecipesAndUpdateInfobox(Recipes) {
var ItemNameEnd ="\\|");
var ItemName = Recipes.slice(0, ItemNameEnd);
ItemName = ItemName.trim();
var RecipeStart ="\\|recipe = ") + 10;
if (RecipeStart < 10) {
console.log(ItemName + ": No normal recipe found.");
var Recipe = "";
} else {
var RecipeCut = Recipes.slice(RecipeStart);
var RecipeEnd ="\\|");
if (RecipeEnd < 1) {
RecipeEnd ="}}");
if (RecipeEnd < 1) {
var Recipe = RecipeCut;
} else {
var Recipe = RecipeCut.slice(0, RecipeEnd);
} else {
var Recipe = RecipeCut.slice(0, RecipeEnd);
var TotalRawStart ="\\|total-raw = ") + 13;
if (TotalRawStart < 13) {
console.log(ItemName + ": No total raw found.");
var TotalRaw = "";
} else {
var TotalRawCut = Recipes.slice(TotalRawStart);
var TotalRawEnd ="\\|");
if (TotalRawEnd < 1) {
TotalRawEnd ="}}");
if (TotalRawEnd < 1) {
var TotalRaw = TotalRawCut;
} else {
var TotalRaw = TotalRawCut.slice(0, TotalRawEnd);
} else {
var TotalRaw = TotalRawCut.slice(0, TotalRawEnd);
var ExpRecipeStart ="\\|expensive-recipe = ") + 20;
if (ExpRecipeStart < 20) {
console.log(ItemName + ": No expensive recipe found.");
var ExpRecipe = "";
} else {
var ExpRecipeCut = Recipes.slice(ExpRecipeStart);
var ExpRecipeEnd ="\\|");
if (ExpRecipeEnd < 1) {
ExpRecipeEnd ="}}");
if (ExpRecipeEnd < 1) {
var ExpRecipe = ExpRecipeCut;
} else {
var ExpRecipe = ExpRecipeCut.slice(0, ExpRecipeEnd);
} else {
var ExpRecipe = ExpRecipeCut.slice(0, ExpRecipeEnd);
var ExpTotalRawStart ="\\|expensive-total-raw = ") + 23;
if (ExpTotalRawStart < 23) {
console.log(ItemName + ": No expensive total raw found.");
var ExpTotalRaw = "";
} else {
var ExpTotalRawCut = Recipes.slice(ExpTotalRawStart);
var ExpTotalRawEnd ="\\|");
if (ExpTotalRawEnd < 1) {
ExpTotalRawEnd ="}}");
if (ExpTotalRawEnd < 1) {
var ExpTotalRaw = ExpTotalRawCut;
} else {
var ExpTotalRaw = ExpTotalRawCut.slice(0, ExpTotalRawEnd);
} else {
var ExpTotalRaw = ExpTotalRawCut.slice(0, ExpTotalRawEnd);
//remove whitespace
//ItemName = ItemName.trim(); this is done further up for asthestics
Recipe = Recipe.trim();
TotalRaw = TotalRaw.trim();
ExpRecipe = ExpRecipe.trim();
ExpTotalRaw = ExpTotalRaw.trim();
//remove duplicate recipes, but only if the recipe actually exists
if ((ExpTotalRaw == ExpRecipe) && (ExpTotalRaw.length > 0)) {
ExpTotalRaw = "";
console.log(ItemName + ": Removed expensive-total-raw because it was a duplicate of expensive-recipe.");
} else if ((ExpTotalRaw == TotalRaw) && (ExpTotalRaw.length > 0)) {
ExpTotalRaw = "";
console.log(ItemName + ": Removed expensive-total-raw because it was a duplicate of total-raw.");
if ((ExpRecipe == Recipe) && (ExpRecipe.length > 0)) {
ExpRecipe = "";
console.log(ItemName + ": Removed expensive-recipe because it was a duplicate of recipe.");
if ((TotalRaw == Recipe) && (TotalRaw.length > 0)) {
TotalRaw = "";
console.log(ItemName + ": Removed total-raw because it was a duplicate of recipe.");
//Remove Itemnames if the item does not have a page on the wiki, so that the item is removed from the output
var NoInfobox = ["Express loader", "Fast loader", "Loader", "Basic oil processing", "Advanced oil processing", "Coal liquefaction", "Electric energy interface", "Empty barrel", "Heavy oil cracking", "Light oil cracking", "Player port", "Railgun", "Railgun dart", "Small plane", "Solid fuel from heavy oil", "Solid fuel from light oil", "Solid fuel from petroleum gas"]
NoInfobox.forEach(function(InfoboxName) {
if (ItemName == InfoboxName) {
console.log("Removed " + ItemName + " from output.");
ItemName = "";
//Change Itemname to wiki one if it's different between the game files and the wiki
if (ItemName == "Battery equipment") {
ItemName = "Battery MK1"
if (ItemName == "Battery mk2 equipment") {
ItemName = "Battery MK2"
if (ItemName == "Discharge defense equipment") {
ItemName = "Discharge defense"
if (ItemName == "Effectivity module") {
ItemName = "Efficiency module"
if (ItemName == "Effectivity module 2") {
ItemName = "Efficiency module 2"
if (ItemName == "Effectivity module 3") {
ItemName = "Efficiency module 3"
if (ItemName == "Energy shield equipment") {
ItemName = "Energy shield"
if (ItemName == "Energy shield mk2 equipment") {
ItemName = "Energy shield MK2"
if (ItemName == "Exoskeleton equipment") {
ItemName = "Exoskeleton"
if (ItemName == "Fusion reactor equipment") {
ItemName = "Portable fusion reactor"
if (ItemName == "Logistic chest active provider") {
ItemName = "Active provider chest"
if (ItemName == "Logistic chest passive provider") {
ItemName = "Passive provider chest"
if (ItemName == "Logistic chest requester") {
ItemName = "Requester chest"
if (ItemName == "Logistic chest storage") {
ItemName ="Storage chest"
if (ItemName == "Night vision equipment") {
ItemName = "Nightvision"
if (ItemName == "Personal laser defense equipment") {
ItemName = "Personal laser defense"
if (ItemName == "Personal roboport equipment") {
ItemName = "Personal roboport"
if (ItemName == "Personal roboport mk2 equipment") {
ItemName = "Personal roboport MK2"
if (ItemName == "Power armor mk2") {
ItemName = "Power armor MK2"
if (ItemName == "Pump") {
ItemName = "Small pump"
if (ItemName == "Solar panel equipment") {
ItemName = "Portable solar panel"
if (ItemName == "Piercing shotgun shell") {
ItemName = "Piercing shotgun shells"
if (ItemName == "Shotgun shell") {
ItemName = "Shotgun shells"
if (ItemName.length > 0) {
//get page content of the item -> OldContent
url: '',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
titles: ItemName + '/infobox',
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'content'
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
success: function( data ) {
var pages = data.query.pages;
var revisions = pages[Object.keys(pages)[0]].revisions[0];
OldContent = revisions[Object.keys(revisions)[2]]
var title = pages[Object.keys(pages)[0]].title;
if ( data && data.query && data.query.result == 'Success' ) {
window.location.reload(); // reload page if edit was successful
} else if ( data && data.error ) {
alert( 'Error: API returned error code "' + data.error.code + '": ' + );
} else {
//alert( 'Error: Unknown result from API.' );
error: function( xhr ) {
alert( 'Error: Request failed.' );
OldContent = "";
} else {
OldContent = "";
if (OldContent.length > 0) {
//find recipes in page (OldContent)
var PageRecipeStart ="\\|recipe") + 7;
if (PageRecipeStart < 7) {
console.log(ItemName + ": No normal recipe found on page.");
var PageRecipe = "";
} else {
var PageRecipeCut = OldContent.slice(PageRecipeStart);
PageRecipeCut.trim(); //removes possible whitespace in front off =
PageRecipeCut = PageRecipeCut.slice(1); //removes =
PageRecipeCut.trim(); //removes possible whitespace after =
var PageRecipeEnd ="\\|");
if (PageRecipeEnd < 1) {
PageRecipeEnd ="}}");
if (PageRecipeEnd < 1) {
var PageRecipe = PageRecipeCut;
} else {
var PageRecipe = PageRecipeCut.slice(0, PageRecipeEnd);
} else {
var PageRecipe = PageRecipeCut.slice(0, PageRecipeEnd);
var PageTotalRawStart ="\\|total-raw") + 10;
if (PageTotalRawStart < 10) {
console.log(ItemName + ": No total raw found on page.");
var PageTotalRaw = "";
} else {
var PageTotalRawCut = OldContent.slice(PageTotalRawStart);
PageTotalRawCut.trim(); //removes possible whitespace in front off =
PageTotalRawCut = PageTotalRawCut.slice(1); //removes =
PageTotalRawCut.trim(); //removes possible whitespace after =
var PageTotalRawEnd ="\\|");
if (PageTotalRawEnd < 1) {
PageTotalRawEnd ="}}");
if (PageTotalRawEnd < 1) {
var PageTotalRaw = PageTotalRawCut;
} else {
var PageTotalRaw = PageTotalRawCut.slice(0, PageTotalRawEnd);
} else {
var PageTotalRaw = PageTotalRawCut.slice(0, PageTotalRawEnd);
var PageExpRecipeStart ="\\|expensive-recipe") + 17;
if (PageExpRecipeStart < 17) {
console.log(ItemName + ": No expensive recipe found on page.");
var PageExpRecipe = "";
} else {
var PageExpRecipeCut = OldContent.slice(PageExpRecipeStart);
PageExpRecipeCut.trim(); //removes possible whitespace in front off =
PageExpRecipeCut = PageExpRecipeCut.slice(1); //removes =
PageExpRecipeCut.trim(); //removes possible whitespace after =
var PageExpRecipeEnd ="\\|");
if (PageExpRecipeEnd < 1) {
PageExpRecipeEnd ="}}");
if (PageExpRecipeEnd < 1) {
var PageExpRecipe = PageExpRecipeCut;
} else {
var PageExpRecipe = PageExpRecipeCut.slice(0, PageExpRecipeEnd);
} else {
var PageExpRecipe = PageExpRecipeCut.slice(0, PageExpRecipeEnd);
var PageExpTotalRawStart ="\\|expensive-total-raw") + 20;
if (PageExpTotalRawStart < 20) {
console.log(ItemName + ": No expensive total raw found on page.");
var PageExpTotalRaw = "";
} else {
var PageExpTotalRawCut = OldContent.slice(PageExpTotalRawStart);
PageExpTotalRawCut.trim(); //removes possible whitespace in front off =
PageExpTotalRawCut = PageExpTotalRawCut.slice(1); //removes =
PageExpTotalRawCut.trim(); //removes possible whitespace after =
var PageExpTotalRawEnd ="\\|");
if (PageExpTotalRawEnd < 1) {
PageExpTotalRawEnd ="}}");
if (PageExpTotalRawEnd < 1) {
var PageExpTotalRaw = PageExpTotalRawCut;
} else {
var PageExpTotalRaw = PageExpTotalRawCut.slice(0, PageExpTotalRawEnd);
} else {
var PageExpTotalRaw = PageExpTotalRawCut.slice(0, PageExpTotalRawEnd);
//remove whitespace
PageRecipe = PageRecipe.trim();
PageTotalRaw = PageTotalRaw.trim();
PageExpRecipe = PageExpRecipe.trim();
PageExpTotalRaw = PageExpTotalRaw.trim();
var Summary = ""
//change page if anything is different (this INCLUDES different formatting)
var NewContent = "";
if ((PageRecipe == Recipe) && (PageTotalRaw == TotalRaw) && (PageExpRecipe == ExpRecipe) && (PageExpTotalRaw == ExpTotalRaw)) {
console.log(ItemName + " page was not changed.")
} else {
if (PageRecipe.length > 0) {
var NewPageRecipeStart ="\\|recipe") + 7;
var NewPageRecipeCut = OldContent.slice(NewPageRecipeStart);
var NewPageRecipeEnd ="\\|");
if (NewPageRecipeEnd < 1) {
NewPageRecipeEnd ="}}");
var ActualNewPageRecipeEnd = NewPageRecipeStart + NewPageRecipeEnd;
if (Recipe.length > 0) {
NewContent = OldContent.slice(0, NewPageRecipeStart) + " = " + Recipe + "\n" + OldContent.slice(ActualNewPageRecipeEnd) //I'm just assuming that PageRecipeEnd must exist because the infobox HAS to end with }}
console.log("Replaced " + ItemName + " recipe.");
Summary = Summary + "Updated recipe to " + version + ". ";
} else {
NewPageRecipeStart = NewPageRecipeStart - 7;
NewContent = OldContent.slice(0, NewPageRecipeStart) + OldContent.slice(ActualNewPageRecipeEnd) //I'm just assuming that PageRecipeEnd must exist because the infobox HAS to end with }}
console.log("Removed " + ItemName + " recipe.");
Summary = Summary + "Removed recipe. ";
} else if (Recipe.length > 0) {
var InfoboxStart ="{{Infobox") + 9;
if (InfoboxStart < 0) {
InfoboxStart ="{{infobox") + 9;
NewContent = OldContent.slice(0, InfoboxStart) + "\n|recipe = " + Recipe + OldContent.slice(InfoboxStart)
console.log("Added " + ItemName + " recipe to the start of the infobox because no recipe existed beforehand.");
Summary = Summary + "Added recipe. ";
if (PageTotalRaw.length > 0) {
var NewPageTotalRawStart ="\\|total-raw") + 10;
var NewPageTotalRawCut = NewContent.slice(NewPageTotalRawStart);
var NewPageTotalRawEnd ="\\|");
if (NewPageTotalRawEnd < 1) {
NewPageTotalRawEnd ="}}");
var ActualNewPageTotalRawEnd = NewPageTotalRawStart + NewPageTotalRawEnd;
if (TotalRaw.length > 0) {
NewContent = NewContent.slice(0, NewPageTotalRawStart) + " = " + TotalRaw + "\n" + NewContent.slice(ActualNewPageTotalRawEnd) //I'm just assuming that NewPageTotalRawEnd must exist because the infobox HAS to end with }}
console.log("Replaced " + ItemName + " total-raw.");
Summary = Summary + "Updated total-raw to " + version + ". ";
} else {
NewPageTotalRawStart = NewPageTotalRawStart - 10;
NewContent = NewContent.slice(0, NewPageTotalRawStart) + NewContent.slice(ActualNewPageTotalRawEnd) //I'm just assuming that NewPageTotalRawEnd must exist because the infobox HAS to end with }}
console.log("Removed " + ItemName + " total-raw. ");
Summary = Summary + "Removed total-raw.";
} else if (TotalRaw.length > 0) {
var InfoboxStart ="{{Infobox") + 9;
if (InfoboxStart < 0) {
InfoboxStart ="{{infobox") + 9;
NewContent = NewContent.slice(0, InfoboxStart) + "\n|total-raw = " + TotalRaw + NewContent.slice(InfoboxStart)
console.log("Added " + ItemName + " total-raw to the start of the infobox because no total-raw existed beforehand.");
Summary = Summary + "Added total-raw. ";
if (PageExpRecipe.length > 0) {
var NewPageExpRecipeStart ="\\|expensive-recipe") + 17;
var NewPageExpRecipeCut = NewContent.slice(NewPageExpRecipeStart);
var NewPageExpRecipeEnd ="\\|");
if (NewPageExpRecipeEnd < 1) {
NewPageExpRecipeEnd ="}}");
var ActualNewPageExpRecipeEnd = NewPageExpRecipeStart + NewPageExpRecipeEnd;
if (ExpRecipe.length > 0) {
NewContent = NewContent.slice(0, NewPageExpRecipeStart) + " = " + ExpRecipe + "\n" + NewContent.slice(ActualNewPageExpRecipeEnd) //I'm just assuming that NewPageExpRecipeEnd must exist because the infobox HAS to end with }}
console.log("Replaced " + ItemName + " expensive-recipe.");
Summary = Summary + "Updated expensive-recipe to " + version + ". ";
} else {
NewPageExpRecipeStart = NewPageExpRecipeStart - 17;
NewContent = NewContent.slice(0, NewPageExpRecipeStart) + NewContent.slice(ActualNewPageExpRecipeEnd) //I'm just assuming that NewPageExpRecipeEnd must exist because the infobox HAS to end with }}
console.log("Removed " + ItemName + " expensive-recipe.");
Summary = Summary + "Removed expensive-recipe. ";
} else if (ExpRecipe.length > 0) {
var InfoboxStart ="{{Infobox") + 9;
if (InfoboxStart < 0) {
InfoboxStart ="{{infobox") + 9;
NewContent = NewContent.slice(0, InfoboxStart) + "\n|expensive-recipe = " + ExpRecipe + NewContent.slice(InfoboxStart)
console.log("Added " + ItemName + " expensive-recipe to the start of the infobox because no expensive-recipe existed beforehand.");
Summary = Summary + "Added expensive-recipe. ";
if (PageExpTotalRaw.length > 0) {
var NewPageExpTotalRawStart ="\\|expensive-total-raw") + 20;
var NewPageExpTotalRawCut = NewContent.slice(NewPageExpTotalRawStart);
var NewPageExpTotalRawEnd ="\\|");
if (NewPageExpTotalRawEnd < 1) {
NewPageExpTotalRawEnd ="}}");
var ActualNewPageExpTotalRawEnd = NewPageExpTotalRawStart + NewPageExpTotalRawEnd;
if (ExpTotalRaw.length > 0) {
NewContent = NewContent.slice(0, NewPageExpTotalRawStart) + " = " + ExpTotalRaw + "\n" + NewContent.slice(ActualNewPageExpTotalRawEnd) //I'm just assuming that NewPageExpTotalRawEnd must exist because the infobox HAS to end with }}
console.log("Replaced " + ItemName + " expensive-total-raw.");
Summary = Summary + "Updated expensive-total-raw to " + version + ". ";
} else {
NewPageExpTotalRawStart = NewPageExpTotalRawStart - 20;
NewContent = NewContent.slice(0, NewPageExpTotalRawStart) + NewContent.slice(ActualNewPageExpTotalRawEnd) //I'm just assuming that NewPageExpTotalRawEnd must exist because the infobox HAS to end with }}
console.log("Removed " + ItemName + " expensive-total-raw.");
Summary = Summary + "Removed expensive-total-raw. ";
} else if (ExpTotalRaw.length > 0) {
var InfoboxStart ="{{Infobox") + 9;
if (InfoboxStart < 0) {
InfoboxStart ="{{infobox") + 9;
NewContent = NewContent.slice(0, InfoboxStart) + "\n|expensive-total-raw = " + ExpTotalRaw + NewContent.slice(InfoboxStart)
console.log("Added " + ItemName + " expensive-total-raw to the start of the infobox because no expensive-total-raw existed beforehand.");
Summary = Summary + "Added expensive-total-raw. ";
//alright, NewContent should be defined, add edit here:
if (NewContent.length > 0) {
url: '',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'edit',
title: ItemName + '/infobox',
text: NewContent,
token: globalToken,
summary: Summary,
bot: true,
nocreate: true
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
success: function( data ) {
console.log("Updated " + ItemName);
error: function( xhr ) {
console.log("Failed to update " + ItemName);
var globalToken;
function getToken() {
url: '',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
meta: 'tokens',
bot: true
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
success: function( data ) {
globalToken = data.query.tokens.csrftoken;
error: function( xhr ) {
console.log("Failed to perform null edit");
/*** Language template ***/
if($(".languages-flags .flag").length == 0) {
console.log("Not showing languages bar because there's no other language's version of this page.");
//Spoiler template JavaScript
$(".spoiler-container .button").click(function() {
var wantedPagesListsLocation = "User:TheWombatGuru/WantedPages"
//Commented out this function to prevent non-admin users from using the bot because their api limits are too low to use it properly
/* $("#create-wanted-pages-list").click(function(){
}); */
function createWantedPagesLists() {
var wantedPages = getWantedPages();
wantedPages = wantedPages.sort(compare);
function splitWantedPagesIntoDifferentLanguages(wantedPages) {
var czechWantedPages = [];
var germanWantedPages = [];
var spanishWantedPages = [];
var frenchWantedPages = [];
var italianWantedPages = [];
var japaneseWantedPages = [];
var dutchWantedPages = [];
var polishWantedPages = [];
var portugueseWantedPages = [];
var russianWantedPages = [];
var swedishWantedPages = [];
var ukrainianWantedPages = [];
var chineseWantedPages = [];
var turkishWantedPages = [];
var wantedFiles = [];
var wantedTemplates = [];
var otherWantedPages = [];
for (var i = 0; i < wantedPages.length; i++) {
switch (wantedPages[i].title.slice(-3)) {//"/cs", "/de", "/es", "/fr", "/it", "/ja", "/nl", "/pl", "/-br", "/ru", "/sv", "/uk", "/zh", "/tr"
case "/cs": czechWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "/de": germanWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "/es": spanishWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "/fr": frenchWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "/it": italianWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "/ja": japaneseWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "/nl": dutchWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "/pl": polishWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "-br": portugueseWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "/ru": russianWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "/sv": swedishWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "/uk": ukrainianWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "/zh": chineseWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
case "/tr": turkishWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i]); break;
default: if (wantedPages[i].title.slice(0, 5) == "File:") {wantedFiles.push(wantedPages[i])} else if (wantedPages[i].title.slice(0, 9) == "Template:") {wantedTemplates.push(wantedPages[i])} else {otherWantedPages.push(wantedPages[i])}; break;
createWantedPagesPage("cs", czechWantedPages, "Czech");
createWantedPagesPage("de", germanWantedPages, "German");
createWantedPagesPage("es", spanishWantedPages, "Spanish");
createWantedPagesPage("fr", frenchWantedPages, "French");
createWantedPagesPage("it", italianWantedPages, "Italian");
createWantedPagesPage("ja", japaneseWantedPages, "Japanese");
createWantedPagesPage("nl", dutchWantedPages, "Dutch");
createWantedPagesPage("pl", polishWantedPages, "Polish");
createWantedPagesPage("pt-br", portugueseWantedPages, "Portuguese");
createWantedPagesPage("ru", russianWantedPages, "Russian");
createWantedPagesPage("sv", swedishWantedPages, "Swedish");
createWantedPagesPage("uk", ukrainianWantedPages, "Ukrainian");
createWantedPagesPage("zh", chineseWantedPages, "Chinese");
createWantedPagesPage("tr", turkishWantedPages, "Turkish");
createWantedPagesPage("file", wantedFiles, "Files");
createWantedPagesPage("template", wantedTemplates, "Templates");
createWantedPagesPage("other", otherWantedPages, "Other");
function createWantedPagesPage(location, wantedPages, language) {
var formattedWantedPages = "Number of wanted pages in " + language + ": " + wantedPages.length + "\n{|class=wikitable\n!#\n!Page\n!Links to this page";
for (var i = 0; i < wantedPages.length; i++) {
formattedWantedPages = formattedWantedPages.concat("\n|-\n|" + (i + 1) + "\n|[" + encodeURI(wantedPages[i].title) + " " + wantedPages[i].title + "]\n|[" + encodeURI(wantedPages[i].title) + " " + wantedPages[i].value + "]");
formattedWantedPages = formattedWantedPages.concat("\n|}");
createPage(wantedPagesListsLocation + "/" + location, formattedWantedPages, "(BOT) - Update the list of wanted pages for " + language + ".");
function performNullEdit(pageTitle, summary) {
url: '',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'edit',
title: pageTitle,
section: 0,
text: "",
token: globalToken,
summary: summary,
bot: true
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
success: function( data ) {
console.log("Performed null edit");
error: function( xhr ) {
console.log("Failed to perform null edit");
function purgeWhatLinksHere(pageTitle) {
url: '',
data: {
format: "json",
action: 'query',
list: "backlinks",
bltitle: pageTitle,
bllimit: 500
async: true,
type: 'GET',
success: function( data ) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.query.backlinks.length; i++) {
error: function( xhr ) {
//alert( 'Error: Request failed.' );
console.log("Failed purging");
function purgePage(pageTitle) {
url: '',
data: {
action: 'purge',
forcelinkupdate: true,
titles: pageTitle,
prop: "info"
async: true,
type: 'GET',
success: function( data ) {
console.log("purging " + pageTitle);
error: function( xhr ) {
//alert( 'Error: Request failed.' );
console.log("Failed purging");
function compare(a,b) {
if (parseInt(a.value) > parseInt(b.value))
return -1;
if (parseInt(a.value) < parseInt(b.value))
return 1;
if (a.title < b.title)
return -1;
if (a.title > b.title)
return 1;
return 0;
function createPage(pageTitle, content, summary) {
url: '',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'edit',
title: pageTitle,
text: content,
token: globalToken,
summary: summary,
bot: true
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
success: function( data ) {
console.log("created page");
error: function( xhr ) {
console.log("failed to create page");
function getWantedPages() {
var wantedPages = [];
url: '',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
list: 'querypage',
qppage: 'Wantedpages',
qplimit: '5000',
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
success: function( data ) {
var results = data.query.querypage.results;
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var pageObject = new WantedPage(results[i].title, results[i].value);
var alreadyInArray = false;
for (var j = 0; j < wantedPages.length; j++) {
if (wantedPages[j].title == pageObject.title) {
alreadyInArray = true;
if (!alreadyInArray) {
if (pageObject.title == "Rocket defense/it") {
error: function( xhr ) {
//alert( 'Error: Request failed. Category' );
url: '',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
list: 'querypage',
qppage: 'Wantedpages',
qplimit: '5000',
qpoffset: '3000',
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
success: function( data ) {
var results = data.query.querypage.results;
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var pageObject = new WantedPage(results[i].title, results[i].value);
var alreadyInArray = false;
for (var j = 0; j < wantedPages.length; j++) {
if (wantedPages[j].title == pageObject.title) {
alreadyInArray = true;
if (!alreadyInArray) {
if (pageObject.title == "Rocket defense/it") {
error: function( xhr ) {
//alert( 'Error: Request failed. Category' );
return wantedPages;
function WantedPage(pageTitle, pageValue) {
this.title = pageTitle;
this.value = pageValue;
/*function targetAllPagesInCategory(category) {
var languageSuffixes = ["/fr", "/ru", "/de"]; //, "/cs", "/de", "/es", "/fr", "/it", "/nl", "/pl", "/pt-br", "/ru", "/sv", "/uk", "/zh", ""];
for (var j = 0; j < languageSuffixes.length; j++) {
url: '',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
list: 'categorymembers',
cmtitle: (category + languageSuffixes[j]),
cmlimit: 500
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
success: function( data ) {
var pages = data.query.categorymembers;
for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
extractPageInfo(pages[i].title, "9c28a1344a20bf189fda7d58339e518257f2dd9b+\\");
if ( data && data.query && data.query.result == 'Success' ) {
window.location.reload(); // reload page if edit was successful
} else if ( data && data.error ) {
//alert( 'Error: API returned error code "' + data.error.code + '": ' + + 'Category' );
} else {
//alert( 'Error: Unknown result from API. Category' );
error: function( xhr ) {
//alert( 'Error: Request failed. Category' );
function extractPageInfo(pageTitle, token) {
url: '',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
titles: pageTitle,
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'content'
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
success: function( data ) {
var pages = data.query.pages;
var revisions = pages[Object.keys(pages)[0]].revisions[0];
var content = revisions[Object.keys(revisions)[2]]
var title = pages[Object.keys(pages)[0]].title;
createNewInfoboxPage(title, content, token);
if ( data && data.query && data.query.result == 'Success' ) {
window.location.reload(); // reload page if edit was successful
} else if ( data && data.error ) {
//alert( 'Error: API returned error code "' + data.error.code + '": ' + );
} else {
//alert( 'Error: Unknown result from API.' );
error: function( xhr ) {
//alert( 'Error: Request failed.' );
function createNewInfoboxPage(page, contentOfMainPage, token) {
var infoboxText = getInfoboxFromFullPageContent(contentOfMainPage);
var infoboxPageTitle = page.replace(/\/(de|fr|nl|it|es|ru|pt\-br|cs|pl|sv|uk|zh)/g, function(piece) {return "";}).concat("/infobox");
var oldPageRevisedText = getOldPageRevisedText(page, contentOfMainPage, infoboxPageTitle);
removeInfoboxFromMain(page, oldPageRevisedText, token);
if (infoboxText != null) {
if (/\/(de|fr|nl|it|es|ru|pt\-br|cs|pl|sv|uk|zh)/g.test(page)) {
var newPageTitle = page.concat("/infobox");
var convertedInfoboxText = convertInfobox(infoboxText, token);
createPage(newPageTitle, convertedInfoboxText, token, page, contentOfMainPage);
function getOldPageRevisedText(pageTitle, content, infoboxPageTitle) {
content = content.replace(/{{\bCombat\b(\s+(\||{).+)+\s}}/gi, function (piece) {
return "{{:" + infoboxPageTitle + "}}";
return content;
function removeInfoboxFromMain(pageTitle, content, token) {
url: '',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'edit',
title: pageTitle,
text: content,
bot: true,
token: token,
summary: "(BOT) - Replaced old infobox with a link to the /infobox subpage"
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
success: function( data ) {
if ( data && data.edit && data.edit.result == 'Success' ) {
window.location.reload(); // reload page if edit was successful
} else if ( data && data.error ) {
//alert( 'Error: API returned error code "' + data.error.code + '": ' + );
} else {
//alert( 'Error: Unknown result from API.' );
error: function( xhr ) {
//alert( 'Error: Request failed.' );
function getInfoboxFromFullPageContent(contentOfPage) {
var matches = contentOfPage.match(/{{\bCombat\b(\s+\|.+)+\s}}/gi);
if (matches != null && matches.length > 0) {
infoboxText = matches[0];
} else {
infoboxText = null;
return infoboxText;
function convertInfobox(text) {
text = text.replace(/{{(\w+)/g, function (piece, $1) {
var returnText = "{{Infobox\n| category = ";
$1 = $1.toLowerCase();
switch ($1) {
case "item":
returnText = returnText.concat("Items");
case "machinery":
returnText = returnText.concat("Machinery");
case "combat":
returnText = returnText.concat("Combat");
case "technology":
returnText = returnText.concat("Technology");
switch ($1) {
case "machinery":
returnText = returnText.concat("\n| category-name = Machine");
case "item":
returnText = returnText.concat("\n| category-name = Item");
return returnText;
text = text.replace("stack_size", "stack-size");
text = text.replace("poweroutput", "power-output");
text = text.replace("input", "recipe");
text = text.replace("raw", "total-raw");
text = text.replace("technologies", "required-technologies");
text = text.replace("costmultiplier", "cost-multiplier");
text = text.replace("requirements", "required-technologies");
text = text.replace("walkingspeed", "walking-speed");
text = text.replace("storagesize", "storage-size");
text = text.replace("gridsize", "grid-size");
text = text.replace("shootingspeed", "shooting-speed");
text = text.replace("damagebonus", "damage-bonus");
text = text.replace("clustersize", "cluster-size");
text = text.replace("aoesize", "area-of-effect-size");
text = text.replace("magazinesize", "magazine-size");
text = text.replace("recharge", "robot-recharge-rate");
text = text.replace("rechargebuffer", "internal-buffer-recharge-rate");
text = text.replace("wirereach", "wire-reach");
text = text.replace("craftingspeed", "crafting-speed");
text = text.replace("smeltingspeed", "smelting-speed");
text = text.replace("miningpower", "mining-power");
text = text.replace("miningspeed", "mining-speed");
text = text.replace("miningarea", "mining-area");
text = text.replace("supplyarea", "supply-area");
text = text.replace("constructionarea", "construction-area");
text = text.replace("lifetime", "lifespan");
text = text.replace("inventorysizebonus", "inventory-size-bonus");
text = text.replace("gridsize", "grid-size");
text = text.replace("boosttechs", "boosting-technologies");
text = text.replace("allowstech", "allows");
text = text.replace("storage", "storage-size");
text = text.replace(/\|\s*\brecipe\b\s*=\s*(.+)\n\|\s*\boutput\b\s*=\s*(.+)/g, function (piece, $1, $2) {
return "| recipe = " + $1 + " = " + $2;
text = text.concat("<noinclude>[[Category:Infobox page]]</noinclude>");
return text;
function createPage(pageTitle, content, token, page, contentOfMainPage) {
url: '',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'edit',
title: pageTitle,
text: content,
bot: true,
createonly: true,
token: token,
summary: "(BOT) - Created infobox sub page for " + page
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
success: function( data ) {
if ( data && data.edit && data.edit.result == 'Success' ) {
window.location.reload(); // reload page if edit was successful
} else if ( data && data.error ) {
//alert( 'Error: API returned error code "' + data.error.code + '": ' + );
} else {
//alert( 'Error: Unknown result from API.' );
error: function( xhr ) {
//alert( 'Error: Request failed.' );