User talk:Gangsir

From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 16:17, 2 May 2017 by Zabshk (talk | contribs) (Formatting: new section)
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Hello, and welcome to my talk page. Feel free to click "Add topic" at the top to send me a message. I'll get back to you at the earliest opportunity.



I have several questions about formatting.

  1. Should I bold titles? In some articles titles are bold (eg. Pistol, Wooden chest) and in some aren't (eg. Land mine, Rocket launcher).
  2. Should I put spaces between header begining, ending and text (eg. Rocket launcher and Burner mining drill - there are spaces in "History" header, but no in "See also" header)?

--Zabshk (query) 16:17, 2 May 2017 (UTC)