Revision as of 16:36, 25 March 2016 by Ratchetfreak (talk | contribs)
What should be in the news and what not?
The Factorio News in this wiki should be that kind of news, which - viewed from some future (for example in a year) - will be still relevant information. Examples:
- Good: A player has made an interesting tweak in building a factory, which never has been seen before.
- Bad: Some youtuber has made his 100th Let's play about Factorio.
- Good: The developers announce Greenlight Campaign of Factorio
- Bad: There is a serious bug in MacOS-Version and you need to update to the current.
If you miss some news here, you can add it yourself (this is a wiki, you know).
- Mar 25 FFF #131: Roadmap shuffle.
- Mar 18 FFF #130: Steam release side effects.
- Mar 11 FFF #129: The late game.
- Mar 04 FFF #128: Back down to earth.
- Feb 26 FFF #127: Steam Status III: Thank You.
- Feb 25 Factorio gets released on Steam!
- Feb 19 FFF #126: Steam Status II and Trains Stuff.
- Feb 12 FFF #125: Achievements.
- Feb 05 FFF #124: Steam Status I.
- Jan 29 FFF #123: Better circuit network (Part 2).
Archived news don't appear on main page.
- Jan 22 FFF #122: Better circuit network (Part 1).
- Jan 15 FFF #121: Path Finder Optimisation II.
- Jan 08 FFF #120: Spidertron.
- Jan 01 FFF #119: Happy 2016.