Factorio:Top pages: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
Line 1: Line 1:
Total number of views in the last week: 210,010 (167,207 unique)
Total number of views in the last week: 207,900 (163,973 unique)
Line 7: Line 7:
|12762 (8037)
|13699 (8129)
|6869 (6004)
|6787 (5789)
|3127 (2379)
|2938 (2518)
|2952 (2520)
|2779 (2133)
|2436 (2066)
|2268 (1936)
|2192 (1964)
|2152 (1900)
|1995 (1643)
|1885 (1538)
|1926 (1270)
|1794 (1187)
|1781 (1425)
|1756 (1473)
|1771 (1513)
|1617 (1355)
|1700 (1478)
|1582 (1353)
|1678 (1410)
|1568 (1325)
|1644 (1357)
|1531 (1282)
|1550 (1237)
|1505 (1144)
|1498 (1277)
|1498 (1269)
|1470 (1139)
|1447 (1157)
|1470 (1272)
|1400 (1177)
|1435 (1187)
|1398 (1157)
|1326 (864)
|1309 (1153)
|1317 (1045)
|1295 (1016)

Revision as of 17:09, 23 November 2018

Total number of views in the last week: 207,900 (163,973 unique)

# Page Number of views (unique)
1 Main_Page 13699 (8129)
2 Console 6787 (5789)
3 Power_production 2938 (2518)
4 Balancer_mechanics 2779 (2133)
5 Multiplayer 2268 (1936)
6 Tutorial:Nuclear_power 2152 (1900)
7 Railway 1885 (1538)
8 Science_pack 1794 (1187)
9 Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook 1756 (1473)
10 Oil_processing 1617 (1355)
11 Circuit_network 1582 (1353)
12 Logistic_network 1568 (1325)
13 Nuclear_reactor 1531 (1282)
14 Tutorial:Main_bus 1505 (1144)
15 Tutorial:Quick_start_guide 1498 (1269)
16 Modding 1447 (1157)
17 Enemies 1400 (1177)
18 Belt_transport_system 1398 (1157)
19 Fluid_wagon 1309 (1153)
20 Electric_furnace 1295 (1016)