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Robots/zh: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Changed links going to the redirect Logistic robot cargo/zh to go to Worker robot cargo size (research)/zh.
Kurax (talk | contribs)
Replace with disambiguation
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机器人可以在[[Robotic network/zh|机器人网络]]中的每一个节点间飞行。以下是目前已知的类型:

{| class="wikitable"
* {{imagelink|Construction robot}}
!机器人 !!介绍
* {{imagelink|Logistic robot}}
* {{imagelink|Defender capsule}}
| {{Imagelink|Logistic robot|Logistic robot/zh}} || 在[[Logistic network/zh|物流网络]]中的[[Logistic network/Chests/zh|储存箱]]之间运输物品。
* {{imagelink|Distractor capsule}}
* {{imagelink|Destroyer capsule}}
| {{Imagelink|Construction robot|Construction robot/zh}} || 修复或替换 物品。
== 弱点 ==
== 升级 ==
[[Worker robot cargo size (research)/zh|更大容量]]或者[[Worker robot speed (research)/zh|更快的速度]]升级是同时适用于物流机器人和建筑机器人的。
== 充能 ==
* 当机器人内部能量低于某个水平时将会中断工作。它会飞向最近的机器人指挥中心去充能。* It takes the further Roboport B (regards to Roboport A), when its queue is smaller than 2 x (tile distance A to B).
* 充能完成后会继续工作。当机器人长时间没有充能,其能量降为0时,这个机器人和其所携带的物品将会被摧毁。
== 参见 ==
* [[Logistic network/zh|物流网络]]
* [http://www.factorioforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=5799&p=46740#p46637 Automatic insertion of bots into the roboports]

Revision as of 07:16, 4 July 2018

