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Revision as of 17:53, 16 August 2023
The prototype docs have moved to a new website with an improved format. This documentation page can now be found here:
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Template:Prototype parent A mineable/gatherable entity. Its collision_mask must contain "resource-layer" if it should be minable with a Prototype/MiningDrill.
Mandatory properties
This prototype inherits all the properties from Prototype/Entity.
Template:Prototype property Entity's graphics, using a graphic sheet, with variation and depletion. At least one stage must be defined.
When using Types/AnimationVariations#sheet, frame_count is the amount of frames per row in the spritesheet. variation_count is the amount of rows in the spritesheet. Each row in the spritesheet is one stage of the animation.
Template:Prototype property Number of stages the animation has.
Optional properties
Template:Prototype property If the ore is infinitely minable, or if it will eventually run out of resource.
Template:Prototype property If the resource should be highlighted when holding a mining drill that can mine it (holding a pumpjack highlights crude-oil in the base game).
Template:Prototype property If there is a slight offset to graphics of the resource. Used to make patches a little less uniform in appearance.
Template:Prototype property Whether the resource should have a grid pattern on the map instead of a solid map color.
Template:Prototype property
Must be not 0 when infinite = true
Template:Prototype property
Must be not 0 when infinite = true
Template:Prototype property Every time an infinite-type resource "ticks" lower it's lowered by that amount. -- Rseding91
Template:Prototype property When hovering over this resource in the map view: How far to search for other resource patches of this type to display as one (summing amount, white outline).
Template:Prototype property The category for the resource. Available categories in vanilla can be found here: Data.raw#resource-category
Template:Prototype property Sound played when the player walks over this resource.
Template:Prototype property An effect that can be overlayed above the normal ore graphics. Used in the base game to make uranium ore glow.
Template:Prototype property
How long it takes stages_effect
to go from min_effect_alpha
to max_effect_alpha
Template:Prototype property
How much effect_animation_period
can deviate from its original value. Used to make the stages effect alpha change look less uniform.
Template:Prototype property
How much the surface darkness should affect the alpha of stages_effect
Template:Prototype property
Minimal alpha value of stages_effect
Template:Prototype property
Maximal alpha value of stages_effect
Template:Prototype property Must be positive.
Template:Prototype property
Must be positive when tree_removal_probability
is set.
Template:Prototype property Defaults to the resources map color if left unset and map color is set, otherwise defaults to white if left unset.
type = "resource",
name = "crude-oil",
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crude-oil.png",
icon_size = 32,
flags = {"placeable-neutral"},
category = "basic-fluid",
infinite = true,
highlight = true,
minimum = 60000,
normal = 300000,
infinite_depletion_amount = 10,
resource_patch_search_radius = 12,
tree_removal_probability = 0.7,
tree_removal_max_distance = 32 * 32,
minable =
mining_time = 1,
results =
type = "fluid",
name = "crude-oil",
amount_min = 10,
amount_max = 10,
probability = 1
collision_box = {{ -1.4, -1.4}, {1.4, 1.4}},
selection_box = {{ -0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
autoplace = resource_autoplace.resource_autoplace_settings{
name = "crude-oil",
order = "c", -- Other resources are "b"; oil won't get placed if something else is already there.
base_density = 8.2,
base_spots_per_km2 = 1.8,
random_probability = 1/48,
random_spot_size_minimum = 1,
random_spot_size_maximum = 1, -- don't randomize spot size
additional_richness = 220000, -- this increases the total everywhere, so base_density needs to be decreased to compensate
has_starting_area_placement = false,
resource_index = resource_autoplace.resource_indexes["crude-oil"],
regular_rq_factor_multiplier = 1
stage_counts = {0},
stages =
sheet =
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crude-oil/crude-oil.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 75,
height = 61,
frame_count = 4,
variation_count = 1
map_color = {r=0.78, g=0.2, b=0.77},
map_grid = false