Prototype/Accumulator: Difference between revisions

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{{Prototype parent|Prototype/EntityWithHealth}}
<div class="stub"><p>'''The prototype docs have moved to a new website with an improved format.''' This documentation page can now be found here: []
Entity with energy source with specialised animation for charging/decharging.

{{Prototype TOC|accumulator}}
</p><p>This wiki page is no longer updated and '''will be removed at some point in the future''', so please update your browser bookmarks or other links that sent you here. If you'd like to contribute to the new docs, you can leave your feedback [ on the forums].</p></div>
== Usage in base==
== Mandatory properties ==
This prototype inherits all the properties from [[Prototype/EntityWithHealth]].
{{Prototype property|energy_source|[[Types/EnergySource|EnergySource]]}}
The capacity of the energy source buffer specifies the capacity of the accumulator. Must be an electric energy source.
{{Prototype property|picture|[[Types/Sprite|Sprite]]}}
{{Prototype property|charge_cooldown|[[Types/uint16|uint16]]}}
Count of ticks to preserve the animation even when the charging ends. Used to prevent rapid blinking of the accumulator with unstable need to use it.
{{Prototype property|discharge_cooldown|[[Types/uint16|uint16]]}}
How long (in ticks) the animation will last after discharge has been initialized.
== Optional properties ==
{{Prototype property|charge_animation|[[Types/Animation|Animation]]|optional=true}}
{{Prototype property|charge_light|[[Types/LightDefinition|LightDefinition]]|optional=true}}
{{Prototype property|discharge_animation|[[Types/Animation|Animation]]|optional=true}}
{{Prototype property|discharge_light|[[Types/LightDefinition|LightDefinition]]|optional=true}}
{{Prototype property|circuit_wire_connection_point|[[Types/WireConnectionPoint|WireConnectionPoint]]|optional=true}}
Defines how wires visually connect to this accumulator.
{{Prototype property|circuit_wire_max_distance|[[Types/double|double]]|0|optional=true}}
The maximum circuit wire distance for this entity.
{{Prototype property|draw_copper_wires|[[Types/bool|bool]]|true|optional=true}}
{{Prototype property|draw_circuit_wires|[[Types/bool|bool]]|true|optional=true}}
{{Prototype property|circuit_connector_sprites|[[Types/CircuitConnectorSprites|CircuitConnectorSprites]]|optional=true}}
The pictures displayed for circuit connections to this accumulator.
{{Prototype property|default_output_signal|[[Types/SignalIDConnector|SignalIDConnector]]|optional=true}}
The name of the signal that is the default for when an accumulator is connected to the circuit network.
== Example ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">{
    type = "accumulator",
    name = "accumulator",
    icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/accumulator.png",
    icon_size = 32,
    flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
    minable = {mining_time = 0.1, result = "accumulator"},
    max_health = 150,
    corpse = "accumulator-remnants",
    collision_box = {{-0.9, -0.9}, {0.9, 0.9}},
    selection_box = {{-1, -1}, {1, 1}},
    drawing_box = {{-1, -1.5}, {1, 1}},
    energy_source =
      type = "electric",
      buffer_capacity = "5MJ",
      usage_priority = "tertiary",
      input_flow_limit = "300kW",
      output_flow_limit = "300kW"
    picture = accumulator_picture(),
    charge_animation = accumulator_charge(),
    charge_cooldown = 30,
    charge_light = {intensity = 0.3, size = 7, color = {r = 1.0, g = 1.0, b = 1.0}},
    discharge_animation = accumulator_discharge(),
    discharge_cooldown = 60,
    discharge_light = {intensity = 0.7, size = 7, color = {r = 1.0, g = 1.0, b = 1.0}},
    vehicle_impact_sound =  { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg", volume = 0.65 },
    working_sound =
      sound =
        filename = "__base__/sound/accumulator-working.ogg",
        volume = 1
      idle_sound =
        filename = "__base__/sound/accumulator-idle.ogg",
        volume = 0.4
      max_sounds_per_type = 5
    circuit_wire_connection_point = circuit_connector_definitions["accumulator"].points,
    circuit_connector_sprites = circuit_connector_definitions["accumulator"].sprites,
    circuit_wire_max_distance = default_circuit_wire_max_distance,
    default_output_signal = {type = "virtual", name = "signal-A"}

Latest revision as of 14:32, 25 October 2024

The prototype docs have moved to a new website with an improved format. This documentation page can now be found here:

This wiki page is no longer updated and will be removed at some point in the future, so please update your browser bookmarks or other links that sent you here. If you'd like to contribute to the new docs, you can leave your feedback on the forums.