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== Tłumaczenie Module - Moduły ==

== ==

* [[:Category:Pages_with_broken_file_links|Pages with broken file links]]
Moduły to przedmioty, które zwiększają możliwości budynków. Są drogie w wykonaniu, wymagają zbadania technologii, a prędkość ich produkcji jest powolna. Ostatecznie jednak poprawiają wydajność fabryki.
* [[Special:BrokenRedirects|Broken redirects]]
* [[Special:DoubleRedirects|Double redirects]]
* [[Special:UnusedFiles|Unused files]]
* [[Factorio:Wanted pages|Wanted pages]]

W skrócie, są trzy rodzaje modułów:
* Żeby przyspieszyć produkcję elementów - używamy modułu prędkości -> {{Icon|Speed module}}
* Żeby zwiększyć liczbę przedmiotów produkowanych w cyklu - używamy modułu produktywności -> {{Icon|Productivity module}}
* Żeby zmniejszyć zużycie energii - używamy modułu efektywności -> {{Icon|Efficiency module}}

== Rodzaje modułów ==
<!-- <!-- <!-- <!-- <!-- <!-- <!--  --> --> --> --> --> --> -->

Są trzy rodzaje modułów, każdy z nich ma 3 poziomy efektywności. Wyższe poziomy mają mocniejsze efekty, są też droższe w produkcji
[[File:Pollution.png|400px|thumb|Example of in-game pollution (red squares) in the map]]

=== Moduł prędkości ===
Pollution is represented as an abstract "cloud", updated [[Chunk|per chunk]] every game second (60 ticks) and visible on the map, when "alt-view" is on (default [[Keyboard bindings|Alt-Key]]). It appears as a red colored blocky cloud.
Moduły prędkości zwiększają szybkość wytwarzania przedmiotów, zwiększają też zużycie energii przez budynek produkcyjny (np.: Automat montażowy)

{| class="wikitable"
It is produced by many buildings involved in processing items and spreads outwards at a steady rate.
The [[Enemies#Evolution|evolution factor]] is not increased by the spreading/absorbed pollution, but by the pollution produced by all the player's [[Pollution#Polluters|machinery]] at every tick. This means that no matter how hard the player tries to contain the pollution, [[enemies]] will still evolve at the same rate. They just won't attack the player as frequently. The pollution cloud is used to trigger biter attacks and determines the size of the attacks.
Pollution settings can be changed via [[map generator|map generation]] settings, or can be disabled entirely.
== Pollution spread ==
As soon as a chunk has reached 15.0 pollution it starts spreading in all four cardinal directions at a rate of 2% per [[game-second]] (60 ticks).
For example, a chunk with 400.0 pollution and 4 adjacent chunks with 100.0 pollution each, raises the pollution in all adjacent chunks by 8.0 while reducing its own pollution by 32.0. But every one of the 4 surrounding spreads 2.0 pollution "back" to the center chunk, so it only loses 24.0 + [[Pollution#De-polluters|absorbed value]].
== Pollution dissipation==
* Every [[chunk]] (32x32) of map slowly reduces the pollution it covers (See [[Pollution#Chunks]]). So the more the pollution spreads, the more is absorbed.
* [[Tree]]s also absorb some pollution (See [[Pollution#Trees]]).
* [[Enemies#Spawner|Spawners]] absorb a great amount of pollution, and use this to produce enemies.
== Native life ==
Pollution attracts [[Enemies|biters]] to the Player's factory. Biters who find themselves in a polluted area will attempt to reach the source of pollution and destroy it.
Each [[Enemies|spawner]] absorbs 20 + 0.01 * [chunk's pollution] every game second (60 ticks) if the chunk's pollution is greater than 20.  If there is 20 or less pollution in the chunk, the spawner absorbs all the pollution.
Higher pollution values decrease the time it takes for biters to join the attack force. After a certain amount of pollution is absorbed the spawner sends one of its biters/spitters to a rendezvous point. Every 1 to 10 minutes (random) the mustered biters launch an attack. If not all biters have arrived at the rendezvous point by that time, they will wait up to an additional 2 minutes for stragglers.
Required pollution to add an additional biter/spitter to the attack wave:
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:right;"
! style="width: 100px;" | Pollution&nbsp;
! style="width: 130px;" | Type&nbsp;
| 200&nbsp; || Small biter&nbsp;
| 1,000&nbsp; || Medium biter&nbsp;
| 4,000&nbsp; || Big biter&nbsp;
| 20,000&nbsp; || Behemoth biter&nbsp;
! Moduł !! Zwiększenie prędkości !! Zużycie [[Electric system|energii]]
| 200&nbsp; || Small spitter&nbsp;
| {{Icon|Speed module||Moduł prędkości}} || +20% || +50%
| 600&nbsp; || Medium spitter&nbsp;
| {{Icon|Speed module 2||Moduł prędkości 2}} || +30% || +60%
| 1,500&nbsp; || Big spitter&nbsp;
| {{Icon|Speed module 3||Moduł prędkości 3}} || +50% || +70%
| 10,000&nbsp; || Behemoth spitter&nbsp;

Wady i zalety:
With 1350 absorbed pollution at the time of attack the following wave consists of 6 small biters and 1 medium biter OR 6 small spitters and 2 medium spitters depending on the spawner's type and [[Enemies#Spawn_chances_by_evolution_factor|evolution factor]].

* <span style="color:#00BB00"> Zwiększa prędkość produkcji. </span>
== Modules ==
* <span style="color:#FF0000"> Zwiększa zużycie energii. </span>
[[Module]]s that list "+x% pollution" increase pollution multiplier, not a flat pollution rate. Final pollution value is (pollution multiplier * energy usage multiplier * base pollution), meaning heavily boosted buildings are likely to account for most of the pollution produced in a factory.
** <span style="color:#FF0000"> W konsekwencji zwiększa się zanieczyszczenie generowane przez maszynę.</span>

== Production/Absorption ==
These tables contain information about the levels of pollution produced/absorbed by items in the game.
=== Polluters ===
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Object''' || '''Pollution per KW per game second (60 ticks)''' || '''Pollution per game second at full power'''
| {{Imagelink|Stone furnace}} || 0.01/KW || 1.8
| {{Imagelink|Steel furnace}} || 0.02/KW || 3.6
| {{Imagelink|Electric furnace}} || 0.005/KW || 0.9
| {{Imagelink|Burner mining drill}} || 0.03333/KW || 10
| {{Imagelink|Electric mining drill}} || 0.1/KW || 9
| {{imagelink|Pumpjack}} || 0.1/KW || 9
| {{Imagelink|Assembling machine 1}} || 0.03333/KW || 3
| {{Imagelink|Assembling machine 2}} || 0.016/KW || 2.4
| {{Imagelink|Assembling machine 3}} || 0.00857/KW || 1.8
| {{Imagelink|Pump}} || 0.004/KW || 0.12
| {{imagelink|Boiler}} || 0.01538/KW || 27.6923
| {{Imagelink|Oil refinery}} || 0.00857/KW || 3.6
| {{Imagelink|Chemical plant}} || 0.00857/KW || 1.8
| {{Imagelink|Centrifuge}} || 0.016/KW || 5.6

=== Moduł produktywności ===
Fire on the ground and burning trees produce 0.005 pollution per tick.

Moduł produktywności, po włożeniu do budynku produkcyjnego, dodaje fioletowy "pasek produktywności". Przy każdym ukończeniu produktu
=== De-polluters ===

Productivity modules add a purple "productivity bar" when placed inside item-producing buildings and [[lab]]s. Each time the machine finishes crafting the recipe it is set to, an amount is added to the bar equal to the percentages of the productivity modules inside the machine. When the bar reaches 100%, an extra set of products is immediately generated without consuming any resources.
==== Spawner ====
If a chunk's pollution is greater than 20, each enemy spawner absorbs 20 + 0.01 * [chunk's pollution] every game second (60 ticks), otherwise it absorbs the chunk's total pollution.

Productivity modules can only be used in machines that are set to make [[:Category:Intermediate_products|intermediate products]] (except Uranium-related products), i.e. items whose only use is in other recipes and that cannot directly be placed. Productivity modules cannot be placed in [[Beacon]]s.
==== Chunks ====
Every chunk has a natural absorption rate per tick which is determined by the weighted average of its floor tiles.

Following numbers are the pollution reduction for a full chunk (32x32 tiles) composed of the same floor tiles per tick.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Tile !! Pollution per tick !! Pollution per second
|Grass 1-4 || -0.00045|| -0.027
|Dirt 1|| -0.0004|| -0.024
|Dirt 2-7 || -0.00045|| -0.027
! Module !! Productivity<br \> bonus !! [[Electric system|Energy]]<br \> consumption !! Speed !! [[Pollution]]<br/> multiplier
|Dry dirt || -0.00039|| -0.0234
| {{Icon|Productivity module||Productivity module}} || +4% || +40% || -15% || +5%
|Sand 1-3 || -0.00039|| -0.0234
| {{Icon|Productivity module 2||Productivity module 2}} || +6% || +60% || -15% || +7.5%
|Red desert 0 || -0.00045|| -0.027
| {{Icon|Productivity module 3||Productivity  module 3}} || +10% || +80% || -15% || +10%
|Red desert 1-3 || -0.0004|| -0.024
|Water, Green water, Deep water, Deep green water || -0.0003 || -0.018
|Path tiles (Stone bricks, concrete etc) || 0.0 || 0.0
|Special tiles (Lab tiles, out of map, tutorial grid) || -0.0006 || -0.036

Advantages & Disadvantages:
==== Trees ====
Every single tree absorbs a small amount of pollution in its chunk per tick if the total pollution in that chunk is above 3500 units. By absorbing pollution, trees lose their leaves for every 500 pollution absorbed. The less dense the leaves, the slower the tree absorbs pollution.
* <span style="color:#00BB00"> Creates an additional free item occasionally. </span>
* <span style="color:#FF0000"> Increases energy use per cycle. </span>
* <span style="color:#FF0000"> Increases pollution generated. </span>
* <span style="color:#FF0000"> Slows the machine. </span>
=== Efficiency Module ===
Efficiency modules reduce the required electricity to run the machine. The lowest amount of energy that efficiency modules can be used to achieve is 20% of the machine's base energy usage.

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Object !! Stage !! Pollution per tick !! Pollution per second
| rowspan="4" | [[File:Green tree.png|120px]] Tree, red tree, brown tree || 0 (Max leaf density) || -0.001 || -0.06
| 1 || -0.00067 || -0.04
| 2 || -0.00033 || -0.02
| 3 (Min leaf density) || 0 || 0
| [[File:Dead dry hairy tree.png|120px]] Dead dry hairy tree || No stages || -0.0001 || -0.006
! Module!! [[Electric system|Energy]] consumption
| [[File:Dead grey trunk.png|120px]] Dead grey trunk || No stages || -0.0001 || -0.006
| {{Icon|Efficiency module||Efficiency module}} || -30%
| [[File:Dead tree desert.png|120px]] Dead tree - desert|| No stages || -0.0001 || -0.006
| {{Icon|Efficiency module 2||Efficiency module 2}} || -40%
| [[File:Dry hairy tree.png|120px]] Dry hairy tree || No stages || -0.0001 || -0.006
| {{Icon|Efficiency module 3||Efficiency module 3}} || -50%
| [[File:Dry tree.png|120px]] Dry tree || No stages || -0.0001 || -0.006

Advantages & Disadvantages:
== Achievements ==
Pollution is directly connected to the following achievement:
* <span style="color:#00BB00"> Reduces energy use per cycle. </span>
** <span style="color:#00BB00"> As a side effect it decreases pollution generated by the machine, due to energy consumption being lower. </span>
* No disadvantages

== Usage tips ==
== History ==

As a rule modules do not have diminishing returns (except that consumption is capped to -80%), that is if an assembler is making 2 items per second, adding 1 speed 3 module (+50% speed) will increase item production by 1/s, a second speed3 module will increase production by the same 1/s. Consumption modifiers work the same way, for example if a machine is consuming 180kW, the first efficiency 1 module will reduce energy use by 54kW, the second will also reduce energy use by 54kW. There is no difference between putting 2 speed 1 modules in one machine and 2 efficiency 1 modules in a second machine, than putting 1 of each in both machines - in both cases the total items produced per second and average energy required per item is identical.
* Optimized rendering of huge pollution clouds on the map.}}

There is however synergy between productivity modules and speed modules, productivity modules reduce crafting speed which lowers the production rate of items and increases the energy consumed per item, the speed bonus from speed modules increases production rate of items and lowers the energy consumed per item - in fact when dealing with productivity modules, the reduction in energy consumption from the increased speed from speed modules can be greater than the increased energy consumption. For detailed calcultions on the synergy between productivity modules and speed modules refer to [ this discussion].
* Large amounts of pollution is created when burning fires.
* Pollution creation of the productivity module was reduced drastically.
* Optimized pollution rendering on map and minimap.

Filling the device with '''speed modules''' is useful when a resource is infinite but the amount of resource pools is low. The best example would be '''oil deposits'''. Another good place to use speed modules would be for assembly machines which make products that take a long time to make, for example engine units. Using speed modules allows more compact setups, because one machine can provide materials to more consumers than normal.
* [[Tree]]s degenerate slowly when exposed to pollution at high levels. }}

Filling devices with '''productivity modules''' is recommended when resources are scarce. An example would be more advanced products not being produced enough due to bottlenecks. It will take longer and more energy, but the overall amount of products per time will be higher. Productivity is especially useful in recipes that consume a lot of resources per second such as [[electronic circuit]]s, as this will result in a lot of free items being created and quickly cover the cost of the module. Also by saving the need to mine ore, smelt plates and process intermediates for those free items the additional energy cost can be easily covered.
* Added option to turn off pollution visibility even when detailed info is on. }}

Filling devices with '''efficiency modules''' is recommended for electric furnaces as these use a lot of power. Efficiency modules also completely lack downsides, so filling all unnecessary module slots with Efficiency modules if possible is recommended. Note that making higher level efficiency modules are not worth it in terms of power saved vs materials used to build a [[solar panel]] setup with same power output so the only incentive is to further reduce pollution or space utilization. Modules are also able to control [[Pollution]], as '''pollution depends also on [[Electric system|Energy]] usage'''. So reducing a machine's energy usage by 40% with a efficiency module 2 will also reduce its pollution by 40%. Beware as this also works vice versa!
* Speed modules no longer produce extra pollution.
* Added missing pollution descriptions.
* Pollution is only shown on the minimap with alt mode on.

=== Examples of usage ===
[[Electric furnace]]s are huge power hogs at 180 kW per furnace. 1 basic efficiency module reduces it by 54 kW (−30%) – almost a [[solar panel]] worth of power.
* Introduced concept of pollution.}}
[[Electric mining drill]]s create 9 units of [[pollution]] with no efficiency modules and 1.8 with 3 basic ones. Same [[electric mining drill]] with 3 productivity module 3 would create 76.5 units of [[pollution]].

== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[Beacon]]
* [[Crafting]]
* [ Productivity Module Math]
* [[Module]]s
* [ Do Efficiency Modules Reduce Pollution?]
* [[Enemies]]

Latest revision as of 12:50, 14 March 2019

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Example of in-game pollution (red squares) in the map

Pollution is represented as an abstract "cloud", updated per chunk every game second (60 ticks) and visible on the map, when "alt-view" is on (default Alt-Key). It appears as a red colored blocky cloud.

It is produced by many buildings involved in processing items and spreads outwards at a steady rate.

The evolution factor is not increased by the spreading/absorbed pollution, but by the pollution produced by all the player's machinery at every tick. This means that no matter how hard the player tries to contain the pollution, enemies will still evolve at the same rate. They just won't attack the player as frequently. The pollution cloud is used to trigger biter attacks and determines the size of the attacks.

Pollution settings can be changed via map generation settings, or can be disabled entirely.

Pollution spread

As soon as a chunk has reached 15.0 pollution it starts spreading in all four cardinal directions at a rate of 2% per game-second (60 ticks).

For example, a chunk with 400.0 pollution and 4 adjacent chunks with 100.0 pollution each, raises the pollution in all adjacent chunks by 8.0 while reducing its own pollution by 32.0. But every one of the 4 surrounding spreads 2.0 pollution "back" to the center chunk, so it only loses 24.0 + absorbed value.

Pollution dissipation

  • Every chunk (32x32) of map slowly reduces the pollution it covers (See Pollution#Chunks). So the more the pollution spreads, the more is absorbed.
  • Trees also absorb some pollution (See Pollution#Trees).
  • Spawners absorb a great amount of pollution, and use this to produce enemies.

Native life

Pollution attracts biters to the Player's factory. Biters who find themselves in a polluted area will attempt to reach the source of pollution and destroy it.

Each spawner absorbs 20 + 0.01 * [chunk's pollution] every game second (60 ticks) if the chunk's pollution is greater than 20. If there is 20 or less pollution in the chunk, the spawner absorbs all the pollution.

Higher pollution values decrease the time it takes for biters to join the attack force. After a certain amount of pollution is absorbed the spawner sends one of its biters/spitters to a rendezvous point. Every 1 to 10 minutes (random) the mustered biters launch an attack. If not all biters have arrived at the rendezvous point by that time, they will wait up to an additional 2 minutes for stragglers.

Required pollution to add an additional biter/spitter to the attack wave:

Pollution  Type 
200  Small biter 
1,000  Medium biter 
4,000  Big biter 
20,000  Behemoth biter 
200  Small spitter 
600  Medium spitter 
1,500  Big spitter 
10,000  Behemoth spitter 

With 1350 absorbed pollution at the time of attack the following wave consists of 6 small biters and 1 medium biter OR 6 small spitters and 2 medium spitters depending on the spawner's type and evolution factor.


Modules that list "+x% pollution" increase pollution multiplier, not a flat pollution rate. Final pollution value is (pollution multiplier * energy usage multiplier * base pollution), meaning heavily boosted buildings are likely to account for most of the pollution produced in a factory.


These tables contain information about the levels of pollution produced/absorbed by items in the game.


Object Pollution per KW per game second (60 ticks) Pollution per game second at full power
Stone furnace
0.01/KW 1.8
Steel furnace
0.02/KW 3.6
Electric furnace
0.005/KW 0.9
Burner mining drill
0.03333/KW 10
Electric mining drill
0.1/KW 9
0.1/KW 9
Assembling machine 1
0.03333/KW 3
Assembling machine 2
0.016/KW 2.4
Assembling machine 3
0.00857/KW 1.8
0.004/KW 0.12
0.01538/KW 27.6923
Oil refinery
0.00857/KW 3.6
Chemical plant
0.00857/KW 1.8
0.016/KW 5.6

Fire on the ground and burning trees produce 0.005 pollution per tick.



If a chunk's pollution is greater than 20, each enemy spawner absorbs 20 + 0.01 * [chunk's pollution] every game second (60 ticks), otherwise it absorbs the chunk's total pollution.


Every chunk has a natural absorption rate per tick which is determined by the weighted average of its floor tiles.

Following numbers are the pollution reduction for a full chunk (32x32 tiles) composed of the same floor tiles per tick.

Tile Pollution per tick Pollution per second
Grass 1-4 -0.00045 -0.027
Dirt 1 -0.0004 -0.024
Dirt 2-7 -0.00045 -0.027
Dry dirt -0.00039 -0.0234
Sand 1-3 -0.00039 -0.0234
Red desert 0 -0.00045 -0.027
Red desert 1-3 -0.0004 -0.024
Water, Green water, Deep water, Deep green water -0.0003 -0.018
Path tiles (Stone bricks, concrete etc) 0.0 0.0
Special tiles (Lab tiles, out of map, tutorial grid) -0.0006 -0.036


Every single tree absorbs a small amount of pollution in its chunk per tick if the total pollution in that chunk is above 3500 units. By absorbing pollution, trees lose their leaves for every 500 pollution absorbed. The less dense the leaves, the slower the tree absorbs pollution.

Object Stage Pollution per tick Pollution per second
Tree, red tree, brown tree 0 (Max leaf density) -0.001 -0.06
1 -0.00067 -0.04
2 -0.00033 -0.02
3 (Min leaf density) 0 0
Dead dry hairy tree No stages -0.0001 -0.006
Dead grey trunk No stages -0.0001 -0.006
Dead tree - desert No stages -0.0001 -0.006
Dry hairy tree No stages -0.0001 -0.006
Dry tree No stages -0.0001 -0.006


Pollution is directly connected to the following achievement:

It stinks and they don't like it

Trigger an alien attack by pollution.


  • 0.13.2:
    • Optimized rendering of huge pollution clouds on the map.
  • 0.13.0:
    • Large amounts of pollution is created when burning fires.
    • Pollution creation of the productivity module was reduced drastically.
    • Optimized pollution rendering on map and minimap.
  • 0.12.0:
    • Trees degenerate slowly when exposed to pollution at high levels.
  • 0.8.0:
    • Added option to turn off pollution visibility even when detailed info is on.
  • 0.7.1:
    • Speed modules no longer produce extra pollution.
    • Added missing pollution descriptions.
    • Pollution is only shown on the minimap with alt mode on.
  • 0.7.0:
    • Introduced concept of pollution.

See also