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[[File:Pollution.png|400px|thumb|Example of in-game pollution (red squares) in the map]]

== Tłumaczenie czołg ==
Pollution is represented as an abstract "cloud", updated [[Chunk|per chunk]] every game second (60 ticks) and visible on the map, when "alt-view" is on (default [[Keyboard bindings|Alt-Key]]). It appears as a red colored blocky cloud.
{{About|the armored combat vehicle|the liquid storage container|Storage tank}}
[[File:colored_tanks.png|thumb|right|250px|Tanks, like cars, match the color of the player driving them.]]

'''Czołg''' jest ciężkim uzbrojonym pojazdem. Wyposażony jest w trzy rodzaje broni: zintegrowany {{L|submachine gun}}, miotacz ognia krótkiego zasięgu oraz potężną armatę na {{L|cannon shell}}. Podobnie jak {{L|car}} zapewnia pełną swobodę poruszania się. W grze sieciowej jest możliwe, żeby inni gracze wsiedli do czołgu. Pasażerowie mogą przejąc kontrolę nad bronia (za pomocą GUI), ale nie mogą sterować ruchem pojazdu.
It is produced by many buildings involved in processing items and spreads outwards at a steady rate.

Czołg można wytworzyć "w ręku". Natomiast wymaga użycia {{L|engine unit}}, który można wykonać tylko w {{L|Assembling machine}}. Jeżeli czołg zostanie zniszczony z graczem w środku, to gracz zostanie wyrzucony z pociągu i nie ginie.
The [[Enemies#Evolution|evolution factor]] is not increased by the spreading/absorbed pollution, but by the pollution produced by all the player's [[Pollution#Polluters|machinery]] at every tick. This means that no matter how hard the player tries to contain the pollution, [[enemies]] will still evolve at the same rate. They just won't attack the player as frequently. The pollution cloud is used to trigger biter attacks and determines the size of the attacks.

== Osiągnięcia ==
Pollution settings can be changed via [[map generator|map generation]] settings, or can be disabled entirely.

== Walka ==
== Pollution spread ==
Czołg jest bardzo wydajny w walce, ze względu na dużą wytrzymałość oraz siłę rażenia. Ponad to, karabin maszynowy ma bonus +100% do siły rażenia (w porównaniu do karabinu maszynowego gracza). Co więcej, można korzystać z Kapsuł (np.: {{L|Destroyer capsule}}) będąc w czołgu. Czołg dobrze sprawdza się w walce z {{L|Worms}}, gdyż ich atak jest mało skuteczny przeciwko silnym jednostkom.

Nie jest jednak tak mobilny i zwrotny jak {{L|car}}, czy gracz. Ma przez to trudności w unikaniu wrogów. W przypadku dostania się do potrzasku, czołg może zostać zniszczony - co sytuuje gracza w bardzo złej sytuacji.
As soon as a chunk has reached 15.0 pollution it starts spreading in all four cardinal directions at a rate of 2% per [[game-second]] (60 ticks).

Gracz będący w pojeździe ma możliwość rzucania przedmiotami (granatami, kapsułami). Umożliwia to atak w trakcie jazdy na bazy wrogów. Taki sposób ekspansji jest możliwy ma początku gry, przed opracowaniem lepszych i wydajniejszych strategii.
For example, a chunk with 400.0 pollution and 4 adjacent chunks with 100.0 pollution each, raises the pollution in all adjacent chunks by 8.0 while reducing its own pollution by 32.0. But every one of the 4 surrounding spreads 2.0 pollution "back" to the center chunk, so it only loses 24.0 + [[Pollution#De-polluters|absorbed value]].

== Fizyka ruchu ==
== Pollution dissipation==
Czołg jest wytrzymały, w przeciwieństwie do samochodu może bezkarnie niszczyć drzewa wjeżdżając w nie. Nawet gdy czołg stoi, może dokonywać zniszczeń na jednostce, która w niego wjedzie. Można niszczyć wrogów oraz ich legowiska wjeżdżając w nie, ale trzeba uważać, gdyż czasem czołg może ulec uszkodzeniu. Po potyczkach trzeba naprawić czołg.

Czołg jest wolniejszy niż samochód, ale za to może kręcić się w miejscu.
* Every [[chunk]] (32x32) of map slowly reduces the pollution it covers (See [[Pollution#Chunks]]). So the more the pollution spreads, the more is absorbed.
* [[Tree]]s also absorb some pollution (See [[Pollution#Trees]]).
* [[Enemies#Spawner|Spawners]] absorb a great amount of pollution, and use this to produce enemies.

Na prędkość oraz przyspieszenie ma wpływ użyte {{L|fuel}}. Przy użyciu lepszego paliwa - zwiększa się przyspieszenie oraz prędkość czołgu. {{L|Solid fuel}}, {{L|rocket fuel}} and {{L|nuclear fuel}} dodaje odpowiednio +20%, +80% oraz +150% do przyspieszenia, oraz +5%, +15% i +15% do maksymalnej prędkości (w porównaniu do zasilenia drewnem albo węglem).
== Native life ==
Pollution attracts [[Enemies|biters]] to the Player's factory. Biters who find themselves in a polluted area will attempt to reach the source of pollution and destroy it.

== Prędkość ==
Each [[Enemies|spawner]] absorbs 20 + 0.01 * [chunk's pollution] every game second (60 ticks) if the chunk's pollution is greater than 20.  If there is 20 or less pollution in the chunk, the spawner absorbs all the pollution.

=== Na trawie, piasku lub ziemi ===
Higher pollution values decrease the time it takes for biters to join the attack force. After a certain amount of pollution is absorbed the spawner sends one of its biters/spitters to a rendezvous point. Every 1 to 10 minutes (random) the mustered biters launch an attack. If not all biters have arrived at the rendezvous point by that time, they will wait up to an additional 2 minutes for stragglers.

{| class="wikitable"
Required pollution to add an additional biter/spitter to the attack wave:
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:right;"
! style="width: 100px;" | Pollution&nbsp;
! style="width: 130px;" | Type&nbsp;
| 200&nbsp; || Small biter&nbsp;
| 1,000&nbsp; || Medium biter&nbsp;
| 4,000&nbsp; || Big biter&nbsp;
!Paliwo !! Max prędkość !! Bieg wsteczny
| 20,000&nbsp; || Behemoth biter&nbsp;
|Drewno/węgiel || 40.8km/h || -28.9km/h
| 200&nbsp; || Small spitter&nbsp;
|Paliwo stałe || 44.8km/h || -31.7km/h
| 600&nbsp; || Medium spitter&nbsp;
|Paliwo rakietowe || 54.8km/h || -38.8km/h
| 1,500&nbsp; || Big spitter&nbsp;
|Paliwo jądrowe || 64.6km/h || -45.7km/h
| 10,000&nbsp; || Behemoth spitter&nbsp;

=== Na {{L|stone brick}} ===
With 1350 absorbed pollution at the time of attack the following wave consists of 6 small biters and 1 medium biter OR 6 small spitters and 2 medium spitters depending on the spawner's type and [[Enemies#Spawn_chances_by_evolution_factor|evolution factor]].
== Modules ==
[[Module]]s that list "+x% pollution" increase pollution multiplier, not a flat pollution rate. Final pollution value is (pollution multiplier * energy usage multiplier * base pollution), meaning heavily boosted buildings are likely to account for most of the pollution produced in a factory.

== Production/Absorption ==
These tables contain information about the levels of pollution produced/absorbed by items in the game.
=== Polluters ===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Object''' || '''Pollution per KW per game second (60 ticks)''' || '''Pollution per game second at full power'''
| {{Imagelink|Stone furnace}} || 0.01/KW || 1.8
!Paliwo !! Max prędkość !! Bieg wsteczny
| {{Imagelink|Steel furnace}} || 0.02/KW || 3.6
|Drewno/węgiel || 43.6km/h || -30.8km/h
| {{Imagelink|Electric furnace}} || 0.005/KW || 0.9
|Paliwo stałe || 47.7km/h || -33.8km/h
| {{Imagelink|Burner mining drill}} || 0.03333/KW || 10
|Paliwo rakietowe || 58.5km/h || -41.4km/h
| {{Imagelink|Electric mining drill}} || 0.1/KW || 9
|Paliwo jądrowe || 68.9km/h || -48.7km/h
| {{imagelink|Pumpjack}} || 0.1/KW || 9
| {{Imagelink|Assembling machine 1}} || 0.03333/KW || 3
| {{Imagelink|Assembling machine 2}} || 0.016/KW || 2.4
| {{Imagelink|Assembling machine 3}} || 0.00857/KW || 1.8
| {{Imagelink|Pump}} || 0.004/KW || 0.12
| {{imagelink|Boiler}} || 0.01538/KW || 27.6923
| {{Imagelink|Oil refinery}} || 0.00857/KW || 3.6
| {{Imagelink|Chemical plant}} || 0.00857/KW || 1.8
| {{Imagelink|Centrifuge}} || 0.016/KW || 5.6

=== Na {{L|concrete}}, {{L|hazard concrete}}, {{L|refined concrete}} i {{L|refined hazard concrete}} ===
Fire on the ground and burning trees produce 0.005 pollution per tick.

=== De-polluters ===
==== Spawner ====
If a chunk's pollution is greater than 20, each enemy spawner absorbs 20 + 0.01 * [chunk's pollution] every game second (60 ticks), otherwise it absorbs the chunk's total pollution.
==== Chunks ====
Every chunk has a natural absorption rate per tick which is determined by the weighted average of its floor tiles.
Following numbers are the pollution reduction for a full chunk (32x32 tiles) composed of the same floor tiles per tick.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Tile !! Pollution per tick !! Pollution per second
|Grass 1-4 || -0.00045|| -0.027
|Dirt 1|| -0.0004|| -0.024
|Dirt 2-7 || -0.00045|| -0.027
|Dry dirt || -0.00039|| -0.0234
|Sand 1-3 || -0.00039|| -0.0234
!Paliwo !! Max prędkość !! Bieg wsteczny
|Red desert 0 || -0.00045|| -0.027
|Drewno/węgiel || 44.9km/h || -31.8km/h
|Red desert 1-3 || -0.0004|| -0.024
|Paliwo stałe || 49.2km/h || -34.8km/h
|Water, Green water, Deep water, Deep green water || -0.0003 || -0.018
|Paliwo rakietowe || 60.3km/h || -42.6km/h
|Path tiles (Stone bricks, concrete etc) || 0.0 || 0.0
|Paliwo jądrowe || 71.8km/h || -50.2km/h
|Special tiles (Lab tiles, out of map, tutorial grid) || -0.0006 || -0.036

== Kapsuły i roboty ==
==== Trees ====
Every single tree absorbs a small amount of pollution in its chunk per tick if the total pollution in that chunk is above 3500 units. By absorbing pollution, trees lose their leaves for every 500 pollution absorbed. The less dense the leaves, the slower the tree absorbs pollution.

Gdy gracz jest w czołgu może używać wszystkich rodzajów {{L|Capsules}}. Wyposażenie gracza w {{L|personal roboport}}, {{L|Construction robot}} oraz {{L|repair pack}} spowoduje, że roboty konstrukcyjne będą naprawiać czołg. Również {{L|logistic robot}} będą dostarczać i odbierać przedmioty do gracza.
{| class="wikitable"
! Object !! Stage !! Pollution per tick !! Pollution per second
==Historia ==
| rowspan="4" | [[File:Green tree.png|120px]] Tree, red tree, brown tree || 0 (Max leaf density) || -0.001 || -0.06
| 1 || -0.00067 || -0.04
| 2 || -0.00033 || -0.02
| 3 (Min leaf density) || 0 || 0
| [[File:Dead dry hairy tree.png|120px]] Dead dry hairy tree || No stages || -0.0001 || -0.006
| [[File:Dead grey trunk.png|120px]] Dead grey trunk || No stages || -0.0001 || -0.006
| [[File:Dead tree desert.png|120px]] Dead tree - desert|| No stages || -0.0001 || -0.006
| [[File:Dry hairy tree.png|120px]] Dry hairy tree || No stages || -0.0001 || -0.006
| [[File:Dry tree.png|120px]] Dry tree || No stages || -0.0001 || -0.006

== Achievements ==
* W trybie wieloosobowym gracze mogą wchodzić do innych czołgów/samochodów i sterować urządzeniami.
Pollution is directly connected to the following achievement:
* Czołgi nie uszkadzają się po uderzeniu w drzewo.}}

== History ==
* Dodanie miotacza ognia
* Buffed tank:
** Zwiększenie odporności z 1,000 na 2,000.
** Dodanie +100% bonusu do obrażeń oraz +5 do zasięgu karabinu maszynowego w czołgu.}}

* Zwiększenie zasięgu karabinu maszynowego do 20 kratek.}}
* Optimized rendering of huge pollution clouds on the map.}}

* Nowa ikonka.}}
* Large amounts of pollution is created when burning fires.
* Pollution creation of the productivity module was reduced drastically.
* Optimized pollution rendering on map and minimap.

* W trybie pokojowym wjechanie w kąsacza złości go.}}
* [[Tree]]s degenerate slowly when exposed to pollution at high levels. }}

* Gdy gracz zaatakuje będąc w czołgu, to czołg będzie atakowany.}}
* Added option to turn off pollution visibility even when detailed info is on. }}

* Czołg może obracać się w miejscu.
* Speed modules no longer produce extra pollution.
* Przestrzeń magazynowa w czołgu może być filtrowana.}}
* Added missing pollution descriptions.
* Pollution is only shown on the minimap with alt mode on.
* Zmiana dźwięku
* Dodano ślad poruszania się za czołgiem
* Amunicja w czołgu jest uzupełniana z przestrzeni magazynowej czołgu lub gracza.

* Dodano niewielki ślad na gruncie po uderzeniu ciężkim nabojem, np z armaty czołgu.}}
* Introduced concept of pollution.}}
* Wprowadzono.}}
== Dane od twórców ==
Tygodniowe wpisy traktujące o czołgu:
== Zobacz również ==
* {{L|Car}}
* {{L|Enemies}}
* [[Damage/pl]]

== See also ==
* [[Crafting]]
* [[Module]]s
* [[Enemies]]

Latest revision as of 12:50, 14 March 2019

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Again, welcome, we hope you contribute as much high quality information as you can. :) Bilka (talk) - Admin 10:58, 6 February 2018 (UTC)



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Example of in-game pollution (red squares) in the map

Pollution is represented as an abstract "cloud", updated per chunk every game second (60 ticks) and visible on the map, when "alt-view" is on (default Alt-Key). It appears as a red colored blocky cloud.

It is produced by many buildings involved in processing items and spreads outwards at a steady rate.

The evolution factor is not increased by the spreading/absorbed pollution, but by the pollution produced by all the player's machinery at every tick. This means that no matter how hard the player tries to contain the pollution, enemies will still evolve at the same rate. They just won't attack the player as frequently. The pollution cloud is used to trigger biter attacks and determines the size of the attacks.

Pollution settings can be changed via map generation settings, or can be disabled entirely.

Pollution spread

As soon as a chunk has reached 15.0 pollution it starts spreading in all four cardinal directions at a rate of 2% per game-second (60 ticks).

For example, a chunk with 400.0 pollution and 4 adjacent chunks with 100.0 pollution each, raises the pollution in all adjacent chunks by 8.0 while reducing its own pollution by 32.0. But every one of the 4 surrounding spreads 2.0 pollution "back" to the center chunk, so it only loses 24.0 + absorbed value.

Pollution dissipation

  • Every chunk (32x32) of map slowly reduces the pollution it covers (See Pollution#Chunks). So the more the pollution spreads, the more is absorbed.
  • Trees also absorb some pollution (See Pollution#Trees).
  • Spawners absorb a great amount of pollution, and use this to produce enemies.

Native life

Pollution attracts biters to the Player's factory. Biters who find themselves in a polluted area will attempt to reach the source of pollution and destroy it.

Each spawner absorbs 20 + 0.01 * [chunk's pollution] every game second (60 ticks) if the chunk's pollution is greater than 20. If there is 20 or less pollution in the chunk, the spawner absorbs all the pollution.

Higher pollution values decrease the time it takes for biters to join the attack force. After a certain amount of pollution is absorbed the spawner sends one of its biters/spitters to a rendezvous point. Every 1 to 10 minutes (random) the mustered biters launch an attack. If not all biters have arrived at the rendezvous point by that time, they will wait up to an additional 2 minutes for stragglers.

Required pollution to add an additional biter/spitter to the attack wave:

Pollution  Type 
200  Small biter 
1,000  Medium biter 
4,000  Big biter 
20,000  Behemoth biter 
200  Small spitter 
600  Medium spitter 
1,500  Big spitter 
10,000  Behemoth spitter 

With 1350 absorbed pollution at the time of attack the following wave consists of 6 small biters and 1 medium biter OR 6 small spitters and 2 medium spitters depending on the spawner's type and evolution factor.


Modules that list "+x% pollution" increase pollution multiplier, not a flat pollution rate. Final pollution value is (pollution multiplier * energy usage multiplier * base pollution), meaning heavily boosted buildings are likely to account for most of the pollution produced in a factory.


These tables contain information about the levels of pollution produced/absorbed by items in the game.


Object Pollution per KW per game second (60 ticks) Pollution per game second at full power
Stone furnace
0.01/KW 1.8
Steel furnace
0.02/KW 3.6
Electric furnace
0.005/KW 0.9
Burner mining drill
0.03333/KW 10
Electric mining drill
0.1/KW 9
0.1/KW 9
Assembling machine 1
0.03333/KW 3
Assembling machine 2
0.016/KW 2.4
Assembling machine 3
0.00857/KW 1.8
0.004/KW 0.12
0.01538/KW 27.6923
Oil refinery
0.00857/KW 3.6
Chemical plant
0.00857/KW 1.8
0.016/KW 5.6

Fire on the ground and burning trees produce 0.005 pollution per tick.



If a chunk's pollution is greater than 20, each enemy spawner absorbs 20 + 0.01 * [chunk's pollution] every game second (60 ticks), otherwise it absorbs the chunk's total pollution.


Every chunk has a natural absorption rate per tick which is determined by the weighted average of its floor tiles.

Following numbers are the pollution reduction for a full chunk (32x32 tiles) composed of the same floor tiles per tick.

Tile Pollution per tick Pollution per second
Grass 1-4 -0.00045 -0.027
Dirt 1 -0.0004 -0.024
Dirt 2-7 -0.00045 -0.027
Dry dirt -0.00039 -0.0234
Sand 1-3 -0.00039 -0.0234
Red desert 0 -0.00045 -0.027
Red desert 1-3 -0.0004 -0.024
Water, Green water, Deep water, Deep green water -0.0003 -0.018
Path tiles (Stone bricks, concrete etc) 0.0 0.0
Special tiles (Lab tiles, out of map, tutorial grid) -0.0006 -0.036


Every single tree absorbs a small amount of pollution in its chunk per tick if the total pollution in that chunk is above 3500 units. By absorbing pollution, trees lose their leaves for every 500 pollution absorbed. The less dense the leaves, the slower the tree absorbs pollution.

Object Stage Pollution per tick Pollution per second
Tree, red tree, brown tree 0 (Max leaf density) -0.001 -0.06
1 -0.00067 -0.04
2 -0.00033 -0.02
3 (Min leaf density) 0 0
Dead dry hairy tree No stages -0.0001 -0.006
Dead grey trunk No stages -0.0001 -0.006
Dead tree - desert No stages -0.0001 -0.006
Dry hairy tree No stages -0.0001 -0.006
Dry tree No stages -0.0001 -0.006


Pollution is directly connected to the following achievement:

It stinks and they don't like it

Trigger an alien attack by pollution.


  • 0.13.2:
    • Optimized rendering of huge pollution clouds on the map.
  • 0.13.0:
    • Large amounts of pollution is created when burning fires.
    • Pollution creation of the productivity module was reduced drastically.
    • Optimized pollution rendering on map and minimap.
  • 0.12.0:
    • Trees degenerate slowly when exposed to pollution at high levels.
  • 0.8.0:
    • Added option to turn off pollution visibility even when detailed info is on.
  • 0.7.1:
    • Speed modules no longer produce extra pollution.
    • Added missing pollution descriptions.
    • Pollution is only shown on the minimap with alt mode on.
  • 0.7.0:
    • Introduced concept of pollution.

See also