Factorio:Top pages: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
Line 1: Line 1:
Total number of views in the last week: 267,631 (212,405 unique)
Total number of views in the last week: 260,321 (207,658 unique)
Line 7: Line 7:
|14625 (9099)
|14560 (8874)
|7951 (6872)
|8164 (7018)
|6925 (5572)
|6667 (5445)
|4478 (3706)
|4464 (3640)
|3041 (2758)
|2966 (2703)
|3015 (2587)
|2754 (2365)
|2803 (2297)
|2725 (2235)
|2623 (1606)
|2508 (2104)
|2474 (2058)
|2328 (1584)
|2450 (1997)
|2282 (1901)
|2212 (1869)
|2193 (1868)
|2135 (1594)
|2167 (1804)
|2097 (1753)
|2056 (1703)
|2047 (1654)
|1985 (1520)
|1970 (1584)
|1946 (1637)
|1905 (1614)
|1900 (1516)
|1876 (1629)
|1822 (1554)
|1702 (1498)
|1544 (1256)
|1693 (1283)
|1542 (722)
|1628 (1054)
|1517 (1352)

Revision as of 11:52, 20 July 2018

Total number of views in the last week: 260,321 (207,658 unique)

# Page Number of views (unique)
1 Main_Page 14560 (8874)
2 Console 8164 (7018)
3 Balancers 6667 (5445)
4 Power_production 4464 (3640)
5 Tutorial:Nuclear_power 2966 (2703)
6 Multiplayer 2754 (2365)
7 Railway 2725 (2235)
8 Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook 2508 (2104)
9 Science_pack 2328 (1584)
10 Oil_processing 2282 (1901)
11 Circuit_network 2193 (1868)
12 Logistic_network 2167 (1804)
13 Nuclear_reactor 2056 (1703)
14 Tutorial:Main_bus 1985 (1520)
15 Enemies 1946 (1637)
16 Modding 1900 (1516)
17 Tutorial:Quick_start_guide 1822 (1554)
18 Electric_system 1544 (1256)
19 Main_Page/ru 1542 (722)
20 Fluid_wagon 1517 (1352)