User contributions for Nishon 163
Results for Nishon 163 talk block log uploads logs
A user with 8 edits. Account created on 19 March 2021.
8 April 2021
- 19:1819:18, 8 April 2021 diff hist +7,521 N Power production/es Created page with "{{Languages}} La electricidad debe producirse antes de que pueda transferirse a los consumidores a través del sistema electrico. Existen múltiples mé..." current
- 18:0218:02, 8 April 2021 diff hist +18,978 N User:Nishon 163/Glossary/es Created page with "{{Languages}} __NOTOC__ Esta página actúa como un glosario general de todos los términos utilizados en Factorio y su comunidad. Recomendamos buscar en la página con {{key..."
19 March 2021
- 18:5518:55, 19 March 2021 diff hist 0 N User talk:Nishon 163 Created blank page current
- 18:5418:54, 19 March 2021 diff hist +100 N User:Nishon 163 Created page with "I am Nishon 163, I will do everything in my power so that all the pages are translated into Spanish." current
- 18:4518:45, 19 March 2021 diff hist +936 N Uranium-238/es Created page with "{{Languages}}{{:Infobox:Uranium-238}} El '''Uranio-238''' es, junto con el Uranio-235, uno de los productos refinados del uranium ore/es|Mineral de uranio..." current
- 18:3218:32, 19 March 2021 diff hist +1,085 N Uranium-235/es Created page with "{{Languages}} {{:Infobox:Uranium-235}} El '''Uranio-235''' es, junto con el Uranio-238, uno de los productos refinados del uranium ore/es|Mineral de urani..." current
- 18:1618:16, 19 March 2021 diff hist +421 N Nuclear fuel reprocessing/es Created page with "{{Languages}} {{:Infobox:Nuclear fuel reprocessing}} '''Reprocesamiento de combustible nuclear''' se puede utilizar para reciclar used up uranium fuel cell/es|celda combusti..." current
- 18:0418:04, 19 March 2021 diff hist +984 N Uranium fuel cell/es Created page with "{{Languages}}{{:Infobox:Uranium fuel cell}} La '''celda combustible de uranio''' puede ser gastada en un reactor nuclear para producir calor, resultando..." current