
From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 15:22, 9 June 2022 by Bilka (talk | contribs) (Added note about automatic catalyst_amount calculation)
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A fluid product definition, for example for a Prototype/Recipe. Its loading is triggered by the type of a Types/ProductPrototype being "fluid".

Mandatory properties


Type: Types/string

The name of a Prototype/Fluid.

Optional properties


Type: Types/double

Default: 1

Value between 0 and 1, 0 for 0% chance and 1 for 100% chance.


Type: Types/double

Cannot be < 0. If this is present, amount_min and amount_max are not loaded.


Type: Types/MaterialAmountType

Mandatory if amount is not specified.

May not be < 0.


Type: Types/MaterialAmountType

Mandatory if amount is not specified.

If set to a number that is less than amount_min, the game will use amount_min internally.


Type: Types/double

Sets the temperature of the fluid product.


Type: Types/double

Default: 0

Amount that should not be affected by productivity modules (not yielded from bonus production) and should not be included in the fluid production statistics.

If this FluidProductPrototype is used in a recipe, the catalyst amount is calculated automatically based on the ingredients and results.[1]


Type: Types/uint32

Default: 0 (no specific fluidbox)

Used to specify which fluidbox this product should use on the machine. It will only use this one fluidbox.

See also