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Template:Translation/zh: Difference between revisions

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| Belt transport system = 传送带运输系统
| Belt transport system = 传送带运输系统
| Bonuses = 加成
| Bonuses = 加成
| Burner devices = 燃烧设备
| Campaign = 战役
| Campaign = 战役
| Capsules = 胶囊
| Capsules = 胶囊
Line 79: Line 80:
| Stack = 物品堆叠
| Stack = 物品堆叠
| Storage = 储存
| Storage = 储存
| Technologies = 科技列表
| Technologies = 科技
| Technology = 科技
| Technology tree = 科技树
| Terrain = 地形
| Terrain = 地形
| Tile = 格
| Tile = 格
Line 91: Line 90:
| Transport network = 传送带运输系统
| Transport network = 传送带运输系统
| Transportation = 交通运输
| Transportation = 交通运输
| Tree = 树木
| Underground belts = 地下传送带
| Underground belts = 地下传送带
| Units = 单位
| Units = 单位
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| Radar = 雷达
| Radar = 雷达
| Rocket silo = 火箭发射井
| Rocket silo = 火箭发射井
<!-- Achievements -->
| Computer age 1 = 信息时代1
| Produce 500 [[processing unit]]s per hour. = 每小时生产{{L|Processing unit}}五百个(500)。
| Computer age 2 = 信息时代2
| Produce 1.0k [[processing unit]]s per hour. = 每小时生产{{L|Processing unit}}一千个(1k)。
| Computer age 3 = 信息时代3
| Produce 5k [[processing unit]]s per hour. = 每小时生产{{L|Processing unit}}五千个(5k)。
| Circuit veteran 1 = 电路老技师1
| Produce 1.0k [[advanced circuit]]s per hour. = 每小时生产{{L|Advanced circuit}}一千个(1k)。
| Circuit veteran 2 = 电路老技师2
| Produce 10k [[advanced circuit]]s per hour. = 每小时生产{{L|Advanced circuit}}一万个(10k)。
| Circuit veteran 3 = 电路老技师3
| Produce 25k [[advanced circuit]]s per hour. = 每小时生产{{L|Advanced circuit}}两万五千个(25k)。
| Steam all the way = 蒸蒸日上
| Win the game without building any [[solar panel]]s. = 不铺设{{L|Solar panel}}通关游戏。
| Automated cleanup = 拆迁队长
| Deconstruct 100 objects with the [[construction robot]]s. = 使用{{L|Construction robot}}拆除100个物体。
| Automated construction = 包工头
| Construct 100 machines using [[construction robot|robots]]. = 使用{{L|Construction robot}}铺设100个机器。
| You are doing it right = 养尊处优的包工头
| Construct more machines using [[construction robot|robots]] than manually. = 使用{{L|Construction robot}}铺设的机器数量超过人工放置的机器数量。
| Lazy bastard = 精打细算
| Win the game by crafting no more than 111 items manually. = 手搓不超过111个物品通关游戏。
| Eco unfriendly = 生态不友好
| Research [[oil processing (research)]]. = 研发「{{L|Oil processing (research)}}」。
| Tech maniac = 疯狂科学家
| Research all [[technologies]]. = 研发所有{{L|Technologies}}。
| Mass production 1 = 大批量生产1
| Produce 10k [[electronic circuit]]s. = 累计生产出{{L|Electronic circuit}}一万个(10k)。
| Mass production 2 = 大批量生产2
| Produce 1M [[electronic circuit]]s. = 累计生产出{{L|Electronic circuit}}一百万个(1M)。
| Mass production 3 = 大批量生产3
| Produce 20M [[electronic circuit]]s. = 累计生产出{{L|Electronic circuit}}两千万个(20M)。
| Getting on track = 上道了
| Build a [[locomotive]]. = 建造出{{L|Locomotive}}。
| Getting on track like a pro = 老司机上道了
| Build a [[locomotive]] within the first 90 minutes of the game. = 在90分钟内建造出{{L|Locomotive}}。
| It stinks and they dont like it = 好臭!好讨厌!
| Trigger an [[enemies|alien]] attack by [[pollution]]. = {{L|Pollution}}引来了{{L|Enemies|虫子}}袭击。
| Raining bullets = 枪林弹雨
| Win the game without building any [[laser turret]]s. = 不铺设{{L|Laser turret}}通关游戏。
| Iron throne 1 = 钢铁大亨1
| Produce 20k [[iron plate]]s per hour. = 每小时生产{{L|Iron plate}}两万个(20k)。
| Iron throne 2 = 钢铁大亨2
| Produce 200k [[iron plate]]s per hour. = 每小时生产{{L|Iron plate}}二十万个(200k)。
| Iron throne 3 = 钢铁大亨3
| Produce 400k [[iron plate]]s per hour. = 每小时生产{{L|Iron plate}}四十万个(400k)。
| Logistic network embargo = 传送带神教的狂热教徒
| Win the game without building any [[active provider chest|active provider]], [[buffer chest|buffer]] or [[requester chest]]s. = 不铺设{{L|Active provider chest}}、{{L|Buffer chest}}和{{L|Requester chest}}通关游戏。
| Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast = 等我通关回来再吃饭!
| Finish the game. = 通关游戏。
| No time for chitchat = 没时间废话了!
| Finish the game within 15 hours. = 在15小时内通关游戏。
| There is no spoon = 今天搞定,不要加班!
| Finish the game within 8 hours. = 在8小时内通关游戏。
| Steamrolled = 摧枯拉朽之势
| Destroy 10 [[Enemies#Spawners|spawners]] by impact. = 撞毁虫巢十个(10)。
| Run Forrest, run = 你确定你有驾照?
| Destroy 100 [[tree]]s by impact. = 撞倒{{L|Tree}}一百棵(100)。
| Pyromaniac = 放火烧山,牢底坐穿!
| Destroy 10k [[tree]]s with fire. = 烧毁{{L|Tree}}一万棵(10k)。
| So long and thanks for all the fish = 咸鱼翻身
| {{spoiler|button-text=Spoiler! Click to view.|message=Send a [[raw fish]] into space via [[rocket silo|rocket]].}} = {{spoiler|button-text=剧透警告!点击查看|message=使用{{L|Rocket silo|火箭}}发射一条{{L|Raw fish}}上太空。}}
| You've got a package = 快递上门
| Supply the player by [[logistic robot]]. = 使用{{L|Logistic robot}}为自己运送物品。
| Delivery service = 快递砸破门
| Supply the player with 10k items delivered by [[logistic robot]]s. = 使用{{L|Logistic robot}}为自己运送物品一万个(10k)。
| Trans-Factorio express = 一条道跑到黑
| Have a [[train]] plan a path 1000 tiles or longer. = 规划一条1000格以上长度的{{L|Railway|列车}}线路。
| Golem = 金钟罩铁布衫
| Survive a hit of 500 [[damage]] or more. = 单次受到500点以上{{L|Damage}}并存活下来。
| Watch your step = 迷之归西
| Get killed by a moving [[locomotive]]. = 被行进中的{{L|Locomotive|机车}}撞死。
| Solaris = 光合作用
| Produce more than 10 GJ per hour using [[solar panel]]s. = 仅使用{{L|Solar panel}}发电,每小时发电量达到一百亿焦耳(10GJ)。
| Minions = 小弟们走起!
| Have 100 combat robots or more following you. = 让至少100个战斗无人机跟着你。

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Revision as of 05:03, 23 June 2018
