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List of user made mods

Process not defined. Please look into the discussion Talk:Mods.

Mod Latest release Compatible with Factorio Author Dependencies Link to Forum/Download page Additional notes/Info
DyTech 0.5.1 0.7.x Dysoch base [1] Usage together with Inserter mod is not recommended! Inserter Mod doesnt add anything when detecting DyTech, Dytech has better and other inserters added!
F-mod 1.6.6 0.7.x ficolas base [2] --
Inserters 1.0.1 0.7.x Heinrich, but maintained by Dysoch base >= 0.7.1, ?DyTech [3] Usage together with DyTech is not recommended! Inserter Mod doesnt add anything when detecting DyTech, Dytech has better and other inserters added!
ExampleMod 0.1 0.0.1 User:Ssilk and others base [4] you may use this template to create a new mod


Dependencies are used to tell the game what order mods should be loaded. A mod that has dependency gets loaded after the mod it depends. The mod will not be active if it has dependency to a mod that is missing, disabled (by user) or invalid (by dependency of depended mod)

  • base is the default game data that comes with Factorio.


How to use mods

Using the mods is very easy.

  1. Download the mod you would like and unzip it.
  2. Copy the mod into the game's mods directory. Mods directory locations depends on your operating system.
    • Windows: C:\Program Files\Factorio\mods
    • OSx: ~/Library/Application Support/factorio/mods
    • Linux: ~/.factorio/mods
  3. Run the game
  4. Open the Mods menu and make sure the mod is enabled (requires restart on changes)
  5. Enjoy your installed mod
