Circuit network

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Revision as of 18:55, 12 May 2013 by CinematicChief (talk | contribs)
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Circuit network is quite new concept and the current state of it is just part of what is planned, but it is handy tool for bigger factory management already.

  • Circuit network (red or green) contains all machines connected by corresponding cable.
  • The signal consists of set of numbers, one for every item available in the game
  • Every transmition is added to the signal, so the signal is actually sum of all transmitions


All Smart chests, Provider chests, Storage chests and Requester chests transmit its contents into the network as long as they are connected to the network by the corresponding cable.

The picture above shows circuit network, that contains over 42 000 coal and 12 000 iron plates.


Smart inserter is the only machine that can act depending on the state of the network. When it is connected to the network, it is possible to set up the condition:

  • Item this condition should depend on
  • Type of the condition (less then, bigger then, equal)
  • Value, integral number connected with the condition.

The example on the picture contains condition: "Work only if the count of Alien science pack is lower than 50."


[Category: Concepts]]