Prototype type: custom-input
Used for custom keyboard shortcuts/keybindings in mods. The key associated with the custom input can be changed in the options. This means that key_sequence
is simply the default keybinding.
Inherits all properties from Prototype.
- See Prototype#name
Inherited from Prototype. It is also the name for the event that is raised when they key (combination) is pressed, see Tutorial:Script interfaces.
Type: Types/string
The default key sequence for this custom input.
- "mouse-button-2" etc for mouse buttons
- "mouse-wheel-up", "mouse-wheel-down", "mouse-wheel-left", "mouse-wheel-right" for mouse wheel (mouse wheel controls do not work for custom inputs!)
- " + " is used to separate modifier keys from normal keys:
"ALT + G"
- For modifier keys, the following names are used: "CONTROL", "SHIFT", "ALT", "COMMAND"
- A keybinding can contain an unlimited amount of modifier keys (listed above) but only one normal key (listed below).
These names are available for the normal keys
* "A" * "B" * "C" * "D" * "E" * "F" * "G" * "H" * "I" * "J" * "K" * "L" * "M" * "N" * "O" * "P" * "Q" * "R" * "S" * "T" * "U" * "V" * "W" * "X" * "Y" * "Z" * "1" * "2" * "3" * "4" * "5" * "6" * "7" * "8" * "9" * "0" * "RETURN" * "ESCAPE" * "BACKSPACE" * "TAB" * "SPACE" * "MINUS" * "EQUALS" * "LEFTBRACKET" * "RIGHTBRACKET" * "BACKSLASH" * "NONUSHASH" * "SEMICOLON" * "APOSTROPHE" * "GRAVE" * "COMMA" * "PERIOD" * "SLASH" * "CAPSLOCK" * "F1" * "F2" * "F3" * "F4" * "F5" * "F6" * "F7" * "F8" * "F9" * "F10" * "F11" * "F12" * "PRINTSCREEN" * "SCROLLLOCK" * "PAUSE" * "INSERT" * "HOME" * "PAGEUP" * "DELETE" * "END" * "PAGEDOWN" * "RIGHT" * "LEFT" * "DOWN" * "UP" * "NUMLOCKCLEAR" * "KP_DIVIDE" * "KP_MULTIPLY" * "KP_MINUS" * "KP_PLUS" * "KP_ENTER" * "KP_1" * "KP_2" * "KP_3" * "KP_4" * "KP_5" * "KP_6" * "KP_7" * "KP_8" * "KP_9" * "KP_0" * "KP_PERIOD" * "NONUSBACKSLASH" * "APPLICATION" * "POWER" * "KP_EQUALS" * "F13" * "F14" * "F15" * "F16" * "F17" * "F18" * "F19" * "F20" * "F21" * "F22" * "F23" * "F24" * "EXECUTE" * "HELP" * "MENU" * "SELECT" * "STOP" * "AGAIN" * "UNDO" * "CUT" * "COPY" * "PASTE" * "FIND" * "MUTE" * "VOLUMEUP" * "VOLUMEDOWN" * "KP_COMMA" * "KP_EQUALSAS400" * "INTERNATIONAL1" * "INTERNATIONAL2" * "INTERNATIONAL3" * "INTERNATIONAL4" * "INTERNATIONAL5" * "INTERNATIONAL6" * "INTERNATIONAL7" * "INTERNATIONAL8" * "INTERNATIONAL9" * "LANG1" * "LANG2" * "LANG3" * "LANG4" * "LANG5" * "LANG6" * "LANG7" * "LANG8" * "LANG9" * "ALTERASE" * "SYSREQ" * "CANCEL" * "CLEAR" * "PRIOR" * "RETURN2" * "SEPARATOR" * "OUT" * "OPER" * "CLEARAGAIN" * "CRSEL" * "EXSEL" * "KP_00" * "KP_000" * "THOUSANDSSEPARATOR" * "DECIMALSEPARATOR" * "CURRENCYUNIT" * "CURRENCYSUBUNIT" * "KP_LEFTPAREN" * "KP_RIGHTPAREN" * "KP_LEFTBRACE" * "KP_RIGHTBRACE" * "KP_TAB" * "KP_BACKSPACE" * "KP_A" * "KP_B" * "KP_C" * "KP_D" * "KP_E" * "KP_F" * "KP_XOR" * "KP_POWER" * "KP_PERCENT" * "KP_LESS" * "KP_GREATER" * "KP_AMPERSAND" * "KP_DBLAMPERSAND" * "KP_VERTICALBAR" * "KP_DBLVERTICALBAR" * "KP_COLON" * "KP_HASH" * "KP_SPACE" * "KP_AT" * "KP_EXCLAM" * "KP_MEMSTORE" * "KP_MEMRECALL" * "KP_MEMCLEAR" * "KP_MEMADD" * "KP_MEMSUBTRACT" * "KP_MEMMULTIPLY" * "KP_MEMDIVIDE" * "KP_PLUSMINUS" * "KP_CLEAR" * "KP_CLEARENTRY" * "KP_BINARY" * "KP_OCTAL" * "KP_DECIMAL" * "KP_HEXADECIMAL" * "LCTRL" * "LSHIFT" * "LALT" * "LGUI" * "RCTRL" * "RSHIFT" * "RALT" * "RGUI" * "MODE" * "AUDIONEXT" * "AUDIOPREV" * "AUDIOSTOP" * "AUDIOPLAY" * "AUDIOMUTE" * "MEDIASELECT" * "WWW" * "MAIL" * "CALCULATOR" * "COMPUTER" * "AC_SEARCH" * "AC_HOME" * "AC_BACK" * "AC_FORWARD" * "AC_STOP" * "AC_REFRESH" * "AC_BOOKMARKS" * "BRIGHTNESSDOWN" * "BRIGHTNESSUP" * "DISPLAYSWITCH" * "KBDILLUMTOGGLE" * "KBDILLUMDOWN" * "KBDILLUMUP" * "EJECT" * "SLEEP" * "APP1" * "APP2" * "AUDIOREWIND" * "AUDIOFASTFORWARD" </div> </div> === linked_game_control === '''Type''': [[Types/string]] '''Default''': "" When a custom-input is linked to a game control it won't show up in the control-settings GUI and will fire when the linked control is pressed. [] <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"> List of internal names of game controls <pre class="mw-collapsible-content"> alt-zoom-in alt-zoom-out build build-ghost cancel-craft cancel-craft-5 cancel-craft-all change-active-quickbar clean-cursor close-gui confirm-message connect-train copy-entity-settings craft craft-5 craft-all cursor-split cycle-blueprint-backwards cycle-blueprint-forwards debug-reset-zoom debug-toggle-atlas-gui debug-toggle-autoplace-gui debug-toggle-basic debug-toggle-debug-settings debug-toggle-detailed debug-toggle-full disconnect-train drag-map drop-cursor editor-edit-entity-details editor-remove-entity editor-show-all-difficulties editor-show-easy-difficulty editor-show-hard-difficulty editor-show-normal-difficulty editor-tool-primary-action editor-tool-secondary-action fast-entity-split fast-entity-transfer focus-search inventory-split inventory-transfer kill-statistics larger-terrain-building-area logistic-networks mine mouse-button-1 mouse-button-2 mouse-button-3 mouse-button-n mouse-wheel-down mouse-wheel-left mouse-wheel-right mouse-wheel-up move-down move-left move-right move-up next-weapon open-character-gui open-gui open-item open-technology-gui paste-entity-settings pause-game pick-item pick-items place-tag previous-technology production-statistics quickbar-1 quickbar-10 quickbar-2 quickbar-3 quickbar-4 quickbar-5 quickbar-6 quickbar-7 quickbar-8 quickbar-9 remove-pole-cables reverse-rotate rotate select-for-blueprint select-for-cancel-deconstruct shoot-enemy shoot-selected show-info smaller-terrain-building-area smart-pipette stack-split stack-transfer toggle-blueprint-library toggle-console toggle-driving toggle-filter toggle-gui-debug toggle-map toggle-menu toggle-tips-and-tricks zoom-in zoom-out
Example to use the same key sequence as the clean-cursor hotkey:
key_sequence = ""
linked_game_control = "clean-cursor"
Type: Types/ConsumingType
Default: "none"
Type: Types/bool
Default: true
If this custom input is enabled. Disabled custom inputs exist but are not used by the game.