User talk:Nukes327

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Revision as of 00:52, 26 July 2016 by Nukes327 (talk | contribs) (Recommendations for the player page)
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Account created 09:17, 25 July 2016 (UTC)

Currently working out how to fix up the player page nicely, sorry if the edits bother people.

Feel free to add a topic if need be.

Recommendations for the player page

Hey there, noticed you were thinking about revamping the player page. That's good, it's full of a lot of redundant info from when the wiki was new and without direction. I'd recommend keeping it to only strictly player related info, (Remove all the info about tools and whatnot) and make sure it's easy to read for new players. Oh, and if I'm correct, you're also new to the wiki. If you have any questions or need any help, please do feel free to let me know. I'm pretty versed in MediaWiki's formatting scheme. --Gangsir (talk) 22:55, 25 July 2016 (UTC)

Thanks for the recommendation, that was going to be part of the plan I'm thinking. Right now I'm considering merging off useful information that's not relevant directly to the player in to their own pages. I may end up leaving more player related info from each section as is, and then leaving a link towards the specific section's relevant info, though a lot of the information that'd be left would almost be more relevant in a sort of Basics Tutorial kind of page. May also lead in to general cleanups for category style pages, for example the Armor page has no reference to the Modular Armor page, which leaves large part of the wiki generally impractical to access.
Will probably keep everything sectioned off in my Sandbox till I'm happy with it and I've got some feedback, so by all means if you see some heavy changes going on just lemme know what you think. Nukes327 (talk) 00:52, 26 July 2016 (UTC)