Data of one icon "layer" for the icons
property of the Types/IconSpecification.
Mandatory properties
Type: Types/FileName
The path to the icon.
Type: Types/SpriteSizeType
Mandatory if icon_size
is not specified outside of icons
. The size of the square icon, in pixels, e.g. 32 for a 32px by 32px icon.
Optional properties
Type: Types/Color
Default: {r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1} (white)
Tint of the icon.
Type: Types/vector
Default: {0, 0}
Used to offset the icon "layer" from the overall icon.
Type: Types/double
Default for items/recipes: (32/icon_size)
Default for technologies: (256/icon_size)
When set, specifies the scale of the icon on the GUI scale.
Scale 2 means that the icon will be 2 times bigger on screen (and more pixelated).
Type: Types/uint8
Default: 0
- Only the first icon layer will display a shadow.
- The final combination of icons will always be resized in GUI based on the first icon layer's size, but won't be resized when displayed on machines in alt-mode.
- (example: recipe first icon layer is size 128, scale 1, the icon group will be displayed at resolution /4 to fit the 32px GUI boxes, but will be displayed 4 times as large on buildings)
- Shift values are based on final size (icon_size * scale) of the first icon.
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/heavy-oil.png",
icon_size = 64,
scale = 0.5,
shift = {4, -8}