Used to set the fluid amount an entity can hold, as well as the connection points for pipes leading into and out of the entity.
for each entity,they may have mutiple fluid box,
it can come from both energy source,crafting machines` fluidboxes or just normal property storage tank and pumps etc.
for each fluidbox,it should only storage ONE type of fluid at time, but it do storage mutiple fluid(call fluid mixing,a forbidden technique), to avoid fluid mixing,you can setting up filter for certain fluid, or it is a crafting machine that will automatically disable unused fluid box.
for each fluidbox,it may have mutiple connection point(shown as blue arrow in alt mode,some entity won`t display its connection point tho), fluid may flow in or out depanding on connection point setting, and connection point may depand on direction this entity currently facing,which will be defined as a table of connections.
Mandatory properties
Type: Types/table of Types/PipeConnectionDefinition
Max number of members is 255.
Optional properties
Type: Types/double
Default: 1
Must be greater than 0.
Type: Types/double
Default: 0
Type: Types/double
Default: 1
Must be greater than 0.
Type: Types/string
Name of a Prototype/Fluid. Can be used to specify which fluid is allowed to enter this fluid box. [1]
Type: Types/RenderLayer
Default: "object"
Type: Types/Sprite4Way
The pictures to show when another fluid box connects to this one.
Type: Types/Sprite4Way
Type: Types/double
The minimum temperature allowed into the fluidbox. Only applied if a filter
is specified [2].
minimum_temperature = 100.0
Type: Types/double
The maximum temperature allowed into the fluidbox. Only applied if a filter
is specified [3].
maximum_temperature = 1000.0
Type: Types/string
Default: "None"
Possible values:
- "None"
- "input"
- "input-output"
- "output"
Type: Types/int8
Default: 1
Set the secondary draw order for all orientations. Used to determine render order for sprites with the same render_layer
in the same position. Sprites with a higher secondary_draw_order
are drawn on top.
Type: Types/table of Types/int8
Default: {north = 1, east = 1, south = 1, west = 1}
Set the secondary draw order for each orientation. Used to determine render order for sprites with the same render_layer
in the same position. Sprites with a higher secondary_draw_order
are drawn on top.
fluid_box =
base_area = 1,
height = 2,
base_level = -1,
pipe_covers = pipecoverspictures(),
pipe_connections =
{type = "input-output", position = {-2, 0.5}},
{type = "input-output", position = {2, 0.5}}
production_type = "input-output"