Hi, I'm Tertius3, and I'm a brand new Factorio player as of the time of this writing.
I don't know if I will stick around, but as new player I use a game wiki very often, and I detected that the German pages (the language I play the game in) are very outdated. So instead of complaining they are outdated, I might perhaps translate them myself. We'll see what will happen.
German Template:Template:Translation/de
All Templates: Special:AllPages/Template:
All German Navigation footers: Factorio:Navigation/de
Translation quirks in this wiki:
- translation is case sensitive. {{TransLink|circuit network}} → circuit network doesn't work but {{TransLink|Circuit network}} → Circuit network (in /de german subpages) will work
Ingame Terminology of not always obvious translations:
englisch | deutsch | Hinweis |
entity | Objekt | nicht: Entität |
circuit network | Schaltungsnetz | nicht: Schaltnetz oder Schaltnetzwerk |
logistic network | Logistiknetz | nicht: Logistisches Netz oder Logistiknetzwerk |
electric network | Stromnetz | |
copper cable | Kupferkabel | |
red wire | Rotes Signalkabel | nicht: Draht |
green wire | Grünes Signalkabel | |
solar panel | Solarpanel | nicht: Sonnenzelle oder Solar panel oder Solarzelle |
crafting | Herstellung | nicht: Handwerk |
crafting speed | Herstelltempo | nicht: Herstellgeschwindigkeit |
recipe | Bauplan | nicht: Rezept |
blueprint | Blaupause | |
belt | Fließband | nicht: Band |
(belt) lane | Seite | nicht: Bahn |
splitter | Teilerfließband | nicht: Teiler |
inserter | Greifarm | |
item | Gegenstand | nicht: Objekt oder Item |
mining | Bergbau | nicht: Erzförderung |
mining drill | Erzförderer | |
mining area | Abbaugebiet | |
mining speed | Abbautempo | nicht: Abbaugeschwindigkeit |
(mining) patch | Ressourcenfeld | |
fuel | Brennstoff | nicht: Kraftstoff oder Treibstoff |
If in doubt, look up in the game localization files:
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\data\core\locale\de\core.cfg"
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\data\base\locale\de\base.cfg"