Talk:Railway/Train path finding

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Revision as of 09:25, 19 July 2019 by Supply (talk | contribs) (Recalculating Rules: Reply)
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Recalculating Rules

I removed the rule "The train enters a new rail block and can't reserve the next needed signal" because I interpreted it as the train entering a new block without regard to its distance from the next needed signal (within braking distance or not), because otherwise it seems to be just a rephrasing of the rule "The train is braking for a signal." Are they not the same? The act of entering a new block itself (when a signal goes from yellow to red) doesn't seem to matter from my test. Supply (talk) 03:46, 19 July 2019 (UTC)

One is applied when the train is already breaking, the other is done when the train is just driving normally. In general, the page is directly documenting the source code, each bullet point is one "recalculate path" line in the code. The most recent changes did not modify how many of those lines exist, so I also don't want to modify the bullet point count on the wiki page. I hope that makes more clear where the information comes from, and why I am so sure that it is correct. -- Bilka (talk) - Admin 08:51, 19 July 2019 (UTC)
Okay, thanks! Also, since you have looked at the source code I guess it means that spontaneous rerouting within chain blocks really isn't a thing in the game right now, despite what the 0.17.38 changelog states. ("This also allowed us to to let train recalculate path spontaneously even in chain signal sequence, as it shouldn't break anything now.") I've also read every changelog since that version and didn't find any mention of it being reverted, so I guess it was either removed and forgotten or it was never implemented and the word "allowed us" was just meant as "made it theoretically possible". -- Supply (talk) 09:25, 19 July 2019 (UTC)