The collision mask is specified by list of Types/string, every input is specification of one layer the object collides with.
Layers are:
- ground-tile
- water-tile
- resource-layer
- doodad-layer
- floor-layer
- item-layer
- ghost-layer
- object-layer
- player-layer
- train-layer
- layer-11
- layer-12
- layer-13
- layer-14
- layer-15
Layer-11 through layer-15 are currently unused by the core game. Additional input is "not-colliding-with-itself", "consider-tile-transitions" or "colliding-with-tiles-only". These three things are not collision masks, instead they control other aspects of collision, but they are still specified here.
The default collision masks of all entity types can be found here.
Example (Most common collision mask of buildings):
collision_mask = { "item-layer", "object-layer", "player-layer", "water-tile"}