Transport belt/fr

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Les tapis roulant sont un élément capital dans Factorio; ils sont utilisé pour transporter les objets dans votre installation. Vous déposez des objets a un endroit, et vous les reprenez plus loin. Dans la démonstration ci-dessous, les tapis roulant sont utilisé afin de transporter les minéraux de fer des foreuses jusqu'aux bras robotisés, qui prennent les minéraux et les déposent dans le four.



La plupart du temps, les bras robotisés doivent être présent pour mettre ou retirer des objets du tapis roulant. Cependant certaines machines, telles que les foreuses, déposent directement les objets qu'elles produisent (ou plûtot, extractent) directement sur les tapis roulants, comme vous pouvez le voir dans l'image ci-dessus.

Using two sides

Items can fit in onto the transport belt in two separate lines. This is particularly useful when feeding two different items for further processing to avoid overcrowding. Let's have a look at the example. In here we have both coal and iron ore on the same transport belt in two separate lines. The advantage of this setup is that it cannot happen to us that we will have too much of one resource and thus no space on the belt for the other. The inserter can take items from both lines and insert them into the furnace behind it.



It is guaranteed, that that turns keep the alignment of items.



When belts are crossing, item stay on the side of the belt it came from.



It is assured that inserters always put the items on the more distant part of the transport belt.



Basic transport belt

Basic transport is belt available from the start, it moves items approximately 1.8 tiles per second.


Fast transport belt

Avaiable when the logistics-2 technology is researched, it moves items twice the fast as basic transport belt.


Express transport belt

Avaiable when the logistics-3 technology is researched, it moves items three times faster than as basic transport belt.


Underground belt

Underground belt can be used to cross different flows of items without interfering. Its maximum reach distance is 5 tiles.
