The permissions system provides control over what players are allowed to do while in a specific game. This system is most useful in multiplayer, but may also be used in singleplayer. The permissions menu can be opened using the /permissions command.
Permission | Description |
Activate copy | Get a copy tool by pressing Ctrl + C or the copy button on the shortcut bar. |
Activate cut | Get a cut tool by pressing Ctrl + X or the cut button on the shortcut bar. |
Activate paste | Get a paste tool by pressing Ctrl + V or the paste button on the shortcut bar. |
Add permission group | Create a new permission group in the permissions settings. |
Add train station | Add a train station to a train schedule. |
Admin action | ? (Presumably execute /c commands or player management?) |
Alt reverse select area | ? |
Alt select area | ? |
Alt select blueprint entities | Select blueprint while holding shift to skip the blueprint edit window. |
Alternative copy | Copy while holding Shift to open a blueprint edit window. |
Begin mining | Mine an entity |
Begin mining terrain | Mine any tile (removing paving) |
Build | Place an entity. |
Build rail | Use the rail planner |
Build terrain | Place any tile. |
Cancel craft | Cancel items in the handcrafting queue |
Cancel deconstruct | Cancel deconstruction plans by selecting entities/tiles marked for deconstruction with a deconstruction planner while holding Shift. |
Cancel new blueprint | Exit out of the blueprint editing menu by pressing escape (X button still works). |
Cancel research | Cancel ongoing research (Does not correctly show in research gui in singleplayer, research will appear cancelled but resumes as soon as window is closed) |
Cancel upgrade | Cancel an entity upgrade created with the upgrade planner. |
Change active character tab | ? (Switching between the crafting and logistics tabs when flat gui is enabled still works as normal) |
Change active item group for crafting | ? |
Change active item group for filters | ? |
Change active quick bar | ? (Editing quickbars, cycling through them and switching them still works as normal) |
Change arithmetic combinator parameters | Make changes to any of the settings of arithmetic combinators. |
Change decider combinator parameters | Make changes to any of the settings of decider combinators. |
Change entity label | ? |
Change item description | ? |
Change item label | ? |
Change multiplayer config | ? |
Change picking state | Pick up items from the floor by holding F. |
Change programmable speaker alert parameters | Change any of the programmable speaker's alert settings. |
Change programmable speaker circuit parameters | Change the programmable speaker's "signal value is pitch" setting. |
Change programmable speaker parameters | Change the programmable speaker's "Volume", "Global playback" and "Allow polyphony" settings. |
Change riding state | Control any vehicle (getting in and out is still possible). |
Change shooting state | Shoot at anything. |
Change train stop station | Change the name of a train stop. |
Change train wait condition | Add or remove wait conditions in a train schedule. |
Change train wait condition data | Edit the contents of wait conditions in a train schedule. |
Clear cursor | Clear the cursor by pressing Q. |
Connect rolling stock | Connect multiple trains together using the "connect rolling stock" keybind. |
Copy | Copy entities using the copy tool. |
Copy entity settings | Copy the settings of an entity with Shift + RMB. |
Copy opened blueprint | Make a copy of an opened blueprint using the "create copy of this" button. |
Copy opened item | Make a copy of an opened item that is not a blueprint (i.e. planners) using the "create copy of this" button. |
Craft | Handcraft items. |
Cursor split | Pick up half a stack of items from an inventory by right clicking it. |
Cursor transfer | Pick up a stack of items from an inventory by clicking it. |
Custom input | Use custom inputs defined by mods. |
Cycle blueprint book backwards | Cycle through the blueprints in a blueprint book in reverse order with Shift + Scroll. |
Cycle blueprint book | Cycle through the blueprints in a blueprint book by scrolling. |
Deconstruct | Mark items for deconstruction using a deconstruction planner. |
Delete blueprint library | Delete a blueprint that is placed in the player's personal blueprint library. (Taking the blueprint out and then deleting it still works.) |
Delete blueprint record | Delete a blueprint that is placed in the Game blueprints menu. (Taking the blueprint out and then deleting it still works.) |
Delete custom tag | Delete a custom tag that has been placed on the map. |
Delete permission group | Delete a permission group in the permission setting. |
Destroy item | ? |
Destroy opened item | Destroy a blueprint or planner that is opened using the Destroy button. |
Disconnect rolling stock | Disconnect wagons using the "disconnect rolling stock" keybind. |
Drag train schedule | Rearrange stations in a train schedule by dragging them. |
Drag train wait condition | Rearrange wait conditions in a train schedule by dragging them. |
Drop blueprint record | ? |
Drop item | Drop an item onto the floor by pressing Z. |
Edit blueprint tool preview | Edit the name, icon or description fields of a blueprint. |
Edit custom tag | Edit a custom tag that has been placed on the map. |
Edit permission group | Edit the settings for an existing permission group in the permissions settings. |
Export blueprint | Export a blueprint to a blueprint string. |
Fast entity split | Fast transfer half a stack of items to an entity by holding a stack and pressing Ctrl + RMB. |
Fast entity transfer | Fast transfer a stack of items to an entity by holding a stack and pressing Ctrl + LMB. |
Flush opened entity fluid | Flush fluids from a specific entity. |
Flush opened entity specific fluid | Flush fluids from a connected fluid network. |
Go to train station | Send a train to a specific station in its schedule. (Temporary stops still work) |
Grab blueprint record | Take blueprints out of the blueprint library. (Copying still works) |
Gui checked state changed | ? |
Gui click | ? |
Gui confirmed | ? |
Gui elem changed | ? |
Gui hover | ? |
Gui leave | ? |
Gui location changed | ? |
Gui selected tab changed | ? |
Gui selection state changed | ? |
Gui switch state changed | ? |
Gui text changed | ? |
Gui value changed | ? |
Import blueprint | ? (May only work in multiplayer?) |
Import blueprint string | Import blueprints using the import blueprint string menu. |
Import blueprints filtered | ? |
Import permissions string | Import a permissions string in the permissions settings. |
Inventory split | Quick transfer half of all items or all items of a specific kind to another inventory with Ctrl + RMB |
Inventory transfer | Quick transfer all items or all items of a specific kind from one inventory to another with Ctrl + LMB |
Launch rocket | Launch a rocket from the rocket silo |
Lua shortcut | ? |
Map editor action | Use any of the features of the map editor (opening it is still possible). |
Market offer | Interact with the market entity. |
Mod settings changed | Change any mod settings. |
Open achievements gui | Open the Achievements menu. |
Open blueprint library gui | Open the blueprint library. |
Open blueprint record | Open the blueprint edit menu for any blueprint in the blueprint library. |
Open bonus gui | Open the bonuses menu. |
Open character gui | Open the character inventory/crafting menu |
Open current vehicle gui | Open the gui of the currently driven vehicle with the button at the bottom-left of the screen. |
Open equipment | Open the menus of individual personal equipment items. (No openable equipment exists in vanilla) |
Open gui | Open any entity menus. |
Open item | Open the editing menus of blueprints and planners. |
Open logistic gui | Open the logistic networks menu. |
Open mod item | ? |
Open parent of opened item | Directly open the parent inventory of items such as blueprint books. |
Open production gui | Open the production statistics menu. |
Open technology gui | Open the tech tree menu. |
Open tips and tricks gui | Open the tips and tricks menu. |
Open train gui | Open the trains overview menu. |
Paste entity settings | Paste the settings of an entity with Shift + LMB. |
Place equipment | Place personal equipment into equipment grids. |
Quick bar pick slot | Select items placed on the quick bar. |
Quick bar set selected page | ? |
Quick bar set slot | Reassign a quickbar slot to hold a new item. (Assigning items to empty slots is still possible) |
Reassign blueprint | Select new contents for a blueprint. |
Remove cables | Remove cables from power boles using Shift + LMB. |
Remove train station | Remove stations from train schedules. |
Reset assembling machine | Remove the recipe from an assembling machine. |
Reset item | Reset items such as spidertron remotes. |
Reverse select area | ? |
Rotate entity | Rotate already placed entities. |
Select area | ? |
Select blueprint entities | Select entities to include in a blueprint. |
Select entity slot | Set entity filters in deconstruction planners. |
Select item | ? |
Select mapper slot | ? |
Select next valid gun | Switch between weapons by pressing Tab. |
Select tile slot | Set tile filters in deconstruction planners. |
Send spidertron | Use the remote control to send a spidertron somewhere. |
Set auto launch rocket | Set a rocket silo to automatically launch rockets. |
Set autosort inventory | Change the "always keep the player's main inventory sorted" setting. (Setting will still change, but the change has no effect.) |
Set behaviour mode | ? |
Set car weapons control | Change who has control of the weapons in a car when there are multiple people on board. |
Set circuit condition | Change the enabled condition settings on any circuit connected entities. |
Set circuit mode of operation | Change the mode of operation settings on any circuit controlled entities. |
Set controller logistic trash filter item | Change the maximum count for a personal logistic request. |
Set deconstruction item trees and rocks only | Change the deconstruction planner's "trees/rocks only" checkbox. |
Set entity color | Change the color of any entity that supports this. |
Set entity energy property | Change the settings on an electric energy interface (editor only item). |
Set entity logistic trash filter item | Change the maximum count for an entity's logistic request. |
Set filter | Filter inventory slots to a specific item. |
Set flat controller gui | ? (does not affect changing to/from flat character gui) |
Set heat interface mode | Set the mode of a heat interface (editor only item). |
Set heat interface temperature | Set the temperature on a heat interface (editor only item). |
Set infinity container filter item | Change the filters on infinity chests (editor only item) |
Set infinity container remove unfiltered items | Change the remove unfiltered items setting on infinity chests (editor only item). |
Set infinity pipe filter | Set the fluid type on an infinity pipe (editor only item). |
Set inserter max stack size | Change the stack size limit on inserters. |
Set inventory bar | ? |
Set linked container link ID | Change which network linked chests are connected to (editor only item). |
Set logistic filter item | Change any personal logistics request filters. |
Set logistic filter signal | Change output signals on constant combinators. |
Set player color | Change the color of the player's character. |
Set recipe notifications | Change whether new recipes are marked as new in the crafting menu. |
Set request from buffers | Change the "request from buffer chests" setting on requester chests. |
Set research finished stops game | ? |
Set signal | ? |
Set splitter priority | Change the priority settings on splitters. |
Set train stopped | Toggle trains between manual and automatic modes. |
Set trains limit | Change the train limit setting on train stops. |
Set vehicle automatic targeting parameters | Change the automatic targeting settings on autonomous vehicles such as the spidertron. |
Setup assembling machine | Set the recipe on assembling machines that do not have a recipe set. |
Setup blueprint | Create a blueprint from the blueprint edit menu. |
Setup single blueprint record | ? |
Smart pipette | Smart pipette functions such as selecting a miner when using the pipette on ore. |
Spawn item | ? |
Stack split | Transfer half a stack of items to another inventory with Shift + RMB. |
Stack transfer | Transfer a stack of items to another inventory with Shift + LMB. |
Start repair | Repair entities using a repair pack. |
Start research | Start new research in the tech tree menu. |
Start walking | Walk around. |
Stop building by moving | ? |
Switch connect to logistic network | Connect or disconnect machines from the logistic network. |
Switch constant combinator state | Toggle constant combinators on or off. |
Switch inserter filter mode state | Switch between blacklist and whitelist on filter inserters. |
Switch power switch state | Toggle power switches on or off. |
Switch to rename stop gui | Open the rename train stop menu by clicking the pencil icon next to the stop name. |
Take equipment | Remove equipment from an equipment grid. |
Toggle deconstruction item entity filter mode | Toggle the "entities only" switch on deconstruction planners. |
Toggle deconstruction item tile filter mode | Toggle the "tiles only" switch on deconstruction planners. |
Toggle driving | Enter or exit vehicles. |
Toggle enable vehicle logistic requests | Toggle logistic requests of vehicles on or off. |
Toggle entity logistic requests | Toggle personal logistics and auto-trash on or off for entities. |
Toggle equipment movement bonus | Toggle exoskeletons on or off. |
Toggle map editor | Open or close the map editor. |
Toggle personal logistic requests. Toggle personal logistic requests on or off. | |
Toggle personal roboport | Toggle personal roboports on or off. |
Toggle show entity info | ? |
Translate string | ? |
Undo | Undo the previous action with Ctrl + Z. |
Upgrade | Apply an upgrade using the upgrade planner. |
Upgrade opened blueprint by item | Apply a pre-existing upgrade planner to an open blueprint. |
Upgrade opened blueprint by record | Apply a default upgrade planner to an open blueprint. |
Use artillery remote | Use the artillery remote to target artillery. |
Use item | Use consumable items such as capsules. |
Wire dragging | Manually place circuit network wires. |
Write to console | Allow use of chat/console. |