
From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 02:29, 15 October 2022 by Honktown (talk | contribs) (Optional properties: clarified behavior of enable_inventory_bar)
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Template:Prototype parent A generic container, such as a chest. Can not be rotated.

Template:Prototype TOC


Mandatory properties

This prototype inherits all the properties from Prototype/EntityWithOwner.

Template:Prototype property The number of slots in this container.

Template:Prototype property The picture displayed for this entity.

Optional properties

Template:Prototype property One of "with_bar" and "with_filters_and_bar". Whether the inventory of this container can be filtered (like cargo wagons) or not.

Template:Prototype property If the inventory limiter (red X) is visible. This does not change the inventory itself (LuaInventory.supports_bar() will not change and the bar can still be modified by script).

Template:Prototype property If the icons of items shown in alt-mode should be scaled to the containers size.

Template:Prototype property Defines how wires visually connect to this container.

Template:Prototype property The maximum circuit wire distance for this container.

Template:Prototype property

Template:Prototype property

Template:Prototype property The pictures displayed for circuit connections to this container.