Factorio HTTP API usage guidelines
Third party clients are welcome to use our HTTP APIs if they provide a benefit to players and creators in the Factorio community. We ask developers to:
- ensure user privacy, e.g. by properly securing account secrets like passwords, tokens or API keys.
- respect server resources, e.g. by using exponential backoff in case of errors.
- communicate that their tool/library is in no way sanctioned by or associated with Wube Software.
We reserve the right to ban or rate limit abusive clients, IP addresses or accounts. Unless stated otherwise, our APIs should be considered internal.
- These APIs are only supported for use with the official Factorio game clients or websites.
- Up-to-date documentation is not guaranteed.
- We strive to support very old Factorio releases, so these APIs won't change much most of the time.
- These APIs are intended to support developers building integrations with the official Factorio game clients or websites.
- Documentation will be kept up-to-date.
- Breaking changes to these APIs are communicated in a reasonable timeframe.
- Short-lived, unstable APIs
- For testing new features with the community
Stay tuned...
- Experimental Mod Upload API [1]