Template:Prototype parent The spidertron.
Mandatory properties
This prototype inherits all the properties from Prototype/Vehicle.
Template:Prototype property Must be a burner energy source when using "burner", otherwise it can also be a void energy source.
Template:Prototype property The height of the spider affects the shooting height and the drawing of the graphics and lights.
Template:Prototype property
This is applied whenever the spider shoots (manual and automatic targeting), automatic_weapon_cycling
is true and the next gun in line (which is then selected) has ammo.
When all of the above is the case, the chain_shooting_cooldown_modifier is a multiplier on the remaining shooting cooldown: cooldown = (remaining_cooldown × chain_shooting_cooldown_modifier)
. chain_shooting_cooldown_modifier is intended to be in the range of 0 to 1. This means that setting chain_shooting_cooldown_modifier to 0 reduces the remaining shooting cooldown to 0 while a chain_shooting_cooldown_modifier of 1 does not affect the remaining shooting cooldown at all.
Optional properties
Template:Prototype property The orientation of the torso of the spider affects the shooting direction and the drawing of the graphics and lights.
Template:Prototype property Cannot be negative.
Template:Prototype property The guns this spider vehicle uses.