Tutorial:Script interfaces

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Script interfaces allow direct communication between simultaneously running scripts. This is done in form of defining a public interface with given functions. All the code regarding the interfaces communication is in the remote namespace. More info can be found in the offical api documentation, in this case LuaRemote.

Defining interfaces

The interface is defined as follows:

-- assuming interface_name and table_of_functions are defined elsewhere
remote.add_interface(interface_name, table_of_functions)

-- It is possible to define the name and table inside the call
remote.add_interface("my_interface", {
    my_getter = function()
        -- you can return 1 or more variables from the script
        return "foo"
    -- the values can be only primitive type or (nested) tables
    my_setter = function(foo, bar)
        global.foo = foo
        global.bar = bar

The interface functions cannot take function pointers or function closures. Primitive types, LuaObjects and tables work just fine.

Calling interface functions

The interface can be used for calling functions from a different script.

Example (in the different script than the one above):

-- calls the my_interface.my_getter from the script above and prints the returning value
print(remote.call("my_interface", "my_getter"))
-- remote call takes the name of the interface, name of the function and then variable amount of parameters
remote.call("my_interface", "my_setter", 5, {bar=baz})

Discovering interfaces

The script can check for expected interfaces and its functions via the remote.interfaces table. This is a table indexed by interface names where the values are set of functions for particular interfaces.


-- check whether there is the "my_interface" interface and whether it contains the "my_getter" function
if remote.interfaces.my_interface and remote.interfaces.my_interface.my_getter then
    -- the remote call for the function is safe to use

Custom input

Keybindings can also be created. First the keybinding has to be defined in the data stage:

local button={
    type = "custom-input",
    name = "my-custom-input",
    key_sequence = "SHIFT + G",
    consuming = "none"

Available options for "consuming" are:

  • none: default if not defined
  • game-only: Blocks game inputs using the same key sequence but lets other custom inputs using the same key sequence fire.
  • script-only and all were removed in version 0.15

Locale definition:

my-custom-input=Potato controls

And then it can be used runtime by subscribing to the event of the name of the custom input:

script.on_event("my-custom-input", function(event)
    game.print("Ran on tick: " .. tostring(event.tick))