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Revision as of 15:42, 21 October 2024 by Mefisto1029 (talk | contribs) ("space-age" parameter for icon template)
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  • The link and caption parameters are optional. If both are not present the link will go to the page with the name of the first parameter with language suffix if the icon is on a non-english page (e.g. icon/de on a German page). The text next the icon is translated to the language of the page it is on.
  • If the second parameter is present, the links will go to exactly that page, no language suffixes are added. The text next to the icon is then translated from that second parameter.
  • If the third parameter is present the text next to the icon is exactly that text.
  • Space age parameter: Either the string yes, no or nothing. Determines whether to display a symbol in the top right of the icon that shows whether the linked item/recipe/technology is exclusive to space age ( yes) or only available if space age is deactivated (no). Most items are available with and without space age, in that case this parameter should be left out. (Optional, default: unset)


{{imagelink|Rocket}} {{Imagelink|Rocket|Transport belt/de}} {{imagelink|splitter|Belt transport system#Splitters|Basic splitter}} {{imagelink|Big mining drill|space-age=yes}}


Transport belt
Basic splitter
Big mining drill
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